REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 123

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In the principal's office Zen, Josh, Lannie, and Nathalia were frowning and they are at the verge of getting mad after hearing the recording that is in the teacher's hand. While on the other hand Anna and Aaron were calm and expressionless.

This little expression of the twins made the principal raise a brow. Shouldn't they be worried that they are in trouble for disrespecting a teacher in this school? The school is very clear with its rule that disrespecting a teacher can have consequences. No matter what the reason is the twins should have not violated the school rule.

Instead of being curious to the twins' expression the principal turns her attention towards Lannie. "Ms. Robertson..." She called out.

Lannie looked at her with a calm face, "Yes?"

"Can you please tell me why a member of the student council is saying such words?" The principal looked intently at Lannie trying to intimidate her but Lannie was just keeping her calm face.

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"There nothing to explain why I said those words, Mrs. Brown, after all, I think that saying all that is only fair towards the twins since this very teacher next to you is doing all this on purpose," Lannie said what comes to her mind, ever since yesterday Lannie has been thinking that the teacher likes to provoke the twins for no reason. She came in a conclusion that all of this is on purpose. They can't blame her for thinking this way since the teacher is really suspicious in the first place.

Mrs. Brown glance at the teacher next to her and observed her for ten seconds before turning her attention to the young ones in front of her again. "What makes you think that this teacher next to me is doing this on purpose, Ms. Robertson?" She said this in a tone as if she is challenging Lannie.

'Trying to intimidate me huh? But sorry to say, Mrs. Brown, I am not going to back down because if I do it will only bring shame in my family.' Lannie looked at the principal with sharpness in her eye indicating that she is not gonna back down from her challenge whatever this principal is planning towards her and her friends; whatever it is she is ready to face it. "I don't know, I would like to ask her this myself." She said smirking at the teacher's direction.

The teacher's smile disappeared that Lannie is really not seeing her as a teacher but as a pest that needed to be kicked out. Subconsciously the teacher clenches her hands into a fist. Not wanting to make thing obvious the teacher calm herself down before replying to Lannie, "Ms. Robertson, I don't that what you are doing is really appropriate right now. Accusing me of something that is not true."

"Not true? I wonder about that." Anna mumbled but it was heard loud and clear by everyone else in the room. But then again she is doing this on purpose just to get on that teacher's nerves. 'Hmph! Do you think that you are the only one who can get into someone's nerves? Well, think again, my dearest teacher.'

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Aaron had this urge to have a high five with his dearest sister but he had to hold it in when they are still in the middle of their plan. "Anna you're getting us into more trouble if you do this." He said as if he is getting angry at his sister but when inside he was having so much fun.

The twins' friend was listening to both of them and they could read what they are really thinking. 'Goodness, they are not taking this seriously...' Lannie sighed inwardly.

"See this Mrs. Brown! This is the reason why I want you to call them here the twins are just too disrespectful towards me! Every day! I just can't take any more of this attitude of theirs!" The teacher said pitifully. Anna and Aaron can only roll their eyes inwardly; they are watching this show of hers until the end and when the time comes they are gonna make her regret getting on their nerves.

"Every day? That's very funny." Nathalia said not agreeing to what the teacher is saying. She can't believe that this teacher is so shameless saying all this in front of her students who saw everything that she did.

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"Funny? What do you mean by that Ms. Vendallin?" Mrs. Brown asked in curiosity.

Truth to be told Mrs. Brown already know what is really going on between the twins and the teacher; she only called them here is because this is what the twins are planning. Their plan started two days ago, she was only going along with the twin's plan just to see what they are capable of because if she finds this interesting she will put these twins in an upcoming competition between schools and they will be representing Crystal High.

[Two days ago]

"That teacher is really annoying, mom!" Aaron angrily said to his mother.

Currently, they are having dinner, Mary and Marcus were expecting to have a nice dinner with the twins but they did not expect that Aaron would be in such a bad mood while Anna was quieter in usual but it was evident that she was also in a bad mood like her brother.

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"What did she ever do to you?" Mary asked. As of right now, Mary is not even worried about her twins the person that she is worried about is the teacher that Aaron is mentioning. She is sure that whatever that teacher is trying to do with her twins it won't ever work but whatever the twins might do to that teacher will surely have a great effect; not a good effect though.

Mary was waiting for Aaron's reply but she got nothing so she instead waited for her daughter to speak up. Anna noticed that her mother is looking at her waiting for her to explain things. She took one more bite from her plate before speaking.

Anna told her mother and grandfather every single detail including the first day that the teacher started to annoy Anna and Aaron. Even though it has a sour feeling in her she still told them.

"Then what are you guys waiting for? Clearly, that teacher of yours is the one who has a problem." The twins' grandfather said in a calm tone. He is clearly not worried that his own grandchildren will fail in whatever they do because they are a Coleman and Colemans will always succeed in the end no matter how many times they make a mistake.

The twins looked at their grandfather's direction and they had a look on their faces as if they are saying 'You're the main core why she has a problem with us, grandpa.'

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