Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 121: 121 Attack on Sky

Shui fell back on her bed as soon as she reached home. She let out a deep breath, her heart aching to see Grandma Liu in such a sickly state. She wiped the corner of her eyes, twinkling with her tear drops.

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She knew the purpose behind Juns visit and the reason for his silence too. But everything became even more complicated now.

A furious stream of dings made her jolt up. She unlocked her phone and saw that it was Warlord continuously messaging Reading Points chat.

She facepalmed.

This man

[Warlord Hey hey hey! I heard some awesome news! Its about the Authors Summit that is going to be held on 14th February! Hohoho! And guess what? My Goddess is participating in the Summit!]

He then entered a string of proud and happy emojis.

Shui tilted her head.

[HS On Valentines?]

[Mimic Thats just perfect for female authors isnt it?]

[Sandrios Oh cool! I am excited!]


In normal circumstances, Jun would have planned a date to celebrate this day..

[LumiosZ It will be interesting to see new entries.]

[GotoHell Will MissImperfectlyFine be participating too?]

There was silence in the chat.

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Shui didnt understand why it felt so awkward. She wasnt always active on Reading Point. From Jun, she already knew that MissImperfectlyFine was a talented author.

But then it struck her. She also read the news that Sky pressed charges against her. Naturally, it wouldnt have happened without Juns consent.

This is really so shocking, she thought. I have seen him read her books so many times. Her books are even there in his own library which means he respects her talent.

[Candywoman Dont even talk about it! She is a cheater!]

[Sandrios She plagiarized someones novel and still has the guts to be on this server!]

[Warlord Hey, Hey calm down. I might not read her books, but I feel she cannot cheat like this.]

Suddenly, the chat became too active and readers came popping out cursing MissImperfectlyFine. They even pinged her, dissing her like crazy.

But despite all that fury, some of her loyal readers still came to defend her.

[I trust my favorite author! MissImperfectlyFine can never cheat!]

[Yes! @MissImperfectlyFine Dont worry at all! I support you!]

[Hmph! Just you see! She will win this Authors Summit!]

One of CherryBlossoms fans retorted.

[How? By stealing anothers story again?]

[She is not a cheater!]

[Sky even gave the proof you blind!]

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[Okay, lets bet who will win! It will be CherryBlossom versus MissImperfectlyFine! Obviously, my moneys on CherryBlossom!]

[I believe in MissImperfectlyFine! She will definitely win this!]

Just then, a notification popup came from CherryBlossoms official social media accounts. It read as-

I know there are some serious allegations against my fellow author, MissImperfectlyFine. But I take this chance to put forth my stand. MissImperfectlyFine is not just a writer from the same company as I. We are best friends. I know her better and longer than Sky and all of you who are defaming her. She is the most honest and sincerest person I know. I feel incredibly lucky to have a best friend like her. No matter what, I stand by her side. She is not a cheater. Thats all.

There was a stunned silence for a long time, but it soon exploded by a fury of comments.

CherryBlossom has spoken!

So they are best friends?

Wellif she says so, then I will believe MissImperfectlyFine.

Yeah my Goddess will never stand on a cheaters side!

Shui opened her direct message window and dropped a message to Warlord. Among all the readers and members, only he seemed to be calm about this despite being CherryBlossoms fan. Over the course of time, Warlord was the only member of the group to become good friends with her.

[HS I saw CherryBlossoms message.]

[Warlord Yes my Goddess has spoken! Hahaha! Now all MissImperfectlyFines haters will be shut off!]

She smiled.

[HS You are a nice person. You dont like her books, but you are not being mean about this.]

[Warlord Well that doesnt mean I will jump on her to humiliate her *shrugs*]

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But its so shocking to see this charge against her.

Shui nodded and typed.

Yeah. Even Jun-

She widened her eyes and quickly erased Juns name.

I am still not used to calling Jun by his username, she shook her head.

[HS MrPerfect is also extremely furious at MissImperfectlyFine *sigh* Even though he has read her books so many times.]

There was a long pause.

[Warlord ]

[Huh, huh, huh!? You say as if you know personally know him?]

Shui raised her brow.

[HS I do.]

[Warlord Whaaaaaaat!? I never knew this! You know my best buddy? My best bro!? So unfair! You two chatted like you didnt even know each other!]

He let out a string of shock emojis.

]HS We had our reasons. But MrPerfect is a very good friend of mine.]

He will cry even more if I say that he is my childhood friend and was my boyfriend, Shui thought.

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[Warlord Damn!!! We are best buddies! You shouldnt have hidden it from meeeee!]

Her mouth twitched.

I dont think Jun treats you as his best buddy though

[Warlord And here I wanted to meet him on the signing event day! If I knew earlier, I would have asked you to butter him up!]

This manis hopeless!

The direction had changed. The events had taken a steep and a sharp turn after CherryBlossoms statement. Her army of readers began to attack Sky for defaming MissImperfectlyFine.

Her readers were so loyal to her that they knew she wouldnt take anybodys side who was a cheater and liar. Charging on Sky was inevitable.

But apart from this ongoing slaughter of the massive reader community against Sky, another threat had already knocked on its door.

Late at night, Jun received a call from Yunru. Even through the ringtone that sounded as usual, Jun sensed an urgency behind. He thought that it was related to the CherryBlossoms readers attacking Sky, but the news that awaited him was something else.


Jun said, I will deal with CherryBlossoms readers tomorrow, the air was already icy just like his deep gaze.

Its not about her readers! Its our app where our readers read webnovels and webcomics. It has crashed!

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