REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 179

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"Oh please! Call me aunty." Mary smiled at Kyle. "Your mother and I go way back then, there is no need for you to be so formal with me." Since Alfonso and Mary always got on each others' throat whenever they see each other back in their younger days; during those time, Layla got the chance to meet Mary.

It wasn't a pleasant meeting, but as time goes by, Mary and Layla respect for each grew. Here at the present time, Alfonso and Mary are now close buddies, Mary considers Layla like a sister. Mary will feel uncomfortable if Layla's son speaks so formal towards her.

Hearing that he is able to call Anna's mother 'aunty', Kyle somehow feels good about it. It was like a big step he had taken, but he knew that Mary's cards are not all placed on the table. He still has to keep his guard up.

"Well then, from here on out I will call you aunty."

While Kyle and Mary are having a pleasant talk, there is a certain someone who is gritting his teeth in secrecy. 'What? You're letting that punk calls you aunty? You're accepting him that easy?' 

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Arion is expecting that his wife would give Kyle a hard time, but hearing Mary giving Kyle the permission to call her aunty, Arion thinks that Mary is accepting Kyle as her future son-in-law. However, there are still doubts in Arion's heart; a side of him is saying that Mary is only acting and is about to test Kyle. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

With that thought in mind, Arion discreetly looks at his wife. When he saw that familiar smile on his wife's face, Arion suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body. Now, seeing that smile Arion doesn't know whether to feel bad for Kyle or make fun of Kyle for being so unlucky.

That smile is similar to the smile that Mary's master showed to him a long time ago. He was on the pursuit of having Mary to be his wife back then, and Mary's master gave him quite a hard time to the point that he almost collapsed.

Though Mary and her master are not blood-related, they both are similar to each other. If one did not know the connection between the two, they would think that they are a pair of father and daughter.

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In some point, that same man who gave Arion a hard time is like a father to Mary that's why Arion face all the challenge that man gave to him' to prove that he is worthy to be the man standing beside Mary.

The sad part of all that, after Arion got the acknowledgment of that man, he died in the hand of one certain person. Mary's master didn't even have a chance to attend the wedding of his student. It truly broke Mary's heart, but that did not stop Mary to keep on living because that is what her master wants her to do.

Arion is amazed by how strong his wife is, it didn't stop him from falling in love with his wife again and again.

"Now, you and your sister sit to these two chairs in front of me," Mary said happily as she pointed at the occupied chairs she's talking about.

"But someone is sitting there," Lannie said in a lowe voice, but Mary heard that.

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"Darling, you don't need to worry about that, I'll handle it." After saying that Mary went in front of the two occupants of the chair and after a little talk with them, the two occupants hurriedly left with fears in their eyes. "There, problem solved," Mary said with a smile on her face.

Mike and Zack who saw and heard what Mary just said to those two occupants was left speechless. 'How can you smile like that after saying those words? Don't you have any shame at all?' They both asked inwardly.

Mike might be the one who likes to threaten other people to fear him, but compare to Mary, she is much worse than him when she has something in mind that she wants to achieve. Mike and Zack are somewhat grateful that Mary rarely does those things or else, they both are gonna have some extreme headaches trying to clean everything that Mary did.

As Mike and Zack are speechless, there is this person who is praising his wife for being so cool. "My wife is so cool. Don't you think so, Leon?" Arion said in a low voice that only Leon could hear.

Hearing that his boss is so proud of his wife and showing the love in his eyes, Leon somehow doesn't know what to say to his boss. "Yes, boss she is cool. You are so lucky to marry someone like her."

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"Yes. I know." Arion said with a smug plastered on his face, and seeing that smug, couldn't help but clicked his tongue in displeasure. Arion patted Leon's back and said, "You should really find yourself a girl. I'm worried about you, you know?"

Leon showed a fake smile; he knows what his boss' words are aiming at. Leon never showed any romantic interest on an opposite gender, which made Arion thinks that Leon is interested in guys instead. The only reason why Arion is so against Leon getting near his daughter is that Leon does a lot of crazy stuff, and he doesn't his daughter to be influenced by Leon.

"Rest assured, boss. I'll definitely get myself a girl." Leon doesn't know exactly when he will be able to find himself a girl, but he is sure that his fated one is somewhere in the world. The only thing that Leon need is patience because when it comes to love, rushing is not an option.


Meanwhile, on Aaron's side, Aaron was observing the people who his team is going up against. Out of all those opponents, there is this one person who sticks out the most, the guy with a blond hair. It's not about his blond that caught Aaron's attention, it's about the aura that blond guy has.

He felt a sense of familiarity from him, but at the same time, he doesn't. That blond guy is too mysterious for his liking.

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