REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 39

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As time passes Nathalia is now having dinner with her parents. She looked at them and saw their lovely interaction together, even though her father is not much of a talker she knows that in every interaction he gives to her and to her mother were full of love and she doesn't have anything to complain about it.

However, remembering what Anna and Aaron mentioned before made her wonder what kind of secret does her father have. Does her mother know about that secret? Nathalia and her childhood friends are not stupid to not understand the meaning of the word underworld, she knows very well that it's not the 'underworld' that Hades lives in; The underworld that she knew was where all dark businesses run.

Nathalia couldn't help it anymore she's getting more curious so she asked, "Daddy, are part of a secret organization?" She wanted to know about it since Anna and Aaron refuse to tell her about it might as well follow their advice and ask the person who's directly involved in it.

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Leonardo and Crona pause and was shocked by their daughter's sudden question. They didn't expect her to ask such a question, all they know is that they never mention to Nathalia that topic, but how come she knows about it? "What kind of nonsense are you talking about sweetheart?" Crona asked gently to make it look like she doesn't know anything that she's talking about.

"Anna and Aaron mentioned it earlier and when I asked why they didn't say anything further and they both just said ask the person who's involved in it." She looks at her mother and father curiously before continuing, "I'm just pretty curious... I want to know if one of you is a part of it or both." When she saw her mother diverted her gaze somewhere else, that's when she realized that Aaron and Anna were not saying nonsense at all. One of them must be a part of it or it could be that both of her parents are part of it.

Leonardo looked at her daughter's face and felt a little bit guilty for not telling her but he only hid it from her because she wants to be not part take in any dangerous life that he himself has experienced since he was very young. He wants her daughter to live like a normal teenage girl that is loved by her parents dotingly.

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Back then when Crona found out that Leonardo was part of a dangerous group she didn't disregard him, in fact, she pursues on following him because she loves him very much she did everything to make a man like him with a heart of ice to melt for her and only for her and now that she has him she did not care about the dangers that have been lurking around Leonardo because she with him she's happy and couldn't ask for more.

Crona also understands that Leonardo didn't tell this to their daughter because of the danger that surrounds Leonardo in the underworld, but she felt that it's unfair for Nathalia not be involved in the life that Leonardo is in. She once suggested Leonardo that he should let Nathalia be part of his other world and hearing that suggestion made Leonardo struggle between letting his daughter part of it or not. In the end, he chose the latter, he taught Nathalia how to hack and ways to get information faster. That way Nathalia is not particularly part of his other world and was not really left out in his dark secrets since he himself is the one who gets the needed information for the organization he's in.

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"It's true." Leonardo just plainly said. It's no use hiding from his daughter even though his daughter is not silent type person like him she does have a sharp mind like him and would immediately know if he and his wife lie to her. "Aaron and Anna are a part of it too. Mary, their mother, decided to train them since they were little so that they can take over when they grow up and of course, the organization that I'm in is not like those drug dealer or mobs or whatever you call them. The organization that I'm in only exist to protect one another."

Nathalia frowned because when she heard that Anna and Aaron had been training since they were little she felt that it's kinda too unfair for her. How could her father let stay in the dark of the world that he's part take in since young while Aaron and Anna who's at the same age as her already share the same world as her father? 'Am I not worthy enough in my daddy's other world?' She asked her self.

Seeing her daughter's expression, as her mother, Crona already knew what she's thinking. "Sweetheart, you are worthy but your father is just too obnoxious about your safety and I too worry about your safety. So please don't like that." After saying that Crona glared at her husband who's quietly observing the scene in front of him. Noticing his wife's intense glare he looks into her eyes and as if he could clearly hear what she's saying telepathically to him, 'This is your godd*mned fault! Lighten up your daughter's mood! Or else you're sleeping outside!'

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Sighing inwardly Leonardo gestured his daughter to follow him in his study room to talk. Talking to his daughter in his study room is the best way to escape from his wife's deathly glare and he's afraid that if he accidentally said something wrong in front of her he might actually sleep outside and he definitely doesn't want that!

"Speak your thoughts," Leonardo said as he sat down on his swivel chair.

"I want to experience the same training as Anna." Nathalia has two reasons to says this; One, it's because she's actually quite curious about the whole 'secret organization' thing and also wanting to get closer to Anna more than ever; Two, she doesn't want her father to keep her in the sidelines anymore, since she's been doted on by her father she simply want to be a part on her father's other life in the shadows.

"Fine, but let me warn you... when it comes to training I am not nice. I will be strict to you and there will be no exception towards you." Leonardo can't help to agree on his daughter's request after all Mary and his wife already told him before that if he can't tell his daughter about his other side much earlier surely in the future like now his daughter will most likely demand him to let her experience it, and it did happen.

"Then please treat me like everyone else when it comes to that, daddy." Nathalia was satisfied by her father's response and let out a gentle smile before leaving his study room.

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