REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 45

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"Let me guess... It's Rebecca isn't?" A smirk crept on Nathalia's beautiful face. "Shall I do some digging into her secrets?"

"No." Nathalia let out a confusing stare at Anna's response. "Not yet. Let's not ruin her yet. Let's start with those who started the rumors." Anna looks at Nathalia with a mischievous smile. "Can you do some digging on that?"

"Sure. I can do that, it would be a waste of my skills if I don't use it, right?" Ever since Nathalia knew the relationship between her father and Anna's mother, Anna now doesn't need to hide her mischievous side in front of Nathalia. She can now show her the side that she never knew she had in her previous life.

"For how long do I have to wait?" Anna asked, she really want the person who started a false rumor about to face the consequence for making such false rumors about her.

"Tomorrow morning there will be another new rumor and it's going to be about them," Nathalia said while putting a smile in her face.

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As Anna and Nathalia are having their time together a group of girls in their class came near them with a mocking smile plastered in their faces. "Well, look who's here. The slut and her friend." The girl with a thick makeup on her face said. She faces Nathalia and said, "If I were you I would immediately avoid this kind of person. She's just gonna abandon in the end just like what she did to Rebecca."

Nathalia looked at her and felt disgusted by her thick makeup. 'Who the heck allowed her to wear such ugly makeup? I thought makeup was supposed to make a girl pretty but I guess not all become pretty while wearing makeup.'

"It's not up to you if I want to stay with Anna or not. Besides those rumors are not true. Geez! You girls can easily be deceived." Nathalia rolled her eyes on them as she said this.

"Hmph! Defend her all you want! But I can assure you that you will suffer along with her if stay beside her!" These girls were really doubtful about the rumors on Anna but because of their deep insecurities with Anna and they can't help but pick on her.

To them, Anna was an eyesore. She's beautiful, fair skin, her body once it's fully grown it will be such an amazing sight and also she's smart. The girls have one of those but they can't fully have everything that Anna physically possesses. They hated the fact that the gods favor her more because in everything she does she do it perfectly. The only thing they could do to make her dirty is her image in the public's eye, and the current rumors had just started and they want to make more rumors about her so she can be totally destroyed.

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"A slut like her doesn't fit this prestigious school!" The other girl with blond hair sneered. Her hair is obviously dyed because of the black roots on the top of her head. This girl has her own insecurities with Nathalia, she even tried to put a blue contact lens in her eyes but she gave up on that because it would make it look obvious that she's copying Nathalia.

Natalie is oblivious about this fact and if she would really feel disgusted.

The girls left after their long bad speech about Anna. "Ugh! Can I add them to my list?" Nathalia asks in an annoyed tone.

"Up to you," Anna responded. She doesn't really care about what they said about her because those words are not true and she's not affected by it and she knows that they will get their own medicine in the end.

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Whether Anna agreed or not Nathalia will do it anyways. She will not let those people who kept saying bad things about Anna get away so easily.

As time passes by Nathalia looks at her phone to check the time and she gasps, "Anna! Let's go quick!"

"Huh? Why? Is there something going on?" Anna ask. As far as she knows there's no special event that's going to happen today in their school. Even if there is she's not willing to see it because she's too busy preparing the booth for their class and this is the only time she could get a break from it and she's not willing to sacrifice her break time for some nonsense.

"You forgot? Gosh! The varsity team is having their five on five practice game and you and I are supposed to be there to support those three morons!" Now that Nathalia mentions this to her she suddenly remembered what her brother told her last night. Aaron told her to watch their five on five practice game and cheer for him.

Since Anna already promised her brother that she will come she has no choice but to go there whether she likes it or not. "Okay. Let's go." Anna abandoned her post and went to where the varsity team is playing at.

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As they both got near the place there's a lot of young girls screaming around the court. Anna just sighed inwardly and curse them inside her mind. 'Can they not scream like that? It's really hurting my ears.'

"Anna! Thalia!" Both girls heard a familiar voice behind them and immediately turn their heads towards that direction.

"Zen!" Nathalia happily said and she and Anna towards him.

"You guys should seat here," Zen said pointing out the seat near the coach of the varsity team.

"Is it alright to sit near him?" Anna asked. Base on her memory in her past life she has heard about the coach of the varsity team, they say that the coach doesn't like people gets near him unless it's necessary. The coach himself is very handsome, in just one glance it can woo a woman's heart. Even the women in this school young or old are having a huge crush on him. It will be a big headache for Anna if she is even allowed to sit near the coach it will only bring jealousy inside the girls in this school and the rumors about her will grow to an extent of an unbelievable story.

"Yeah. I already said this to the coach and he said yes." The look in Zen's eyes says that he didn't even think of the consequence of what will happen if Anna sits near the coach. Anna could only complain inside as she and Nathalia went to their seats.

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