When Fugaku heard this, he suddenly had a feeling of being fooled. He vaguely realized that he seemed to have been tricked. However, he was not very sure. After all, the other party was just a girl who looked about the same age as Aoba.

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Fugaku nodded. He wanted to help Aoba get the ticket to the Chunin Exams.

After all, this was all he could do for Aoba.

As long as the team going to the Chunin Exams was confirmed, the rest would be Aoba's own problem.

No one could guarantee that Aoba would definitely pass the Chunin Exams.

It was like no one could put food into someone else's mouth; they had to eat it themselves. What he could provide Aoba was only an opportunity, an opportunity to participate in the Chunin Exams.


Nara Saki blinked, and her eyes flashed with a mischievous light. After she went to Akimichi Rin's house, she went to think about the problem last night patiently.

She belonged to the one who was not so strong in terms of adaptability, which was not as good as her cousin Shikaku.

But after careful planning or follow-up review...

Then she could still rely on her keen analysis ability to find some clues and finally find some minor problems.

"Yesterday, when we were interrogating that guy named Kidoshiro, you once said that he was an expert in interrogation. Let's not talk about experts; at least I can infer that he is Konohagakure Intelligence Division's person..."

Saki leaned forward slightly and opened her eyes to stare at Fugaku in front of her. She deliberately lowered her voice, not wanting anyone around to hear it. Even Akimichi Rin, who was eating meat on the side, felt that her ears were not very good because she did not hear anything.

This little thing.

She still understood!

Fugaku did not say that person's name, obviously because that person's identity was not suitable to be said.


Since she was just guessing!

It was better to be as low-key as possible.


After hearing Saki's words, Fugaku immediately widened his eyes. He knew that in the conversation that day because he was happy after catching the murderer, he did not pay much attention to the words he spoke.


From a fundamental point of view.

He did not think that Saki could find anything through those details.

But now...

The other party seemed to be really getting closer and closer to the truth.

"In addition, he is wearing Anbu's mask, so I can almost be sure that he is Konohagakure Intelligence Division's person!"

Saki still lowered her voice very low. Her eyes flashed with excitement, and she was very excited. When she spoke, her thoughts quickly diverged, completely under a state of high-speed thinking.


After hearing this, Fugaku was speechless. He no longer had any words to say. Now, he was already amazed by what Saki had said. He even had some thoughts of digging corners.


Through Fugaku's expression, Saki could already tell that everything she had just said was right.

"You already said before that the masked man was a member of the Yamanaka clan. Then, there are only a few people from Konohagakure Intelligence Division. This time, the scope has shrunk a lot. In the end, only a few are left..."

When Saki said this, her tone paused slightly. After that stared at Fugaku's slightly surprised face. She had already seen through Fugaku's expression that her guess was correct.

"Brother Fugaku."

"When you called that person."

"You accidentally said the word 'Ao'."

"I don't know if you still remember..."

Saki narrowed her eyes slightly. It seemed as if victory was already in her grasp. After all, as a member of the Nara clan, it would be too stupid if she couldn't guess the other person's identity after obtaining so much information.


"According to my understanding of the Yamanaka clan..."

"Only two people can have the word 'Ao' in their names!"

"Although both of them are in Konohagakure Intelligence Division, one of the seniors is called Yamanaka Ao, but it is obvious that Brother Fugaku's word 'Ao' still has some world behind."

"If that's the case..."

"Then there's only one person left."

"And that person happened to be the same age as me..."

"I didn't guess wrong, right?"

In the end, Saki didn't say Aoba's name, but from her words, she had already confirmed Aoba's identity.

"I... shouldn't have guessed wrong, right?"

Fugaku nodded helplessly. In his heart, he already felt that Saki had guessed correctly.

After all.

There was one fatal point!

This also reminded him at the same time.

The last time he spoke, he inadvertently said the word "Ao".

Just this word alone could not represent anything.


If it was connected to the Yamanaka clan.

Then there were only two people.

One was Yamanaka Ao.

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The other was Yamanaka Aoba.

This was indeed an identity information exposure.

After Fugaku followed Saki's reasoning and went through this matter, he understood what was happening. After all, he had already memorized the name of the people in Konohagakure. Only two people with "Ao" in their names in the Yamanaka clan, so it had shrunk a lot.

"Hahahaha, I know who he is. In fact, even if you didn't say it, I would have guessed it. I just can't be sure in my heart." Saki smiled with satisfaction. She was praising her own cleverness.

"Saki, it's good that you know about this matter. It's better not to tell others. His position needs to be kept secret, so..."

Fugaku warned Saki in a low voice. Just as he said these words, his voice suddenly stopped, and his gaze fixed on the aisle behind Saki.

