Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 136: 136 Receiving a bouquet

Ai trembled.

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She straightened up after a beat and turned when Jun caught her wrist. She stiffened and looked back only to see him still sleeping.

Jun hummed in his sleep and pulled her. She collapsed on top of him and rapidly blinked. Biting her lower lip, she tried to noiselessly leave. But Jun had firmly held onto her back and pressed their bodies together. His lips lingered on her forehead. Her hair grazed his chin, and her hand was on his shoulder.

Ai had no space to move. Her ear that was pressed to his chest could clearly hear his heartbeat. Embraced by him felt warm and comfortable.

Jun she whispered his name, sleep finally greeting her eyes that failed to visit her before.


A name escaped Juns lips too as he ever so slightly opened his eyes. He lightly flicked his thumb over the corner of her lips as he tightened his hold over her.

You are not a bastard, and you are not any hideous monster.


He slowly shut his eyes, a soft smile faintly curving his lips up..

At the same time in the dead of the night, Yating was aimlessly driving his car. Tears reddened and blurred his vision.

From the hacker, Yating came to know about Ai being Butterfly herself. That rattled him so hard that he refused to believe the hacker.

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How can she be Butterfly!? Are you crazy?

But then Ais confession on Weibo took him by such a shock that he immediately rushed to meet her in her apartment.

Ai, why did you lie? Were you so desperate to leave Dream High that you faked your identity even though it went against your principles?

It was my decision, Gu Yating.

He stared at her, his eyes aching. Aieven though you have rejected my confession, we can still work in Dream High together. Why Do you want to leave it so badly? I promise I will do anything I can to make you a great writer! You will have what Guiying has too, his eyes shone with determination. But-

Ai raised her palm in indifference. I already said so before. I cannot work at Dream High anymore.

Yating asked with an icy gaze, Is it because of Guiyings feelings for me? If she is making you uncomfortable, then please let me clarify it to her that I dont love her in the slightest! If its because of Guiyings rising popularity, then I assure you that you will get the same things as herYou will get the same opportunities as her, his gaze flickered, I wont let anybody come in the way of your success. Even if

He clenched his fist whispering something to himself that Ai couldnt catch onto.

Please leave, Gu Yating.

He froze.

It was just like before. Whether it was the book signing event or the New Years evening when he confessed, Ai was aloof and apathetic. There was a gap between them that he couldnt seem to bridge no matter how hard he tried. What made him feel the most helpless was that he didnt even know what caused that distance between them in the first place.

Her eyes were cold. Her voice was detached.

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The woman he loved so much was going farther and farther away.

At present, he put a hard stop on the brakes, and the car came to a noisy, screeching halt. He clasped the steering wheel until his palms turned glaring red.


No matter how tough the road ahead is, I will make you the best writer ever. I will let the world know how awesome you are, a prideful smile formed on his lips.

I will make you a star, Ai. Even if you dont return my feelings, I will do what it takes to make you reach the peak.

He trembled. You might not love me, AiBut I will always keep loving you.

He chuckled as his tears kissed his cheeks. He wiped them and took a deep breath. His black eyes glinted with resolve.

To make way for Ais career, the next stepping stone was the Authors Summit. If Ai could win that, then her reputation would soar. He rested his head on the seat and narrowed his eyes. He had full confidence in Ais ability. Whatever story she might write, she would win the hearts of everybody present for sure whether Guiying participated or not.

But it was slightly problematic now considering how she was attacked because of the plagiarism issue first and then her confession about lying about her identity though Skys statement had reduced the damage.

Yating clenched his jaw.

Liu JunHe was talking about Ai. He was fighting for Ai all this time.

His body trembled with a deep resentment taking root in his heart thinking about Juns possible feelings for Ai.

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Not you Liu Jun. Not you

The next morning, Guiying worriedly brewed herself a cup of coffee. Ever since she read Ais post, she couldnt get decent sleep. She had been trying to reach out to her, but Ai had simply replied that she would talk about this later.

I hope Ai is okay

At first, she was terrified with how everybody harshly lashed out at Ai for lying and fooling Sky. Reading some of the comments made her so furious that she logged in with an alternate account to fight back for Ais sake.

Fucking idiots! As if they know anything about Ai!

She gritted her teeth.

Talking nonsense about her!

But after Sky gave its statements, relief washed over her seeing how the tide was slowly turning. Things didnt completely turn into Ais favor but even if a little bit, the situation was calming down. Dream High also issued a statement later on indirectly pointing fingers at Sky. Many were still pissed why two reputable companies would side with a liar. But she didnt care.

Guiying sadly smiled as she read her last message. Her gaze dimmed.

I will talk about this later.

Ai before you would always share your worries with me. But now you

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Her daze broke as the doorbell rang.

She opened the door and saw a delivery man carrying a big bouquet of cherry blossoms.

For Miss. Cai.

She widened her eyes. This bouquet is for me?

Surprised, she took the bouquet and thanked the man. She shut the door and placed the bouquet on the table.

Who sent this?

She found a card amidst the petals and quickly took it out.

All the best for the Summit. Hope you win it. I will be watching you.

Your most loyal reader,


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