Hiruzen's voice was loud and firm. After hearing Danzo's words, he instantly understood the current situation and no longer hesitated.

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If he wanted to think of a solution himself, he would need some time. There was no way to immediately give a solution.

But if the solution were presented in front of him in two choices, as long as he weighed the pros and cons and made a choice, everything would become much clearer to him.

At this time.

There were both internal and external problems.

He had to appease the emotions of the large clans in Konohagakure, and he couldn't use the thunder-like method to suppress them.

Only by stabilizing the large clans of the village could his position as the Hokage be stabilized.


Hiruzen was also very clear in his heart.

The Third Ninja World War was already unavoidable. He just wanted to delay as much as possible and try not to let the flames of war burn too long on Konohagakure.

Now the situation had come to this.

There was no other way!

"Everyone, don't worry!"

"I will definitely not let Kumogakure's Ninjas leave after killing our villagers!"

"Now, I will personally lead the Anbus to capture Hari!"

"Konoha Military Police Force will immediately search the village and capture all the Kumogakure Ninjas hidden in the village!"

"I will definitely let Kumogakure give everyone a satisfactory explanation!"

The more Hiruzen spoke, the more excited he became. It was as if he had returned to his youth. Ever since he became the Hokage, he had never been so hot-blooded.

The more things one carried, the heavier the burden, and the more he could not let go.

This was how he felt.

No matter what decision he made, he could not be too hasty.

He needed to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons before finally giving an appropriate answer. Then he would consider the overall situation as the most important.





After Hiruzen's voice fell, the crowd gathered around him roared fiercely. They were all using their voices to support Hiruzen's decision.

The sounds were transmitted to every corner of Konohagakure, and even Aoba could hear them in his room.

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At this moment.

The corners of Aoba's mouth curled up slightly.

He was very pleased with the people.

"Looks like..."

"This is destined to be an extraordinary night!"

"Congratulations to Konohagakure for regaining this courage!"

Aoba muttered to himself. After being woken up by the noise, he prepared to fall asleep again.

As half of the masterminds behind this incident.

Aoba was not greedy at all.

He looked as if it had nothing to do with him.

After everything was settled, he would hide his skills and fame.


Konohagakure, the residence of Kumogakure's envoy.

At this time, all of Kumogakure's envoy group had already gathered together. No one was in the mood to sleep.


Outside the half-opened window, there were deafening roars. Those voices were full of fighting spirit. From this emotion, these people would directly go to the battlefield and not make any more mobilization.

"Damn it!"

After hearing the voices outside, Hari immediately understood how difficult their current situation was.

Now, this was Konohagakure.

The people outside were all Konohagakure's people.

Even if he had three heads and six arms, it was impossible for him to break out.


At this time, a Kumogakure Ninja quickly ran in. His voice was very hurried, and his footsteps could be said to be stumbling.

"Is there any news about Gasshi?" Hari hurriedly asked.


This Kumogakure Ninja shook his head. Then, he took two deep breaths to ease his breathing a little. Then, he continued to speak under the gaze of almost everyone.

"I've already found out what happened outside!"

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"I don't know what happened to our intruder's group. They failed to infiltrate the Hyuga clan and were seen by many Hyuga clan members."

"They didn't manage to snatch away a Hyuga clan member. Instead, they left behind explosive tags and blew up the Hyuga clan's dojo."

"Now, even the Third Hokage is unable to quell the anger of the Hyuga clan..."

This Kumogakure Ninja reported to Hari. He was sent out to inquire about news. The most important thing was to find out about Gasshi. The next thing was what exactly happened outside.


Hari immediately roared. The muscles on his face twisted, and his eyes turned blood red.

"What kind of mission accomplishment is this!"

"It's fine if you fail the mission and don't want to die in Hyuga's clan!"

"They even blew up Hyuga's dojo!"

"Why the hell do they even blow it up!"


At the end of his sentence, Hari sneered. He didn't even know what words he should use to ridicule this kind of strange thing.

He had never seen a ninja who did this kind of task!

What the hell!

It was fine if the task was not completed, but it left such a big mess!

"Right now, the ones causing trouble outside are all Hyuga's clan, right?"

