REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 118

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"I don't think that I'm obligated to tell you about my situation, miss June,"

"Anna why would call me that way? You used to call me by my name but now you call with such disgust, why?" Rebecca said as tears were forming in her eyes.

Feeling disgusted? Of course, Anna feels that way whenever she sees Rebecca. Has she forgotten that Anna heard everything that she said the other day? 'How shameless of you Rebecca.'

In honesty, Rebecca does still remember that day but she does not care if Anna heard everything she said. After all, Anna does not have the evidence that she ever talk like that to Anna. Rebecca is not worried about what Anna thinks of her; she's only worried about the four-star people around Anna thinks of her. Rebecca wants them to think that Anna is an unrefined woman. After they realize that they will leave Anna then Rebecca will initiate her planning getting close to them.

"Who wouldn't be disgusted by you, two-faced," Nathalia mumbled but the people in the around the table and Rebecca heard what she just said. Rebecca's eyes flickered in anger and Nathalia notice it, "Oh my! Did I say that out loud? My bad. I hope you'll forgive me." Nathalia said in a sincere tone but it was obvious that she is not sorry at all.

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Rebecca was angry but she has to continue her act, "Anna, what lies are telling them?" After she said this tears started to fall down on her cheeks, "Please don't believe what bad things Anna has been telling you about me. All of it is not true." She said very loudly that everyone in the cafeteria heard it.

"What's this? What's happening over there?"

"Rebecca is crying."

"I heard it's because of Anna."

The crowd watching and murmuring to each other trying to guess what's happening in their table.

Hearing that it was because of Anna that Rebecca is crying Anna and Aaron can't help but sneer. 'Me? Geez, can't they ask for before speculating?' Anna said in her mind.

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"Miss June, are you trying to say that Anna is the type of person who will bad things behind other people's back?" Josh said. Josh intentionally said this when he remembered Anna told him one time that Rebecca said a lot of bad things about her. Of course, Josh believed Anna since she is the type of person who does not do what Rebecca does.

"I... I wouldn't say it like that—"

"Oh please! Enough with the innocent act! It's so irritating! All us in this damned table knows what you really like!" Zen shouted. He just can't take anymore Rebecca's useless acting. He doesn't know why Anna and the others can be so patient watching her acting like that. Why is Rebecca doing all this? For what goddamned reason is she doing this?

Hearing that Rebecca was irritated that Anna did tell them about that day but she does not care; Anna has no proof that she did that. As long as she can ruin Anna's image then all will be fine. "Anna please come clean! You're making me look bad here! Aaron, please! Your sister is slandering me!"

'Stupid Rebecca, why are you getting my brother to be involved in this conversation.' Anna said in her mind. Rebecca shouldn't have spoken out her brother's name. Even way before Anna wanted to cut all ties with Rebecca Aaron did not like Rebecca one bit. He always sneers at Rebecca whenever he sees Rebecca in the Coleman residence or whenever he sees Rebecca with Anna.

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The last time Rebecca tried to get close to Aaron, Rebecca almost got herself killed by Aaron's own hands. 'You really are wishing for a death wish.' Anna said shaking her head in disappointment.

"My sister?" Aaron slowly looked up to Rebecca and glared at her like daggers. Rebecca flinched at that stare of his but she still continues her act. "My sister is not doing anything against human laws. And if she did I will punish her personally. Besides, you and I both know who is the real slanderer here."

There was a smirk on his face. A smirk that made Rebecca's blood boil in anger. Her face was red that nobody could guess if she's feeling anger or what. But it was very clear to Anna that she is angry.

"If I were you I would really stop myself from being like this because this kind of habit is really gonna end up to another scandal and we don't want that to happen right?" Anna emphasizes the word 'scandal' for everyone to hear. Rebecca's scandal may not be in the hot trend now but there are still people who remember it.

Some are still debating about it, some claims that Rebecca was raped by that man and some even claims that Rebecca was willing because in that hotel room her name was in it she was the one who booked it. Rebecca's claim of being raped by that man was being doubted. Because of that, her career is on the state of crumbling but Rebecca is still trying to hold on her acting career.

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Rebecca was upset to hear about her scandal from Anna's mouth. 'It should've been you that day, not me!' She said in her mind. She is still holding that grudge against Anna and want Anna to suffer even more. But nothing is working out.

All she wants is that these people around her leave her. She wants Anna to be all alone so that Anna will beg her to becomes friends again and when that happens her father will not pester her anymore. But it seems that these people around Anna is not gonna leave her side. They are too loyal to her. 'Let's see how loyal can you guys can get.'

What does Anna have that she does not? Sure Anna is an heiress but so what of it? Rebecca is so sure that she is much better than Anna that is why she thinks that when Josh and the others open their eyes and realize that she's much better they will surely leave Anna.

"Go away we don't want a barking two-face dog to mess our day," Nathalia said but the volume in her voice was only enough for Rebecca and the others to hear.

After saying that the school bell started to ring, meaning that they should head to their next class. Anna and the others stood up and did not wait for Rebecca to speak up and just went off on their ways.

Students one by one was leaving the cafeteria and when Rebecca was all alone she was shaking very badly because of the anger boiling inside her. She showed a face that nobody else has seen. "Just you wait for Anna. Just you wait." She mumbled.

Unknown to her someone was watching her not so far away; he was smirking at her. "Poor girl just give up already. You will never be above Anna." He said in a low voice.

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