REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 182

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"Those new players from that team is quite a tough one, eh. You have to do something about it, Ophius." The coach of the Tiger basketball team said with full of authority. The coach felt threatened with the new faces that Crystal bestows upon him; every time his team catches up, the Crystals always scores above his team.

It is so frustrating that the coach wanted to scream.

The Tigers has a record of consecutive wins against the Crystals under his coaching, and the coach intends to keep that record for as long as he is the coach of the Tiger's basketball team.

Ophius scoffs, "Coach, I know what I'm doing. Besides, as you said, those new players are a tough one to handle. It's going to be impossible for any of us Tigers to go against them."

Ophius is not even kidding. He is trying his best to steal the ball from Aaron's, but either Josh or Zen would always get in his way. The Crystals teamwork are better than last year; it must be because of the trio's confidence.

"I want this team to win not to lose. So, don't give me that kind of crap, Ophius!" The coach of the Tigers team, have lost the feeling of losing that he became arrogant.

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Because of this arrogant attitude of his coach, it is getting on Ophius' nerves. If there is something that Ophius learned from his father's nagging is that sometimes losing is better than continuously winning. Because losing can give a person a better understanding of how things work.

"Coach, it's no use telling me that. It's clear as daylight that we have no chance of winning against them!" Seriously, this coach of his is sure is annoying as hell. If Ophius had a choice, he would definitely transfer to Crystal High without any second thoughts. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

If it weren't for his mother, he wouldn't even bother entering such school where such arrogant man coaches the sport that he loves the most.

Meanwhile, coach Jackson and his team are currently discussing their game plan.

"...and here I thought we're having a break." Ike pouted as he wipes the sweat on his forehead. Both teams are taking a short break and Ike was looking forward to it, but unfortunately for him, coach Jackson decided to gather all his team player for a short discussion.

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"Ike, stop your nonsense and get your butt over here." Sometimes Jackson asks himself if he did something wrong in his past life for him to experience all this. Sighing deeply, coach Jackson faces his so-called obedient players.

They all look tired except for a certain trio who is standing straight without any hints of exhaustion in their eyes. "Coach, don't tire yourself with Ike and the others." The captain of the team said trying to comfort Jackson.

"Tell me, Chris, how can I not tire myself from them? When they are supposed to be doing one thing, they are doing the opposite of it!" 

"Coach, you should be used to it by now. I mean this team has always been like this since the day these three joined the team." Ike laughed as he stood beside Chris.

Chris nodded in agreement, he also thinks that their coach should be used to it by now The team has become livelier ever since Aaron, Josh, and Zen joined the team. The team interacted more than before.


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"Zack, you're not gonna say anything?" Mike said with a frown plastered on his face. He is clearly dissatisfied with the fact that his wife loves their son more than him.

"What am I supposed to say?" Sometimes Zack doesn't know what to say whenever Mike acts like that. Though, Zack can't deny that he would sometimes feel jealous whenever his wife would choose their sons over him. But he never acts like what Mike is doing right now.

"Your son, he's focusing on a single person and is not focusing on anybody else." Zack also noticed that his son is only focusing on old man Cloris' son. If his son kept on doing that, the Tiger team will surely take advantage of that and it will make the Crystal team fall behind.

"Why would I say anything? If they lose it's going to be my son's fault, not mine. It's his job to know what he is supposed to do." Zack said as if he doesn't care if his son's team lose the game, but in truth, he wants his son's team to win very badly because he was once a member of the Crystal basketball team and if his son team wins, he will surely feel pride and might even brag this to his fellow soldiers.

"Tsk! You're no fun." Mike was expecting Zack to shout and scold his son so that Andrea will smack Zack in the head like what his wife did to him. Of course, Zack saw through Mike's scheme and he couldn't help but scorn Mike for being such a jerk. 'You think you can just scheme against me? Haha. Think again, Mikey.'

Zack and Mike have known each other for so many years now that it is easy for each of them to read each other's way of thinking.

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"Hey, Agatha," Zack called out Mike's wife, "Your husband just said that Josh is such a weakling and couldn't even-"

Before Zack can even finish his statement, Agatha cut him off and gave her husband a cold stare, "Don't worry, Zack, this husband of mine will have his punishment when we get home."

When Mike heard that, he gave Zack a stabbing glare and then turn his attention to his wife. Mike kept telling Agatha that Zack is making up a lie and that there is no need to punish him. But Agatha is not listening to him and continued to cheer for her son.


The game is now in its final quarter, and the coach from the Tiger team is getting more anxious. Because of this anxiousness, he took out his phone and called the only person he could rely on this kind of situation.

'I never thought that I would be using my plan B for going against these losers.'

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