Along with this crisp electronic prompt, memories were loaded into Aoba's mind.

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Aoba looked at the young man and revealed a meaningful smile behind the mask.

Something was wrong with this person!

Usually, it should be a chakra or spiritual boost!

But it was low-level ninjutsu!

It seems that there was a traitor among these prisoners!

Aoba instantly realized the problem, then turned around and walked in the direction of the small stool.

He knew it.

But now he's going to pretend he doesn't know it.


Under the gazes of everyone, Aoba sat directly on the small stool, not caring about the gazes of these people.

He sat on a small stool.

He slowly closed his eyes.

He pressed his finger against his temple.

He was checking this person's memories.

Almost in an instant.

Aoba entered this person's memory.

Kirigakure Ninja!

Three years ago, he sneaked into Konohagakure disguised as an ordinary person and became Kirigakure's informant.

A patrolling ninja had never caught him.

This time, Kumogakure's envoys came to Konohagakure and had an accident; he realized that the war was coming and went to the ninja store to steal three boxes of military ration pills used for war.

Originally, he was not discovered.

But he was greedy.

He didn't want to just take three boxes.

Instead, he chose to continue stealing the military ration pills.

Just as he went to get the fourth box, he bumped into the store owner, and there happened to be people from Konoha Military Police Force patrolling outside the store.


Aoba muttered to himself. His voice was not loud, and it could even be said to be very weak. However, three people in this compartment were staring at him. They all heard what Aoba muttered.

All of a sudden.

The three prisoners looked at each other again.

Everyone had a smile on their lips.

In their opinion.

The interrogator ninja in front of them was probably not skilled enough.

He was not qualified to get a higher position.

This was why he was arranged to be here.

He should not know what to do now!

Aoba did not care about the opinions of these people. He knew that this impression was only temporary, and they would not have this kind of expression in a while.

He still got some useful information in the memory of this Kirigakure Ninja.

For example, Kirigakure had already agreed to Kumogakure's invitation, and it was very likely that they would send the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to attack Konoha. Maybe they would arrive soon.

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Apart from that.

Through his memories, Aoba already knew what had happened last night.

The village had attacked Kumogakure's envoy last night!

Blood spilled throughout the night!

A lot of people died!

Among them, the leader of Kumogakure's envoy, Hari, was caught!


These were only approximate, and there are no details.

After all, this Kirigakure's ninja did not know much, so there was no time for him to inquire about it carefully.

At this point.

Aoba felt that he had more or less understood the memory of this Kirigakure ninja.

There was no problem with this case.

The rest was Kirigakure information, which could be slowly read and checked later.


Aoba looked through the memories of the other three prisoners.

None of them had committed any major crimes.

It was just minor thievery.

Being sent to Konoha's prison was only a matter of a dozen days.

Moreover, the prison was also in charge of their food and accommodation.

These three people were all habitual criminals!

They had long been accustomed to this point. To some extent, entering prison would make their lives better.

This led to the three habitual criminals not having any respect for Konohagakure Intelligence Division!

In their hearts.

Konohagakure Intelligence Division was just a program to enter Konoha prison...


Aoba immediately opened his eyes. He already knew the memories of these four people and understood that they did not care much about Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

Now that he had read the memories of these four people.

To Aoba, they were transparent and had no secret to hide at all!

Even those three boxes of military ration pills.

Aoba also knew where they were hidden!

"Very good!"

Aoba said again. His voice became much louder and echoed in the quiet compartment.

When the three habitual criminals heard Aoba's transformation, they were all stunned for a moment, and then they revealed different smiles on their faces.

'This interrogator ninja must be stupid!'

'Why can't he even say any harsh words '

'Is this...'



At this moment.

Aoba stood up again and walked towards the Kirigakure's ninja.

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From what he was showing.

There wasn't much of a difference from before.

Such a move.

It immediately attracted the attention of the three habitual criminals.

"You were sent to Konohagakure Intelligence Division again!"

Aoba said indifferently. His words were directly directed to the three habitual criminals, and the content was the script he made up.


In an instant.

A piercing sound rang out.

This scene caused the three prisoners who were watching to widen their eyes in shock.

'This is...'

'What does it mean?'

The three of them were all stunned.

Aoba's right hand directly turned into a knife hand and stabbed into the chest of this Kirigakure ninja.

The moment he inserted it.

His right hand was pulled out again.


A line of blood directly flowed out from this person's chest. His eyes were wide open, and the indifferent expression on his face had disappeared. What replaced it was the distortion and paleness brought by the intense pain.


This person could not bear the pain in his body and screamed loudly. He clearly felt that the right hand of the interrogator in front of him had entered his body and then pierced through the tendons in his chest, making him feel an extreme pain accompanied by blood flowing out.