At this moment.

Two people were coming over.

And both of their gazes fell on Fugaku.

One of them had an angry look in her eyes. She looked like she had caught a jerk. She did not seem to be in a good mood. She was Nara Yoshino, who had just gone to the Uchiha clan territory to look for Mikoto.

The other person had a gentle look in her eyes. She looked gentle and pleasant, like a lady from a noble family. She looked at Fugaku with confusion and puzzlement. It seemed like she was looking for an answer to why Fugaku was here. This person was Uchiha Mikoto.

The two of them walked over.

Fugaku had noticed Mikoto and automatically ignored the hostile Yoshino.

Fugaku's action immediately attracted Saki's attention, who was sitting opposite him.

Saki directly turned her head and looked over.

She immediately saw Yoshino, who was full of dissatisfaction.

Not good!

This thought suddenly came to Saki's mind. She knew very well what kind of character Yoshino had, which suddenly worried her.


Although she had a little bit of cleverness, it was only a little cleverness. She had no experience in dealing with such a situation.

"Mikoto, why are you here?"

Fugaku suddenly stood up; a happy expression appeared on his face. He was about to ask Mikoto to sit down.

Before he could finish his sentence.

Yoshino, who was next to Mikoto, immediately interrupted Fugaku.

"What? You don't want Mikoto to come? You also know that what you have done is shameful!"

Yoshino said in a bad mood.

She especially hated people who would go out and flirt.

In fact.

She knew in her heart.

Fugaku and Mikoto were not officially together yet.

At the current stage, Fugaku was still chasing after Mikoto, but she still had to call Mikoto over. She wanted Mikoto to see Fugaku's true face clearly.


As soon as this was said.

Whether it was Uchiha Fugaku, Nara Saki, or Akimichi Rin, they all had big question marks on their heads.

Fugaku was the most confused.

He didn't even know what kind of shameful things he had done. It sounded so serious as if there was something wrong with his principles. No matter how he heard it, it felt strange.

Saki was more or less prepared in her heart. She knew Yoshino's words were hard-core and usually didn't give others any face. However, these words were a bit too hard-core, which confused her.

The most dumbfounded one was Akimichi Rin, who was still eating. She was completely stunned and did not know what had happened. Yoshino's extremely harsh words made her feel that the roasted meat in her mouth was not as fragrant as before.

What was going on?

What had happened?

Even the passers-by who were eating at the surrounding tables could not help but look over curiously. There was a puzzled expression in their eyes as if they were watching a show.

"What do you mean?"

Fugaku resisted the urge to get angry. After all, he was Konoha Military Police Force's people. This kind of identity was quite special. Moreover, he was in front of Mikoto, so he had to pay attention to his image. He could not casually say anything inappropriate. This time, he made his voice as gentle as possible and did not say anything excessive.

"Fugaku, you are meeting two girls here, and under the circumstances that Mikoto does not know, you actually have the nerve to ask what the meaning of this is. This is clearly what we should ask you. What do you mean by this?!" Yoshino said coldly as if she was seeking justice for Mikoto.

When Mikoto heard Yoshino's words, she felt that it was a little inappropriate. However, she was embarrassed to say anything. Moreover, she was curious about what Fugaku meant by secretly dating two teenage girls.

Most importantly...

She recognized the two girls.

They graduated from the same Ninja School as her.

This made her really feel a little bit of a threat; after all, she was not someone who was too young and unrealistic.

However, after Yoshino shouts this sentence.

Whether it was the guests sitting at other tables or the waiters in the barbecue shop, their eyes were all focused on Fugaku. Their eyes flashed with ambiguous light, and they silently praised Fugaku in their hearts.


When this group of people gathered together.

Except for this brother, who looked a little older.

The rest were all around fifteen or sixteen years old.

A man versus four young girls.

What level of Shura field was this?

Everyone had a strong interest in the situation here. You couldn't blame them for thinking it wrong. Mainly because of Yoshino's tone and Mikoto's appearance, there was no way not to make people think wrong!

Yoshino's voice was not only transmitted to the ears of these people but also let Aoba and Eaton, who were in the private room, clearly hear it.

"Aoba, did you hear the voice from the outside?" Eaton immediately stopped roasting meat. A curious expression appeared on his face. The heart of gossip hidden under the fierce appearance was already burning fiercely. He could not wait to open the door of the private room. The purpose was to make the sound from the outside clear so that it could be heard more clearly.

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"I heard it." Aoba nodded. He did not show any surprise. Although he heard the name Fugaku, he did not care about how chaotic Fugaku's private life would be. This had nothing to do with him.

