Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 115: 115 Their brotherhood

Jun wanted to smack his cousin hard on his head. But as he reflected upon it, he understood where Yunrus incredulity was coming from.

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It was tough to digest this fact. Even in his past life, it came as a massive shock to everybody when Shui rejected Juns proposal on her twenty-fifth birthday. Nobody could wrap their heads around it.

Everything that Yunru said was a hundred percent true. Anything could be a lie but not his relationship with Shui. Anything could break apart but not them.

Jun faced Yunru and stared straight into his eyes. No matter how unbelievable it is, Shui and I have broken up.

Yunru sharply gasped. Watching Juns dead set gaze forced him to believe the reality.

H-How? Why? Shui and youYou love each other so much! What went wrong? Didnt you always declare that Shui will be your wife? So He was baffled as much as he was worried for his cousin.

He knew how crazy he was for Shui. He couldnt live without even texting her at least three times a day.

Jun smiled and patted his shoulder. Dont look like that, Yunru. I just realized that we arent suited for each other.

Yunru grabbed his hand, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Bro, how can you say that with a smile? Dont lie to me! You must be heartbroken like crazy! II still dont understand. Not suited for each other? B-But you two look so perfect!.

What looks on the outside can be deceiving, Yunru. Apparently, we arent perfect for each other. Come ondont cry like a baby! He sneered and flicked his forehead. You are Skys President. How can the President cry like that? What will happen to your image if anyone sees you like this?

I dont care about my image! I care about my Bro the most! And my bro is hurting! His eyes reddened. How can you still smile like that? I feel so devastated, so what must you be feeling?

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Jun slightly trembled with his concern. This was the brother whom he hurt in his past life by ignoring his responsibilities towards Sky. He broke his dream apart. Jun vowed not to make Yunru cry ever again.

Yet Yunru is shedding tears because of me once again. I am so stupid.

He leaned in and hugged his cousin. Yunru blinked rapidly.

Bro never initiates such gestures

His eyes teared up even more.

For Jun to hug him like this which was unusual behavior on his part meant just how painful must it be to bear this breakup?

He squished him back. Bro

Jun shook his head. Really, dont cry. It was hard at the beginning, but

The memories with Ai flashed in his mind, and his gaze flickered as he whispered, Now I am fine, YunruI really am.

Yunru withdrew and suspiciously studied him, gauging if he was trying to fool him or not.

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I am not fooling you. Trust me, he said with conviction.

Yunru rubbed the tip of his nose. I-If you say soI will believe you. W-wait! Is that why you left the Liu villa?

He stiffened.

But why would you leave your home because you broke up? Its not like Shui lives there, his forehead creased with thin lines.

Jun couldnt confess that Jinhai kicked him out.

Of course, I didnt have to leave. But I thought I needed a change in my pace. It was difficult to face my family

Yunru quietly asked, When did you break up?

Its almost two months now.

He was stunned. Why keep this until now?

Jun lowered his gaze silently.

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He had been through a lot ever since he was reborn. Breaking up with Shui was the hardest part to do. Then there were the memories and guilt of his past life which constantly weighed him down.

He felt lost.

Now that he had decided to give up on Shui, he felt as if there was no direction left in his life anymore. He would just continue living until death would naturally end his life one day. Coming to terms to such a sudden change when he had dedicated his whole life and heart to Shui before was excruciating.

In such a situation when he felt he was losing his sanity and adjusting to his new life, he didnt have the energy to announce the breakup to his family and face their questioning. They would have reacted just like Yunru, and he couldnt have explained the reasons to them even if he wanted to.

Thats why secretly, he was relying on Shui to break this news. He couldnt have avoided the inevitable confrontation forever. But he wanted to give himself a breather.

Jun slowly answered. There were many things I was going through. I didnt realize it, but I was subconsciously delaying the confrontation.

Yunru felt his heart ache. I understand Bro

For someone like Jun who always claimed Shui as hers, it would have been even tougher to suddenly confess this saddening truth. Jun and Shuis image as a couple was set in everybodys minds like an immovable rock.

But Jun seemed determined now. But its enough now. I was going to announce it tomorrow anyway. I will bring this matter to an end tomorrow once and for all.

He silently curled his fingers. Its time they know now.

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When Ai reached her apartment, she saw a figure pacing back and forth in front of her flat. As Xing Bi noticed Ai, she exclaimed. Ai!! You are back!

She hugged her hard. I am sorry I missed your calls. It was such a mess because of a certain someone

Xing Bis expression turned ugly thinking about Nian and the troubles he put her through.

Just hope that you never cross paths with me, you stupid servant otherwise

Ai worriedly asked, What happened? You usually dont get so furious. Is it related to Zhan Yahui?

She softly exhaled. No. Its someone else. I will tell you the details later. But first

Xing Bi eyed her carefully. Why do you look so down? Did something happen?

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