After calming himself down, Hari pursed his lips. His tightly knitted brows revealed his chaotic heart. Right now, he didn't know how to smooth this matter over.

"Reporting to Hari-sama, the ones causing trouble outside are not only the Hyuga clan but also the Uchiha clan!" The Kumogakure Ninja, who had been scouting for information earlier, replied. He hadn't even finished speaking when he was directly interrupted.

"What does it have to do with the Uchiha clan?"

Hari frowned even more. He was the leader of Kumogakure Anbu, and he was very clear about what the name Uchiha clan meant.

It was one of the oldest clans in the Ninja World!

The vast majority of Uchiha clansmen could awaken their bloodline limit - Sharingan.

Their strength was not to be underestimated.

The last time Hari sneaked into Konohagakure and wanted to capture Kushina, the Kyubi Jinchuriki. Uchiha's people discovered him.

If not for Doroi's sacrifice, he would have been locked up in Konoha's prison.

Now, he might have been locked in Konoha's prison.

He would never forget the feeling of being stared at by that pairs of blood-red eyes that night. When he returned to Kumogakure, he even felt like he had crawled out of hell.

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"It's like this..."

That Kumogakure Ninja took a deep breath. He did not speak clearly in the first place because even he did not know what to say.

However, he could not hide these things.

Even he, who was just a scout, knew that Gasshi had done something wrong.

All of a sudden.

All of the Kumogakure envoy group members in the room focused their attention on the Kumogakure ninja, waiting for the explanation.

This kind of gaze.

Not only did it not bring any sense of glory to this Kumogakure ninja, but it also caused the pressure in his heart to become even greater.

He braced himself and looked up at Hari.

"After the intruder group blew up the Hyuga dojo, they began to retreat in the direction of the eastern forest where the barrier team was stationed."

"But they did not run away quietly. They blew up three or four of Konohagakure's streets while running away."

"There was a huge commotion along the way!"

When this Kumogakure ninja said these words, Hari's face was already full of black lines.

Hari had already pictured the sensational scene in his mind.

He could not help but clench his fists.

He wished that he could travel back to that time and place and kill those bad guys with his own hands.

This was too outrageous!

They had really treated themselves as invaders and came to Konohagakure to cause trouble.

Now, he had no words to disguise those people as the victims.

The Kumogakure Ninja in charge of scouting for information stared at Hari's expression as he spoke for fear that the latter would be too angry and cause him to suffer.

He saw that Hari's face was only getting darker and darker, and there were no other changes in his expression, so he continued to narrate.

"The commotion at the village attracted Konoha Military Police Force's attention, and Konoha Military Police Force's Uchiha clan immediately chased after them..."

"I don't know if it's because they followed too closely."

"Gasshi-sama suddenly went to pick up the intruder group."


"Gasshi-sama directly killed a jonin of Uchiha clan who was chasing at the very front."


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Before this ninja could say the last sentence, he was scared back by Hari's roar.


Hari almost fainted from anger. He had never seen such a pig-like teammate.

"How many times have I emphasized it!"

"If you're caught, then go die!"

"If you want to run, then don't kill!"

"But the person you killed was someone from the Uchiha clan!"

"Where do you put my words!"

Hari had already realized that it was impossible to salvage the situation.

An Uchiha clanman had died.

The situation had been reversed.

There were only two choices in front of them...

It was either to start a war with Konohagakure.

Or they would change their roles and no longer ask Konohagakure for any compensation. Instead, they would compensate Konohagakure to maintain temporary peace.

It was just for Kumogakure's envoy group.

The first path was a dead end.

The second path was a path of survival.

"Hari-sama, I haven't finished my words just now. Gasshi not only killed a jonin of Uchiha clan..." This Kumogakure Ninja quickly added, "He also took away that jonin's Sharingan!"


Hari was stunned on the spot.

He couldn't say a word.

He was immediately rendered speechless by the show.

"Hehe... Hehehe... Heh..."

Hari laughed coldly, his laughter filled with deep self-mockery.

"Gasshi, I can finally tell. It's not that you don't know how to execute this mission properly; you are trying to kill me..."

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