REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 72

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"Well, that changes everything." Hearing the whole story how Alfonso got to know that he has a child, Zack felt that it's quite unfair to the mother and the child because the mother is leaving too early and she can't even see her own child grow and the child can't even see its mother as he or she grows up.

The mother doesn't want anything from Alfonso and wants to raise the child on her own but fate doesn't allow her to be with her child. Such a tragic experience between mother and child.

"What am I supposed to do?" Alfonso asks in an anxious tone. In truth, Alfonso is still in great shock learning that he had a child and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Uh... Take the child like what the mother of the child wants you to do," Zack said as matter of fact tone. Alfonso knows that what he's supposed to do but the biggest question in his mind is how is he gonna be that kind of a person what the mother of the child wants him to be.

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He's the type of person who only knows how to work, have fun and any other individual activity that doesn't involve any child care. Even when Anna and Aaron were born he never took care of them and only adored their cuteness.

If he took the child under his care he is also worried that when that child grows up, the child might get bullied because of him being a reverse type of a guy. Some people in this world are just full judgemental thoughts and that might ruin the child's future.

Seeing the worried face of Alfonso, Mary can guess what he is worried about. He is only worried about the child's future, 'It looks like you've taken your first step of being a parent Fonso.'

Everybody in the room noticed the smiling face of Mary and it gave them the creeps except for Anna of course. All of them were not used to seeing Mary smiling like that, because usually, it could only be meant for a bloody event. As for Anna, she always sees that smile on her mother whenever they are together, the only thing that she could not understand is that why is her uncles are afraid of seeing her mother smile like that?

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"Uh... You're not planning something bad are you?" Alfonso carefully asked Mary. If Mary is truly planning something that might include his own child, he would definitely go against Mary. But then again, he knows that Mary is not that kind of a person. Mary always has a soft spot when it comes to little children.

"What? I'm just smiling here. Is that how you guys see me? Every time I smile there's always be blood spilling out?" Mary is utterly disappointed at the people in front of her. She may be a merciless killer when it comes to her enemies but they should have known her better than that.

"Well..." Zack scratches his head not knowing what's the proper response to Mary.

"Since Zacky boy here is not gonna finish his sentence then I will!" Mike said with a big grin on his face. Zack immediately looked at Mike with deathly glare, this guy sure doesn't know when he is crossing his line when it comes pissing Mary off. "What he was trying to say was... You are that type of a person."

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Mary's eyes grimed because of that sentence. These friends of hers is truly a one of a kind, but then again she can't blame for thinking like that. For the past years that have been together since they were young teenagers, it is true that whenever she smiles there is always a mischievous plan going around on her head. But that doesn't mean she would go to that kind of extent!

After a few moments, her line of sight was pointed directly at Alfonso direction and then she regained her composure, "Fonso, now that the mother of your child is dying the child needs you more than ever. Don't worry about the other kinds of stuff and just do what you think as a parent would do." Mary said in a gentle tone.

Finally! Alfonso felt warmth in his heart, this is the kind of advice that he has been waiting for. The other three hooligans are so useless that the only thing they know is how to gossip on how did he manage to get a woman pregnant. At the very least, in this group of friends, there is always someone who can say something useful when he needed it.

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After a few minutes of silence, Leo suddenly remembered something, "Alfonso, have you told your sister about this matter?"

Hearing that question Alfonso's face suddenly stiffened. In truth, he did not tell his own sister about this matter, because if he told her about this matter he will definitely get scolded big time. His own sister might probably say, 'You slept with someone and then she suddenly wants to disappear from your life and you didn't suspect anything from that?! You should have double check everything first before letting her go! You stupid brother of mine!'

"Hohoho... Base on the look of your face, it looks like you didn't tell her anything yet. You're in big trouble baby boy." Mike said in an amused tone. He seems to be having fun seeing his friend in a miserable state, he's such a horrible friend. But then again, even though Mike is like that he is surely caring to those he cares about the deep inside of him. He's the type of a guy who doesn't show his true feelings to anyone.

'Baby boy' those two words that came out of Mike's mouth made Alfonso's ears twitch. The nickname was given by his sister since they were little. That nickname was supposed to be a secret but Mike overheard it when his sister suddenly appeared on the day of their mission and since then Mike is using that just to tease him or make him angry.

However, Alfonso doesn't have the luxury to mind what Mike just said. The only two things he has to do now is to make preparation for his child and a plan on how to tell this matter to his sister.

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