REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 70

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"Mom, stop teasing her. Look how red she is now." After hearing what her brother just said Anna nodded her head in agreement. Her mother should stop teasing like that because she is determined that in this life that she won't focus on any man. Her only focus now is to evade the upcoming flags that will happen in her family.

"Fine. Fine." Mary said surrendering to her twins.

Mary looks at them lovingly. Her twins are her life now she would do anything just to make sure that they are safe from all the pain this world can give. Even though she knows that pain is something you cannot escape from in many ways and she also knows that pain also has its part to survive this cruel world.

Mary is happy that her twins are beside her being happy and lively but at the same time, she is quite worried that their enemy is going to attack them at any time and she doesn't know when and where they are going to attack.

Ever since the kidnapping scene, there was no trace of their enemy. Mary and her team cannot find the culprit, it looks like this time for the first time in such a long while she's having a hard time finding her prey. For a while now, her hands are getting itchy to kill her prey but her prey is nowhere to found and she's getting anxious for her twins' sake.

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"Mom, shall we get started?" Mary stopped her line of thoughts when she heard her daughter's beautiful voice. With the lively voices of her children can always ease her uneasiness in every way.

"Yes. Let's get started." Mary almost forgot that they have training scheduled today and it's a good thing that her daughter reminded her before she succumbed to her own thoughts on how to deal on her crafty prey.

Every four times a week Mary would hone her twins' skill in fighting and in defending themselves. This is one of the ways she could think of to protect them from her enemies lurking in the corner especially to that crafty prey of hers.


The very next day since it's a day off from school, Anna decided to visit her uncle Fonso in his studio, Blue Moon Studio. She's here to surprise Alfonso. It has been a while since she last saw him and this is her great opportunity to see him.

As she walks casually inside Alfonso's studio, Anna bumps into Alfonso's assistant. The assistant was surprised to see Anna and the assistant knew that Anna's visit is not in part of her boss' schedule. The assistant wants to force Anna out of the studio but she knew that if she does that Alfonso would get angry at her she can't afford her boss being angry at her.

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Seeing that assistant in front of her Anna asks, "Is my uncle Fonso in here?".

In truth, this very assistant has a huge crush on her boss even though she knew that Alfonso has a woman's soul in him and it is really impossible to win him by showing off cleavage or dress up nicely and winning Alfonso would most likely never to happen in this lifetime or in another lifetime. In the end, she could only watch Afonso by being his assistant and that is her role in Alfonso's life. Watching him from afar is enough for her.

Her role is just being an assistant is enough for her but at the same time, she's jealous at Anna and her mother. They can leisurely get close to Alfonso without Alfonso glaring at them or being kicked out by him. She cursed them for that, how come they can act like that to Alfonso and yet she, on the other hand, can't even get close to him unless it's business matters. But then again, she remembers that she is just a mere assistant; what rights does she have to get the exact same thing they get from Alfonso?

The assistant sighed inwardly and replied to Anna's question politely, "He is here young miss. You can see him to the left side of the hall in the second door." Anna nodded and thank the assistant. For some reason Anna can feel some resentment coming from that assistant she wonders if the assistant hated her or what.

Standing in front of the door, Anna knocked for a few times and after some seconds pass the door finally opened. When Anna saw the person who opened the door she was surprised to see that person's haggard face as if a storm has wrecked him.

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"U-uncle, what happened to you?" Anna asked anxiously. In her point of view, Alfonso looks like a piece of terrible news has drained his life.

"My little NaNa?" Alfonso looked at the person in front of him and wanting to clarify if he wasn't hallucinating.

"Yes. I am your little NaNa." Anna said with a forced smile in her face.

Confirming that he is not imagining thing he pulled Anna inside and hugged her tightly and cried. His actions confuse Anna big time. "Uncle, what happened?" She tried to get answers from him but it didn't work Alfonso just kept on crying and mumbling as if his world has ended. With no other choice, Anna called the only person who can make Alfonso stop crying and say the whole truth.

Anna pulled out her phone and called her the very person. After a few rings, that very person answered the call, "Mom, I need your help with uncle Fonso." Anna said in a worried tone.

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Mary who received her daughter's call for help immediately rushed to Alfonso's studio. At this moment since the call, she is worried about Alfonso. When she heard that Alfonso crying this made her surprised Alfonso rarely cries and when he cries that mean there is a serious problem that he can't solve by himself. But at the same time, she is also worried about her daughter because Alfonso can be a little too demanding when he is in that state.

When she arrived she saw her daughter coaxing Alfonso and Alfonso looked like his world has truly ended. "What happened, Fonso?"

Hearing a familiar voice Alfonso looked at Mary and his eyes were teary again. "Mary, I don't know what to do." He said.

"W-what happened?" Anna and Mary are now more curious about what really happened to Alfonso.

"I got a baby." Thin lines were formed in Mary's forehead, she is utterly confused at Alfonso's small statement. 'A baby? Is he having relationship problems?' She asked herself and with this question in her mind she suddenly got irritated. If Alfonso is crying because of a guy and she is here to fix that problem she will definitely beat the crap out of Alfonso. This kind of problem is not her expertise and Alfonso shouldn't be crying like this for Christ sake!

Seeing that Mary is not getting what he's trying to say he repeated it again with a better statement. "A baby, baby. Like a little dumpling. My flesh and blood."

Anna and Mary's mind were blank for a whole minute when they truly understand what Alfonso just said and then their mouth gape in shock at that piece of news.

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