REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 66

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"When can meet this 'drop-dead gorgeous' girl that you're mentioning?" Stan asked.

"On the day brother will be home." As Stan heard this his lips twitched. This daughter of his is truly a troublesome one.

"That fast? Your brother might become displeased by her sudden visit here." Layla said in a worried tone. She's worried that Kyle might make this girl that her daughter mentioning cry or even worst. She can't see another victim of her son's viciousness towards female; it's going to be another headache for her to handle the situation.

"Dearest mother of mine, there's no need for you to worry about that. I got a feeling that this girl is an exception for brother's temper towards females." Lannie smiled widely as she remembers the scene where her big brother stands in front of Anna. The way her brother shows his authority towards those disgusting men gave Lannie the idea that there might be a chance that her brother will not distance to other females but of course her brother should distance himself to some leeches that may come near him.

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Layla and Stand look at each other and their complexion shows how worried they are more than ever. Seeing that big smile Lannie's face is not very trustful; the hope inside Layla's heart is starting to fade.

Stan just heaves a sigh, truthfully there's one young lady that he wants to be part of the Robertson family in the future but he knows that he just can't force that young lady to be with son and his son's temper towards female. Besides even if his son doesn't have any temper towards females the young lady's family are hard to deal with and getting her married to his son is going to be a hard challenge that he has ever faced.


"Where is my brother, mother?" Lannie asked anxiously. Days have passed and today is the day that the anticipated day that Anna and Kyle will meet again according to one of Lannie's plan.

Lannie walked back in forth in front of her mother and father. She can't help but be anxious that her brother is not here yet. It is already afternoon her brother is not home yet and Anna is gonna come any time soon.

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"Relax, sweetheart. Maybe your brother has forgotten that he's supposed to be home today." Layla said in a calm tone. Layla is not even worried if her son gonna be home or not today; as a matter of fact, she would like her son not to be home at all. At least the girl that her daughter is mentioning will not cry or will be humiliated by her son and that would be the greatest luck that girl can ever have from her son.

"Listen to your mother, Lannie," Stan said with a smile. Clearly, he has the same thinking as his wife; it is better Kyle should not be home today it would save that girl's dignity.

Lannie looked at her parents with utter disbelief. Why can't her parents understand that the girl she kept mentioning for the past few days is the 'one' for her precious brother?! If they don't want her brother and Anna to be together it's going to be a huge loss for this godforsaken family.

As Lannie was about to sit down the butler of their estate came to announce someone's arrival. "Young miss, the guest that you've been waiting for has arrived." Lannie almost stumbles from her footing when she heard that. She looked up the butler and glared at him angrily; the butler flinches he doesn't know why on earth that the young miss is glaring at him. Is he not supposed to announce his young miss' guest? "Should I lead the young lady over here, young miss?" He asked.

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Lannie straightened herself up and said, "No need. I will personally lead her here." Lannie walked out of the living room and went to where Anna is waiting. 'That damn brother of mine! Ruining all my plans for his future! Argh!'

The butler stood on his spot and just look at the back of his young miss going to where her guest is. He doesn't know if his miss is really angry at him or what. He's quite speechless by her sudden glare at him. He has seen Lannie grown up to where she is now and he knows that the young miss he's serving is mild and a happy go, lucky girl; she is not like her brother, Kyle who's cold to everyone and not letting anyone gets close to him unless they have an important thing to say to him. The butler wonders what did he do wrong.

"Butler, don't worry about Lannie getting angry at you. You're not the one she's angry at." The butler was relieved by what his madam said to him. "Now, leave us here," Layla said and the butler just nodded and left.

On Lannie's side, as she got near to where Anna is she saw a beautiful figure standing to look around her surroundings. Lannie was so immersed by Anna's beauty that she almost forgot that she's here to get Anna to meet her parents.

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"Anna! I am so glad that you are here!" Lannie said and as she stood in front of Anna she held her hands gently with a bright smile on her face.

"I don't know if I'm glad to be here. For some reason, I'm quite nervous to be here." On the way here Anna was having second thoughts on coming here and she was even thinking of an excuse to tell Lannie that she couldn't come but she doesn't have the guts to let Lannie down.

"Silly girl! There's no need for you to be worried!" Lannie is amused by how Anna looks right now. The sight in front of her is quite pleasing to her eyes. "Come, let's go into the living room." She said and dragged Anna to where her parents are.

When Anna and Lannie arrived at the living room Layla and Stan look up to see who's this girl that Lannie is so confident about and would like to see why would their own daughter pick her. When Stan's eyes landed on that person he was shocked to see who it was.

"Drop-dead gorgeous indeed."

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