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Since we came to Stollar, I returned to Raum once a month and once a week to my home in the north. Naturally, I couldn’t do it myself until now so I had Maxwell take me there. But now that I have learned Teleport, I could go to the north every day if I felt like it. I would naturally make use of it.

“So I came to see you today too, Fina!”
“Sish, wewcome!”

In the evening, once I finished the city tasks, I washed off my sweat and quickly headed to my home in the north. It was harsh on magic power to teleport someone else with me, so I went alone.

Fina raised both her hands up in a hurray pose and welcomed me. She rushed to me with a dazzling smile like the sun. Having become three years old she was able to move about quite actively now.

As expected, her speech and actions were suitable for her age compared to me who had previous life memories. It made me realize just how different I was in that sense. Fina had gold hair similar to Lyell and red eyes and features of Maria. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call her the incarnation of the sun.

“Welcome, Nicole. Mom is happy that you’re showing your face more often lately.”
“Yeah, you look healthy too, mother.”

I couldn’t call her mommy or something now that I was 15 years old, so I was just calling her mother normally. I didn’t have anyone like that in my previous life, so I felt uneasy every time I called her that, but it wasn’t unpleasant either.

As I lifted Fina, she clung to my chest with all her strength. She really liked touching soft things, it seems.

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“You will at least eat dinner with us before you go tonight too, right?”
“Yeah. Gadius’ cooking is delicious, but I might gain weight if I get carried away.”
“Hehe, it’s a dwarven cuisine so Adventurers like it quite a bit.”

The cooking Gadius served was mostly dwarven cuisine. He carefully prepared the food beforehand and cooked them with fire and oil in one go.

It had a rich taste and was quite big in volume, so it was a perfect dish for the Adventurers who moved a lot, but as someone with a young girl’s body, I was really worried that all that fat would show itself around my waist.

In that regard, Maria’s cooking had balance in mind like Finia’s.

“Where’s father?”
“He’s off to the northern forest to hunt. It seems an Owl Bear had settled there.”
“Owl Bear huh. Its meat has an exquisite taste and is quite delicious.”
“Normal girl would get scared first… You really have grown up to be a wild one.”
“I am an Adventurer, after all.”

Owl Bears, as their name suggested, were giant bears with owl-like wings. Since they could fly, they were extremely threatening, but Lyell could defeat one quite easily even alone.

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Its characteristic taste of meat that was somewhere between animals and birds was considered even tastier than cows and pigs by many people.

“Can I get it as a gift?”
“If he manages to hunt it, I think you can bring some back.”
“Oh you’re looking forward to it too I see, Fina.”

I followed after Maria who had been preparing dinner. The moment I entered the kitchen, I was attacked from overhead.



The Carbuncle, Kabby charged at me from above the cupboard.

It used to be puppy-sized before, but now it was closer to a medium-sized dog. If something of that weight came jumping on my head, there was no way I could support it.

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As I result, I ended up falling on the floor while holding Fina.

“Kabby, it’s dangerous!”
“Gaffy, no!”

Being scolded by both me and Fina, Kabby hung its head unusually dejectedly. With a “no!” Fina went and hugged it with her entire body.

Being like a medium-sized dog, and a plump one at that, Kabby had turned into her favorite hug pillow. I sat on the chair in the kitchen and put Fina on my knees. Fina had Kabby held in her arms on top, so it was quite a confused state.

Maria giggled at our state and went back to cooking. She washed her hands and started smoothly chopping the vegetables. Her figure from behind was the personification of a mother, making my heart so relaxed I ended up charmed.

“Shish, wiw you baff wih me?”
“Hmm? Oh, bath… I’m not sure, I already bathed.”
“It would help me if you can get Fina to the bath.”
“Really? I suppose I’ll get in too then.”
“The water is already heated, so you can enter first.”

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“You’ve prepared well.”
“Lyell would need to get in once he’s back right? So I got it ready.”
“Then I’ll go and do that. Kabby you come too. I’ll wash you.”

I took Fina and Kabby and headed to the bathroom. The bath in this mansion was quite big. There were even beds for massages there, so you could relax quite a bit.

As I pacified Fina who was going wild in excitement, I finished washing Kabby and stretched my body inside the bathtub. Fina also sat on a small chair in the bath and submerged into the water up to her shoulders. She was still a child so she’d drown if she didn’t do that.


“Fina, let Kabby go in the bath at least, will you?”
“Oh fine.”

Kabby had already turned into her toy. Its body had grown bigger and fluffier compared to before, so I doubt it was stressed over this.

Once we warmed up sufficiently, we got out of the bath, but the mansion had turned noisy by then. It seemed that Lyell had returned from his hunt. In a bloody state…

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