Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 113: 113 The alarming announcement


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Jun stared at the ring he had planned to propose to Shui with. Hell had broken loose after her confession about her feelings for Jin. Everything went into a downward spiral for Juns life. Everything had ended for him.

Realizing that his brother and his fiance were in love with each other made him feel cheated, furious, heartbroken, crazy and lost. He had always treasured his youngest brother but after that single night, that love had taken the shape of hatred.

Jun let out a feeble smile.

This ring is of no use now.

It slipped out from his mind after his rebirth that he had already given this rings order a few months ago. When he received Mr. Shaos call was when it suddenly hit him.

I would have cancelled it already had I remembered it sooner

Jun put the ring back in the velvet box and said, I am sorry Mr. Shao, but I want to cancel this order. I dont need this ring anymore.

Huh? He widened his eyes. Mr. Liu, werent you so excited-

He immediately shut his mouth. It was evident that this ring was meant for a marriage proposal. Now that Jun stated he didnt need it anymore only meant that he had broken up with his girlfriend.

I see he broke into a cold sweat..

Is this really true? Mr. Liu broke up?

It seemed unbelievable to him. Who didnt desire Jun? Every single woman!

Jun continued without any change in his countenance. You have worked hard for this ring. It was my mistake. I wont let your efforts go to waste. You will get your full money.

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No, no! Mr. Liu. I understand. You dont need to-

Jun remained stubborn. No. I will pay, so I will pay, he took out his black card and slid it towards him.

Mr. Shao hesitated.

Take it or I will pay double, Jun remarked without a single twitch on his forehead.

The manager choked hard. I will take it! I will take it! But please dont pay double the amount

Spare me please! He sobbed and went away to swipe his card.

Jun waited. But unknown to him, there were two figures who stared at him from a distance outside the jewelry shop.

Nana was squealing so hard that everybody passing by her gave her weird looks. Xinyi joined in her excitement, and the two were jumping around like two schoolgirls who got their favorite ice creams.

Xinyi, Xinyi, did you see!? I didnt know Jun was planning to propose! Watching him buy the ring confirmed it!

Xinyi clapped her hands in delight. Yes! Aaaaahhh! He is getting the ring! Haha, Shui will be so thrilled. I just hope that Zhiyuan wont make things difficult for Jun! Her nostrils flared.

Nana chuckled. Thats alright. Jinhai is the same. If he had been in Zhiyuans place, he wouldnt have done anything different. Our husbands are such a pain!

I know!! Its like a switch gets activated in their brains when it is anything related to their daughters.

They sighed in exasperation. They glanced back and jumped in excitement again.

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Forget about our husbands! Jun bought the ring! Jun bought the ring!

The crowd was even more speechless.

Whats wrong with these women?

Nana sighed. But when he is planning to propose? Ohhh! Maybe its on Shuis birthday! She gleamed. That will be such a perfect occasion. It is almost a month and a half away. Ah, it feels like such a long wait, she whined. I feel like jumping into a time travel machine.

Xinyi shared her sentiments. I feel you. Now, I wonder why didnt Shui wasnt born earlier? Then we wont have to wait for so long!

Nana burst into laughter. Aish, we are so impatient. Okay, I cannot hold this news in anymore! Lets go and tell this to Jinhai and Zhiyuan.

Xinyi narrowed her eyes. Yes. Its better that Zhiyuan doesnt cause any ruckus, or he is so dead! If he interferes, I will throw him out of the house!

Lets go quickly! She pulled Xinyis hand and disappeared.

Jun just stepped out, and found a message from Yunru to come to Sky. He thought about it. He had a few things concerning Yating and the possible mysterious enemy to talk to his cousin.

He typed back. Coming.

Ai faced the Sky Publishings entrance as she raised her neck to stare at the tall and enormous building. At one point, she felt dizzy and afraid of the height illusion, so she quickly turned her head.

She took a deep breath to calm down.

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I am on the ground. I am on the ground.

Her motive to come to Sky was only one, and that was to visit Mr Perfect. When she thought back to Jinhai and Nanas wedding anniversary, she realized missed a huge detail.

It was a great chance to meet Chen Yunru and possibly Mr Perfect too, who was Skys CEO. But Liu Hai had wound her up around the granddaughter-in-law stuff, and then she met Jun

The thing simply dissipated from her mind. Yesterday, she gave numerous calls to Xing Bi, but there was no answer.

She might be really busy with work, Ai concluded.

Since she couldnt discuss with Xing Bi about the whole mess regarding MissImperfectlyFine and the plagiarism allegations, she decided to come here herself.

Ai stared at MrPerfects message which said how he would ruin her career. It was high time she would meet him and clarify all the mess she had caused.

A tingling sense of nervousness gripped her heart. With this meeting, it was possible no, she was sure that Jun would learn her true identity soon enough as he worked part time here and was the one to complain about MissImperfectlyFine to Sky. She later realized that it wasnt strange. Jun and Yunru were cousins, after all.

What would be his reaction? He will be disappointed that I lied to him, she pursed her lips.

She gave it a thought and consoled herself that whatever happens would happen. She couldnt avoid this confrontation forever.

Ai nodded to herself and calmly stepped inside. She walked up to the reception, and the receptionist kindly smiled. How can I help you?

Can I meet President Chen Yunru?

Do you have an appointment?

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In that case-

Suddenly, her words got cut off as a booming voice resounded in the office.

Everybody! Gather here! He dragged Jun in front of everyone, making Ai stunned whose figure was hidden among the gathering employees.

Oh my Gosh, who is that hot man?

Such a beauty!

I have never seen him before here.

Is he the Presidents friend?

Jun was clearly displeased with this attention and felt puzzled at the same time as to what Yunru had to announce which involved him.

Yunru grinned. I have got great news for everyone!

The employees whispered eagerly amongst themselves, speculating what it might be.

Hehehe. My dearest cousin, Bro Jun he leaned, creating tension but also anticipation in the air, has bought a beautiful ring for his childhood love and girlfriend, Han Shui! He is soon going to propose to her! Give a large round of applause for the soon-to-be fiance!

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