"Didn't you hear Fugaku's name? It seems that he is the protagonist here!" Eaton's eyes sparkled at this time. It could be seen that he was still very curious and excited about this matter. He wanted to move out to eat melons.

"I heard it." Aoba nodded silently. Although he was not so curious about Fugaku's matter, he could not help but sigh in his heart. It turned out that Fugaku was like this. He thought that he was an honest person. It seemed that he was also a romantic man!

"Don't you want to go and see?" Eaton asked doubtfully. He found that Aoba was too calm, so calm that he doubted whether or not Aoba and Fugaku were friends.

"I don't want to." Aoba shook his head without hesitation. After that, he said, "If I don't go out and see, he wouldn't know that I am here and won't be so embarrassed in the future. Otherwise, it will be awkward for him if he thinks about this in the future."

"Then I'll go take a look. You can eat here first. I still think it's a pity you don't want to see it. I think this will provide you with materials for your creation. Art ultimately originates from life. Moreover, Fugaku is the "author" of Teacher Bai of the Ninja School. It's not rare for him to create a romantic affair."

As Eaton spoke, he stood up directly. Then, he opened the private room door and walked out. When he arrived at a suitable line of sight, he immediately put on an extremely exaggerated expression.

"Aoba, come over and take a look!"

Eaton quickly waved at Aoba. His tone already showed a hint of order, which made Aoba feel quite helpless.

Wasn't this too much fun?

He couldn't call him out as a big brother.

Then, he took out the feeling of being superior.

Who could resist this!

Aoba's face was full of helplessness, but he did not get up immediately. He was still a little reluctant.

"Quick, quick, quick! What a spectacle! Four people! Fugaku alone against four people!"

Eaton's voice sounded again.

As soon as this sentence came out.

Aoba, who originally had no thoughts at all, had a change in his mentality. The corners of his mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

"Four people?!"

Aoba suddenly stood up. He had to eat this melon. Fugaku had boarded a car. This was a new boat version that he had never known before!

He had to see it!

The law of fragrance immediately ruled Aoba. He quickly walked out of the private room and looked directly in the direction where Eaton's eyes were focused.

In a split second.

Aoba's eyes were focused on Fugaku's table.


He glanced at the three familiar faces, which made him frown slightly. He vaguely felt that things were not so simple. It seemed that it was not what he had imagined.

Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Mikoto.


Nara Saki.

'Why were these three people together?'

Aoba thought quickly. He felt that there was a misunderstanding. Because with his understanding of Fugaku, if he really had any ideas, it was absolutely impossible to be in front of Mikoto.

This was simply a very conflicting thing.

If there was no Mikoto here, he might have believed it, but there was Mikoto here.


Didn't he just meet this Saki last night?

Aoba was very clear.

Fugaku and Saki had never known each other in the past. How could they develop after just one night?

This was obviously impossible!

For a moment.

Aoba immediately realized that this melon was different from what he had imagined. It was a melon that had not yet been cooked, and there might be a big misunderstanding.

Aoba immediately knew that there was no point in it.

'No wonder it is said to eat melons rationally.'

He looked at the mindless people who were all eating so hard that they did not even think about the possibility of this being a misunderstanding. No matter how reckless Fugaku was, he couldn't do it in front of Mikoto!


He felt that since he had already come out.

Then check it out!


Aoba joined the people watching Fugaku, joined the melon-eating team, and enjoyed the show together.


After hearing Yoshino's words, Fugaku was stunned for a full three seconds. He stared at the girl from the Nara clan in front of him and looked at her indignant expression. He even had a feeling that he had done something wrong.


Fugaku raised his hands and made a gesture to stop them from talking.

"What dating?"

"That's a wrong word!"

"I just have something to discuss with Saki and Rin."

"What do you mean by asking that?!"

Fugaku was also a person with a temper. He also did not like to be misunderstood. Now he could see that it was a huge basin of shit that was placed on his head and directly slapped him to death here. How could he admit such a thing?

Fugaku's tone was righteous. His voice was loud and had a kind of awe-inspiring righteousness. It clearly entered everyone's ears in the barbecue shop.

As soon as this sentence was said.

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Everyone seemed to understand what was going on.

Looks like...

This was a misunderstanding!

No one was a fool. Fugaku was very confident in his words. He was not doing anything wrong, so he was not afraid of anything.

In the face of this situation, everyone had already realized that there might be some misunderstanding. They immediately lost interest in continuing to eat melons. They were not willing to continue wasting time here. After all, it seemed like there was nothing here. There was no meaning at all.

Of course.

Eaton and Aoba were still standing outside the private room.

