REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 35

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"You dared to make a decision without my permission?!" An angry middle-aged man shouted at his closest subordinate.

"M-master, I deeply apologize. I thought that if I did that it would be easy for you to..." His subordinate didn't even finish his sentence when that man suddenly threw the vase near him to his subordinate. It hit directly to the subordinate's head and it bled.

"You useless trash!" He said. Ever since he heard that his subordinate made a move without his permission and that move also failed he's quite not in the mood, every servant that attend to him will get out of the room bleeding. For him, kidnapping Coleman's precious gem is a lousy move it's not enough to lure out the man he detests on his entire life. Unless the move succeeds he would've praised this subordinate if his. "What made you think that kidnapping those children will lure him out?!" He angrily asked.

The subordinate wince at the wound in his head as he tries to stop the bleeding, "That plan was suggested by James."

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"Yes, James Coleman. He told me that it would be a great plan to lure him out." Once the man heard what his subordinate just said his face wrinkled clearly what his hearing right now is making him angrier and angrier.

"Not only that you went on your on but you also dared to listen to that foolish man?! You of all people should know that I am the only you should listen to and not anyone else!" James Coleman has been making him angry every time James makes his move. Every move he did is always ended up as a failure like the last in the party he foolishly ordered a stupid girl to poison the old man but it ended up trying to drug Anna and as a result of trying that stupid girl got drugged. Not only that James is already brainless in making a perfect plan he also picked a stupid girl to do his bidding.

"Ma-master... I... Please forgive me..." The subordinate kneeled in front of him but it didn't work. He doesn't care if he kneels and begs once a failure is always a failure. But this subordinate has a benefit on for him he can't remove him just yet he still need this subordinate to do some job for him that he only can do.

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"Leave." He coldly said to his subordinate and without any seconds thought the subordinate left quickly. The looked gloomy as he stares at the door, in his thoughts the people surrounds him is useless he really wants to eliminate those useless people but those people are still in use for him he just needs to be patient.

'Soon I'll make sure you die in my hands.' His hatred for that person gets stronger every passing day. Because of that person, he lost something important to him and now he wants to take it back but first, he'll just have to remove that certain person.


"I wanna get stronger!" Zen said with a determined face. Anna just smiled lightly hearing his response to her question while Josh and Nathalia just scoff at his response, they clearly know that's not the only reason why Zen is tutoring himself in training but they won't mention it.

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The four of them were sitting near the court as they watch Aaron play in his try-out for entering the basketball team. Zen's and Josh's practice were canceled so when Anna and Nathalia called for the two of them they spend the rest of the time with the girls until Aaron is done.

"So how was it, brother?" Anna asked Aaron as soon as he came out of the boys' locker room.

"I guess I did good but I'm sure if I'm in the team." Aaron sincerely said to Anna.

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"They didn't tell you yet?"

"Yeah. I guess tomorrow I'll know." Anna frowned at her brother's respond, base on his tone he doesn't even care if he gets in the team or not. Can her brother at least show some anticipation? Anna just sighs at her brother's lack of excitement, it's always been like this even in her past life when there is something he does that doesn't interest him he would not show any effort in it. Since that was the case this time, why does her brother even bother to try to make in the team?

"Why did you even try?" Josh asked walking beside them along with Nathalia and Josh. In all honesty, he doesn't like people who would try something yet there is no effort in it he hates does kind of people but since this is Aaron's case he would try not to judge even there's might be a reason for it.

"There's always a practice every after school right?" Aaron asked and Josh nodded in response. "Well... I wanted to escape from someone into forcing me to do something after school that's very boring... so in order to escape from 'that' entering a basketball who has a practice every after school would be a great excuse to that someone." Hearing that Anna just chuckled lightly she knew who's that 'someone' is and if the 'someone' heard what Aaron just said that 'someone' would feel his heartache.

"Wow! I wish I can make my basketball practice as an excuse to skip my training with dad." Zen suddenly said as he put a lollipop in his mouth. "But sadly even if I make an excuse like that my dad would still push me." Aaron and the others just laugh at Zen's dilemma. They talk and talk until they reached the school gates and went on their own ways.

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