REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 6

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A few days have passed and today is her grandfather's birthday party and also today is going to her first public appearance. Anna is recalling all of the events that had happened in her past lives, she remembers how Rebecca purposely trip her and made a mess on the party, she also remembers how Rebecca urged her to drink alcohol and she said such embarrassing things in front of her grandfather. Her grandfather punished her for that the next day, her twin brother Aaron tried to defend her that day but their grandfather paid no heed for him.

Since that day Anna's grandfather has been distant to her and disregarded her, she was considered as the black sheep to the family and also the reason why her grandfather forced her to be wed to Juan, but then again, she was willing to do it because she loved Juan and she has no objection to it.

Remembering what Rebecca did in her past life and ruined her relationship with her grandfather and also forcing her to wed Juan made her blood was boiling in anger. 'This time I'm not gonna fall for your tricks Rebecca.'

"Honey if you're ready now, come down and let's go. We don't want your grandfather to wait for us, don't we?" She heard her mother outside her room. Anna just sighs and took one last look at herself on the mirror before going out.


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It's almost 7:30 in the evening there's a lot of people are already here and the party hasn't even started yet, Anna was nervous inside the limo with her mom. Her mom noticed how tense she is now, her mom just chuckled and held her hand and let her feel at ease.

When they were ready they both gone out of the limo and went inside where that party is. Anna and her mom were greeted by the elegance decoration in the venue, Anna was astonished by what she saw even though she had already seen it in her past life, it is still a breathtaking sight for her, her grandfather really has a good taste.

The guests at the party saw the mother and daughter pair walked inside. They saw the current CEO, Mary Coleman, wearing a beige color heart tube dress with a black strip on the side, she was utterly beautiful. On Mary's side, her daughter Anna Coleman wore the dark blue dress that her godfather Alfonso had given her for free, Anna looked stunning as her mother's beauty, the color of the dress complimented her skin and the light makeup on her face matched perfectly.

The young and old guests were looking at both of them breathtakingly, even those who have a wife couldn't take their eyes off the two pairs, their wives were filled with bitterness when they saw how their husbands reacted.

"Mother, sis." The mother and daughter pair heard a familiar voice and smiled sweetly when they saw a handsome young man in front of them. Anna couldn't hold herself any longer and run off to her brother's warmth. Aaron was surprised by the sudden hug from his twin sister, but regained composure and hugged her back. "Geez! Anna, I've only been gone for three months and you already miss me that much? When I was at home you wouldn't even care for me."

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When Anna heard that she felt guilty, it is true that when her brother was home she wouldn't even give him her love affection, but now she doesn't know what changed. In her past life with her brother there was no conflict between them, so why would she just now show her affection to her brother?

Aaron noticed that his sister is not showing her face to him and not responding to him, he looked at his mother with a confused look as if asking telepathically 'What's wrong with her' but to his disappointment, her mother just shrugged, she didn't know either. When he's about to ask his sister, he started to a hear sniffling sound, when he heard that he started to get tense he doesn't know what made his sister cry. Aaron panicked, this is the first time that his sister is crying in front of him and he doesn't know what to do.

"Aaron, what did you do to your twin sister?" A deep-toned voice asked Aaron. Aaron turned his head around and saw his grandfather wearing a white tuxedo. Aaron is now tense more than ever, he got caught with his sister crying in his embrace. He gulped trying to explain that he did not do anything to make his sister cry, but his grandfather just wouldn't believe his naughty grandson.

Anna finally stopped crying and turned her head to her grandfather's direction. "Grandfather, my brother did nothing wrong, I was just being emotional when I saw brother. I just missed him so much." Aaron's heart was beating in happiness this is the first time that his sister is saying such words to him and tears welled up in his eyes. He hugged his sister again because he couldn't help but be emotional.

When the elder Coleman heard his granddaughter he suddenly felt guilt it is his fault that her brother has to be away from them for three months. Aaron has to be away from them for a few months because of his training becoming the next one to handle the family business. "My dear child, I am sorry." The people who heard him including his grandchildren and daughter-in-law were shocked. To hear such word from the elder of the Coleman family is very rare after all he is known for being prideful.

"I... Grandfather, you don't need to apologize! I know that you took my brother with you for a reason. So no need to apologize!" Anna anxiously said to her grandfather, she doesn't want her grandfather to think that she's blaming him. Her grandfather's gaze had gone softer as he looks at his two grandchildren.

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The audience who were watching them were awe to see such loving family in front of them. Even the cold and heartless Marcus Coleman can be a softie when it comes to his grandchildren.

Mary Coleman brightens her eyes in excitement when she saw such a scene in front of her. She took out her phone and took a photo of them, it's been a while since the last time she saw this scene. "Okay! Come on now, let's stop the drama, we have a party to run." Mary reminded the three of them. "Anna, come with me to the restroom, we need to fix that make-up of yours." Anna just realized that with all the crying she did it's really obvious that her makeup is ruined. Anna heard her brother and grandfather snicker, she just pouted at the both of them before going with her mother.

When Anna and her mother arrived at the restroom, her mother immediately helped her clean her face and apply a new makeup on. "There, beautiful!" A flush was hinted on Anna's face because of what her mother just said. Her mother noticed it and just said, "Let's go." Anna nodded.


The other two Colemans were greeting on their distinguished guest here at the party, the number one family in the whole country, the Robertson family. If the Robertson family is the number one family in the country, the Coleman family is in the second place but Marcus Coleman doesn't feel bitter about it and he's already satisfied with what he had now.

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"Ah! Mr. Coleman, I really must thank you for inviting me to your birthday party." A guy in his 40s wearing a gray tuxedo said energetically to Marcus Coleman.

"Please, don't be too humble." Aaron just listened to his grandfather and this man talked until his attention caught her mother and sister's figures. He waved at them signaling that they should come here, luckily Anna and her mother noticed it and came to her grandfather's side.

"Father." Anna's mother called out Marcus Coleman's attention.

"Ah! Mr. Robertson, you've already met my daughter-in-law, do you?"

"Yes. Yes, we've met quite a few times because of some business matter." Mr. Robertson said while nodding. "... but! I have not met these two young ones yet!"

"Allow me to introduce my twins, Anna and Aaron Coleman the only young ones in the family." Anna's mother proudly introduced them both.

When Mr. Robertson's eyes landed on Anna, a thought suddenly popped on his mind and called his only son and heir to stand beside him. "Now, my turn to proudly introduce my son." He brightly said before continuing, "Kyle Robertson my one and only heir, also he's single."

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