It was not that Aoba wanted to continue eating this melon but that Eaton was obviously still very interested. This made him have to stay here with Eaton, so he could not leave in advance.

After hearing Fugaku's confident words, Mikoto's expression immediately became even more delicate. She had already realized in her heart that she had misunderstood Fugaku. Although she did not say a word after coming here, the fact that she could come proved that she did not have that much trust in Fugaku. Moreover, when Yoshino asked him a question just now, it was already a silent admission.

"You are discussing things. What can you discuss? Are you familiar with each other?" Yoshino seemed to realize that she had said something wrong. However, she was stubborn and did not want to apologize. She also did not want to change her mind. Instead, she continued to question Fugaku with an aggressive look.

"We are discussing the Chunin Exams matter!"

Saki immediately said. She did not want to see Fugaku being misunderstood, and she was also a member of the Nara clan.

Anyway, she was taken care of by Fugaku.

This barbecue and Fugaku were seriously recommending teammates to them.

Although she knew that Fugaku had selfish motives, at most, they would cooperate together and win; it was not just a one-sided advantage.


Fugaku still respected them very much.

She also did not want Fugaku to be misunderstood.

"Chunin Exams?"

Yoshino frowned and looked at Saki. The corners of her mouth curled into a mocking smile. She said, "Do you mean that Fugaku wants to participate in Chunin Exams with you? Don't you think such a reason is lame?"

"It wasn't Brother Fugaku who would participate, but he found a teammate for us!" Saki said coldly. Right now, she has a very bad impression of Yoshino. Even her tone of voice was like she was fighting against Yoshino.

"Brother Fugaku?" When Yoshino heard this title, her smile became even more meaningful. She said, "I didn't expect you to be so polite!"

"It's you who are too rude!" Saki refused to yield.

"Well, I am rude. Then tell me, what kind of teammates did your Brother Fugaku recommend to you? I know about this thing. Shikaku has thought of many ways for you, but no one wants to be your teammate!" Yoshino said sarcastically. In fact, she was a little jealous of Saki because this girl was very cute. She was very popular in the three clans, Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka. And, Shikaku even spent a lot of time looking for teammates for them. However, Shikaku was looking for teammates in the opposite direction. He didn't want the two of them to participate in Chunin Exams, so he wanted to find the person who would lose deliberately. That was why they couldn't find someone.

"I can't tell you." Saki shook her head. She knew what she could say and what she couldn't say. She was here to explain for Fugaku but not cause him trouble. So when she was asked about the key topic, she suddenly stopped talking.

"Oh, can't tell me, or didn't you have it at all?!" Yoshino said in a strange tone. She was determined not to admit that she had made a mistake. She wanted this matter not to end so easily so that she could end it better.


Fugaku suddenly shouted. His tone was majestic. He had already recognized this person for a long time and did not want to argue with this person. However, he found that the more he did not care, the more aggressive this kind of person was.

"Nara Yoshino, my matter has nothing to do with you. What I am discussing with Saki and Rin here has nothing to do with you. I will explain it to Mikoto myself. It has nothing to do with you. Then what are you still doing here? Are you really not embarrassed?" Fugaku immediately flew into a rage.

He rarely got angry like this.

For him to react like this now, he was really angry.

There were several reasons behind this.

One reason was that Mikoto's arrival made him feel that this person was doing things on purpose. Coupled with Mikoto's doubtful expression, it caused his self-esteem to be fiercely touched.

The other reason was that Saki had clearly explained that they were talking about the Chunin Exams. However, not only did the explanation fail, it also caused her to be questioned even more. This made his patience completely run out.


Yoshino expected that Fugaku would refrain from directly saying such words. This made her unable to accept it at all. After all, she spoke with righteous indignation here for a long time. In fact, it had nothing to do with her. It was completely a shit-stirring behavior.

"I what? I am a Konoha Military Police Force member. If you continue pestering me here, I will invite you to Konoha Military Police Force. At that time, I will see if you are still as arrogant as you are now!" Fugaku said angrily. His tone was so convincing that he didn't mean to ease the situation at all.

"Good! Good! Good! Take care of yourself! Humph!"

Yoshino snorted coldly. After that, she suddenly turned around and left. She looked like a proud winner, but at this moment, she was already very afraid in her heart. She did not dare to say anything to them anymore.

Step step step step...

Following the sound of increasingly fast footsteps.

Nara Yoshino disappeared from the barbecue shop, and Uchiha Mikoto was left in the shop.

Such a scene.

It fell into everyone's sight.

It made everyone feel dull.



"I thought it was something, but it turned out to be slander!"

