REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 17

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"Oh my... Who's this beautiful young lady over here?" Sharon's eyes shone with expectant. She's expecting that Crona would pick her because she is the most beautiful in this room, but to her disappointment, Crona wasn't implying to her but to Anna.

Crona clasp both of Anna's hands and sincerely told her, "Oh. My. Goodness!!! You're such a beauty!!!" Anna just smiled awkwardly by her honesty she doesn't feel comfortable with their distance to each other.

"Uhmm... Thank you?" Anna tried to get her hands back, but Crona grip it tightly she doesn't wanna let go of such beauty in front of her. Anna took a peek to Aaron, her eyes asking for help but to her dismay, Aaron just turns his head around and whistled.

"What's your name darling~?" Anna felt really uncomfortable with Crona's eyes on her, it's like Crona is stripping Anna inside her head.

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"Anna... Anna Coleman."

"Coleman? Are you related to Aaron?" Anna nodded to Crona's question which made Crona much more excited than she already is.

Crona turned her head to Aaron's direction and asked, "Aaron is this the person you told me to assign her here in my agency? If she is... damn you! I will take her in right away! There's no need for me to inspect her!" Crona sense such great potential in Anna for modeling when she first laid her eyes on her, she could be her next favorite model of all time!

Sharon watch this scene unfold in front of her and she didn't like it one bit. She can't believe that Crona didn't even lay one blink in her presence, Crona didn't pay any attention to her. She even thinks that Anna's the one who's going to sign in her agency.

"Uhh... No. Not her. It's my cousin that I want to introduce to you." Aaron corrected Crona's assumption and points at Sharon.

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"Your cousin?" Crona turns her head around and walked around Sharon staring at her up and down. "Her? Hmmm... I don't see any potential in her though."

By Sharon's surprised she wouldn't let this opportunity slide off just like that. She still needs to prove herself to her father, she wants her father to swallow his words. In Sharon's mind, she blames Anna, if Anna didn't come with Aaron, Crona's attention and appreciation should hers not Anna. "B-but..." Sharon was cut-off when Crona spoke again.

"Well... Since you're my star model's cousin I'll give you a chance... Who knows, you might show some good potential in the future." Although Crona is a bit disappointed that Anna is noon the one who's signing to her agency it doesn't mean that she won't give Sharon a chance, she's not that heartless. But if Sharon shows no potential at all for the next few months she's gonna kick her out without any second thoughts.

Sharon was greatly pleased to hear that, but she also felt that Crona is not all that satisfied with her, Crona wants Anna to work under Morning Star Modeling Agency. Deep inside Sharon, she knows that Crona only took her in because she's related to Aaron. In her thoughts that if she weren't related to Aaron she wouldn't make it in, she would be nothing at all without him and it makes her frustrated with that fact.

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All that's needed to be done are done. Sharon went home with a heavy and angry heart while Anna and Aaron are still in Crona's office.

"So... What's your relationship with my star model over here?" Crona asked Anna.

"He's my brother." Crona choked when she heard that and looked at Aaron who's playing on his phone.

"You little brat!" Crona smacked Aaron's head with full force.

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"What?! God! That hurts." Aaron scratches his head, he's really in pain because of Crona. Even Anna was surprised that Crona would do such thing to her model.

"Why didn't you tell me that you have a sister?!"

"The heck! I thought that wouldn't be necessary! My mother is a well-known businesswoman and most elite class family would know that she has two children, there's also the news about my grandfather's birthday party her picture and my picture are all over the news! And also I have the same face as her! How come you can't even realize that?!" Aaron blurted out which made Crona in a shocked state. Now that she takes a closer look at the two siblings they do have the same face, how come she didn't realize it sooner? And for the news in television and newspaper, she didn't really pay much attention to it that's why she wouldn't know.

"Ah~ He-he-he? My bad...?" Crona pouted like a little kid and Aaron felt gross just by looking at her pouting face.

"Please... Stop looking like that... You looked like an ugly old woman." Crona flinched in annoyance when she heard that. Crona can be short-tempered when someone is calling her 'old woman', she doesn't like it one bit! She doesn't look like one either! She's only thirty-two and yet this brat is calling her 'old'!

"You little punk what did you just call me?" She clenches her fist tightly as to get ready to punch Aaron. Aaron saw this and immediately hid in Anna's back. "Oh~? Being a coward now eh? Don't you dare hide from her back."

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