This level of injury.

It was only an external injury.

It did not hurt his internal organs.

It was not fatal at all!


It hurts!

At this moment.

The bean-sized beads of sweat scattered on this Kirigakure ninja's forehead.

It slid down his cheeks.

It continuously dripped onto the ground.

It mixed with the blood that sprayed out.

This Kirigakure's ninja only screamed and closed his mouth. He did not make any more sound, obviously trying to endure the pain away.

This scene was reflected in the eyes of the other three prisoners, and they were all stunned.

'What was this situation?'

This was far beyond their imagination...

'Wasn't that torture?'

'You should at least ask first!'

'If you are not satisfied with our answer, it is not too late for you to take action.'

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'The most important thing is...'

'Aren't you going too far?'

In the eyes of the three prisoners, Aoba was no longer interrogating them, but killing them.

This was a madman!

These words came from the hearts of the three prisoners at the same time. At this moment, the way they looked at Aoba changed.

There was no longer the sneer from before.

"You can still hold on!"

Aoba looked at this Kirigakure ninja, who had already stopped making a sound. This person's willpower was still quite strong. He only shouted at the beginning.

At that time, he was caught unprepared.

If this Kirigakure ninja was mentally prepared, he might not even shout.

"I want to see just how tough you are!"

Aoba did not treat this Kirigakure ninja's wound at all. This degree of injury would not kill anyone.

He hadn't played enough yet.

He wouldn't let this Kirigakure ninja die just like that.

What's more...

He couldn't die in Konohagakure Intelligence Division's hands!

Aoba reached into his ninja bag and immediately took out a handful of Kunai. He aimed the sharp tip of Kunai at Kirigakure's ninja and slid it back and forth on the latter's body.

"You should have this kind of awareness the second time you come here!"

Aoba stared at this Kirigakure ninja with deep meaning.

Now, he had rich medical theories and practical experience.

He knew how to make a person suffer great pain but would not die.

Aoba quickly shook the Kunai in his hand and suddenly slashed at this Kirigakure Ninja.


With a burst of blood, a small thing the size of a quail egg instantly left Kirigakure Ninja's body and fell to the ground.


This Kirigakure Ninja instantly opened his eyes wide and roared. His round eyes were filled with bright red blood. This time, the pain was even more painful than the previous one on his chest.


After the three prisoners saw this scene, they all trembled simultaneously. They all knew what the little cutie that fell was, so everyone could not help but feel some egg pain.

"You... What are you doing?"

This Kirigakure ninja clenched his teeth and said. Because the pain under his body was too intense, he used too much strength that even his gums were broken, and blood was constantly oozing out.

"What do you think..."

"The people who came to my place for the second time are all treated like this!"

"Don't worry!"

"You still have one more!"

As Aoba spoke, the kunai in his hand slid out again and instantly cut the other one.

Another little cutie, mixed with blood, fell to the ground.

In an instant, it was covered by the soil on the ground.


This Kirigakure ninja was already in so much pain that he could not even speak. Even his screams became sharper and less hoarse.

Blood kept dripping down!

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Cold sweat was also dripping down!

This Kirigakure ninja was not the only one who was sweating cold sweat here!

Even the three prisoners were terrified.

When they saw Aoba waving the Kunai, they felt a chill. They couldn't help but tighten their legs to feel their good brothers.

"Let me tell you about our rules!"

Aoba slowly opened his mouth. Because of the existence of the cat face mask, he was like an extremely emotionless person. In an instant, everyone here felt intense pressure.

"This place has never been heaven..."

"It's a hell that you can't imagine!"

"If it's the first time they sent my place, I will give them a chance to change their ways..."

"But if they come to my place for the second time..."

"Then they have to accept my punishment!"

"I will help him change his gender for free and become a woman."

"As for you..."

Aoba paused for a moment and looked at the three prisoners next to him.

"The next time you see me... this is the end!"

Aoba's voice echoed in this compartment, which made the three prisoners feel relieved.


It was only the first time they had met!

Because this was their first time, they could still protect their treasure!

At this time.

They couldn't help but rejoice that they had not encountered this silent cutting egg wild demon!

As for the future.

They didn't dare!

They really didn't dare!

When they saw this Kirigakure ninja's miserable state, they all felt extremely painful!

As for this Kirigakure's ninja, he was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, but he was very puzzled.

'You must have remembered wrongly!'

'This is also my first time!'

'Didn't you see...'

'Didn't I bleed just now?'


Just as everyone was bewildered.

The Kunai in Aoba's hand slashed again.

A thick sausage the size of a thumb fell off this Kirigakure's ninja body.

At this point.

Aoba had already helped this Kirigakure's ninja complete his gorgeous transformation.

He had officially stepped into the next chapter of his life.

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