"That woman was really ruthless just now! She said it as if it was true! It's like this without evidence, so if there is evidence, it's too scary!"

"Time is wasted!"

"I won't watch anymore!"


Voices rang out in the barbecue shop. They watched the scene under their noses in high spirits while eating. They thought that they would watch a good show, but they didn't expect it to end in this way.

As the crowd dispersed.

Eaton shook his head in boredom. He lifted his hand to pat Aoba on the shoulder, but when his hand was raised in the air, he stopped.

He knew that Aoba would now be okay even if he patted him.


This had already formed a conditioned reflex.

Before he could think, his hand had already retracted.

Since he had taken it back.

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Then there was no need to re-shoot.

"Aoba, let's go back too. It's boring. I thought Fugaku would live up to Teacher Bai of the Ninja School author and create a romantic scene for us. What a pity!"

After saying that, Eaton turned around and prepared to return to the private room.

Aoba followed behind Eaton.

But right at this moment.

A voice passed through the hall and clearly reached Aoba's ears.


The owner of this voice was Fugaku. Just as he saw the crowd disperse and was about to explain something to Mikoto, he immediately saw Aoba standing not far away.

This discovery.

This caused Fugaku's eyes to light up.

Just now, he was still worried about how to explain.

Now the answer came.

Fugaku accurately found that Aoba was not wearing an Anbu uniform, which meant that he could reveal his identity and could directly call Aoba's name.

Not only could he explain it to Mikoto, but he could also introduce Aoba to Saki and Rin in person.

After hearing Fugaku's voice, Aoba's body paused slightly.

'It's over.'

'I'm discovered.'

'I couldn't pretend that I wasn't here.'

Aoba turned his head and looked in Fugaku's direction. He grinned directly and raised his hand to wave at him.

"Brother Fugaku!"

When Aoba greeted him, he just stood in the same place and there was a hidden helplessness in his smile. After he finished speaking, he wanted to enter the private room again.

"Aoba, come here quickly. Let me introduce you!" Fugaku immediately said to Aoba. His mood immediately improved, and he recovered from the disgusting state he had just been in.

" quite..."

Just as Aoba was about to refuse, he was interrupted by Eaton, who was not far away.

Eaton turned to look at Aoba.

"Aoba, it's fine. Go and say hello to them. I will wait for you." Eaton was not a stingy person. When he heard Fugaku's shout, he knew that Aoba would be in a difficult situation, so he immediately said.

"Well... okay..."

The corners of Aoba's mouth twitched. He was not in a difficult position at all. He simply did not want to go over.

Aoba could only take a step forward and walk in Fugaku's direction.

At this moment.

The four people's eyes on Fugaku's side all focus on Aoba.

Mikoto's eyes were very complicated. She had just had a misunderstanding with Fugaku, and now she saw Aoba, who made her feel indescribable.

This made her already messy heart even messier, and her eyes were fixated on Aoba.

Since Kushina left, this was the first time she saw Aoba again. She found that the edges and corners of Qingyu's face became clearer.


Her heart beat faster.

Saki looked at Aoba carefully. This was the first time she saw Aoba. When she saw him last night, he was wrapped up tightly and could not see anything at all.

Now it seemed.

He looks pretty handsome!

Especially the blond hair paired with simple casual clothes looks a little lazy.

'So he was Yamanaka Aoba!'

'The person who might become our Chunin Exam teammate!'

Thinking of this...

Saki couldn't help but look at Aoba a few more times. She had only guessed the name but didn't know Aoba's specific appearance.

Akimichi Rin, on the other hand, looked at all of this in a daze. There was still a question mark on her head and a trace of nervousness in her eyes.

'This person...'

'Could it be that he came to snatch the barbecue from me?!'

A smile hung on Fugaku's face. The feelings he had experienced when helping Aoba finalize these things from the beginning were swept away at this moment. Moreover, the grievances he had just suffered were nothing.

"Brother Fugaku, what's the matter?"

Aoba met the gazes of these people and walked to the side of the table. He faintly felt that the situation was not very good, but the current situation was that they were all acquaintances, so he had no choice.

"Aoba, do you know what I am doing here?" Fugaku opened his eyes wide, his eyes flashing with excitement. He said, "You should have heard it just now!"

"Mm... you are looking for teammates for them..." Aoba's face was already covered in black lines. He had already realized what Fugaku was going to say. After all, it was because of this that he left last night.

"That's right!"

The smile on Fugaku's face was extremely bright. After that, he nodded and said, "The teammate I found for them is you!"


When Aoba heard this, he was speechless.

What he feared came.

While eating barbecue, he ate melon once.

As a result...

This melon was rotten.

It even ate himself...

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