Reborn Lady

Chapter 21

If her father hadn’t encountered the storm at sea in his early years and died young, the Yin family might still be able to be supported for a few more generations. 

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A yellow pear wood Eight Immortals table was set up in the hall where Yin Jingshan and Mrs. Zhao sat on one side, and Yin Wen and Yin Lang sat on the other side. 

Yin Rong glanced at Yin Hui, reluctantly leaving a place for her on his side. 

Yin Hui smiled, walked to Yin Yong’s side, and said cutely, “Grandpa, move inside, I want to sit next to you.” 

Yin Yong was also happy with that and made a room.

Mrs. Zhao couldn’t bear the weird atmosphere, so she said to Yin Hui in a doting tone, “Ah Hui, you have become a mother, so why are you still acting like a child? It’s fine in our own house, but it’s not okay in the palace. Change your behavior, don’t make the nobles laugh at you.”

Yin Hui looked at the food on the table with great interest, and said casually, “Don’t worry, Auntie, I understand.”

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Yin Yong had already started to pick up food for his little granddaughter, “Ah Hui, try this quickly, this is your favorite sea bass. I just shipped a batch from the sea this morning. I forgot, but Uncle De loves you, so he remembered.” 

He was busy talking to his granddaughter as soon as he got home. So the dishes must have been ordered by Uncle De and they were all the dishes that his granddaughter loved. 

Pingcheng was not close to the sea. Such a sea fish could be sold for tens of taels of silver, and ordinary wealthy people couldn’t afford it, but for Yin Hui, she could eat it whenever she wanted. 

King Yan’s Mansion was magnificently built, but there was no extravagance in the food. Such expensive dishes were only served during festivals. 

Even in the Yin family, not everyone was treated like Yin Hui. For example, Mrs. Zhao would never dare to ask for rare seafood. 

Yin Hui came back suddenly, ao everyone in the family asked her the reason for her return, or asked about the daily life of the nobles in the Yan Mansion. Yin Hui only cared about eating, and Yin Yong felt sorry for his little granddaughter who lost weight. Seeing that his second son’s family wanted to bother his little granddaughter, he said unhappily, “You are asking too many questions, let’s eat first!” 

With the love of her grandfather, Yin Hui’s appetite became stronger. 

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After eating, she immediately followed her grandfather to the study. 

It was just that they couldn’t talk for so long.  It was the first time she had gone out to visit her relatives. If she got back too late, it may affect the next time. 

Yin Yong didn’t dare to keep his little granddaughter for too long. So after drinking two cups of tea, he left for a while, and when he came back, he gave Yin Hui a silver note. 

Yin Hui covered her grandfather’s hand and said dumbfoundingly, “Are you afraid that I will be short of money?”

In her dowry, in addition to the precious gold and silver jewelry, silk and satin field stores, the dowry silver listed on the dowry list alone was 100,000 taels, and that was only a small amount. Her grandfather secretly had given her a million taels of silver notes.

One million taels of silver note was already an unimaginable number for outsiders, but with the Yin family’s wealth, even if they donated two million taels of military supplies to King Yan, and gave Yin Hui another one million taels of dowry, the rest was still very substantial. 

It was definitely not a false rumor that they were the richest family.

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Yin Yong looked at Yin Hui lovingly, “Your husband’s family is so powerful. Even if you are wronged, I can’t help you. The only thing I can give you are these things. If you encounter any trouble in the future, spend some money, maybe the disaster can be eliminated. Besides, that was for you, and this one is for little Heng. Everyone knows that your grandfather is rich, so how could I do nothing?”

In the end, Yin Hui still couldn’t hold back her grandfather, so she kept the stack of notes wrapped in a handkerchief close to her body. 

Mrs. Wen gave Yin Yong a piece of ginseng, and he also prepared a return gift for her. It was a painting of the previous dynasty. He even asked Uncle De to prepare a tank of sea bass to take back for everyone in the palace. 

Even if the Yin family was rich, everyone knew about it, so there was no need to hide anything. 

“Take care of your health. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, I’ll come back to honor you,” Yin Hui said reluctantly. 

Yin Yong smiled and said, “My health is better than yours. Ah Hui, you don’t have to worry.” As he said that, he put on the veil for his little granddaughter with his own hands. 

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Before the white gauze covered her sight, Yin Hui caught sight of her cousin Yin Wen who was standing not far away. 

She secretly swore that in this life, she would never let him get involved with her grandfather again. 

After getting back into the carriage of King Yan’s Mansion, Yin Hui’s mood had returned to peace. 

It was still early before the accident that led to her grandfather’s death. She had plenty of time to investigate what happened. She would take it step by step, so she didn’t have to rush for a while. 

The carriage drove back to King Yan’s Mansion without delay. 

Yin Hui went to greet Princess Xu first. 

Concubine Xu asked about Elder Yin’s body politely. 

Yin Hui smiled and said, “Thank you mother for your concern. Grandfather is healthy and strong. A batch of seafood has just arrived. Grandfather asked me to bring them back for everyone to try.” 

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