Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 144: 144 The determination to win

Coming back to his own condo after dropping Ai back home, he sat on his couch. It was his dinner time and he was hungry, yet he didnt wish to eat anything.

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He touched his lips in a stupor where he could still feel the light taste of chocolate lingering on them. Unconsciously, he licked his lips and swallowed the faint traces of chocolate in his mouth.

His stomach was rumbling with hunger, but he was afraid to lose the taste of Ais handmade chocolate still present at the tip of his tongue. He wished to eat more of them.

Once again, her chocolates werent perfect. In fact, it was a blend of sweetness and bitterness. Yet, he found it strangely addicting. Ever since Ai stepped into his life, the imperfections in things that she brought with her felt appealing and enjoyable.

His phone buzzed with a message, and he saw it was a message from Chyou.

I am ready.

A glint passed through his eyes. Yating had attacked Skys systems, and Jun wanted his own revenge to drag Dream High down too.

When he thought about how Yating did it for Ais sake, his body trembled in rage. He threatened him openly at the wedding anniversary banquet, and then attacked Sky all because he wanted to protect Ai.

The feeling that another man fought for Ai didnt sit well with him because he knew how Yating felt about Ai. At least for now, he liked her though five years later, he would dump Ai.

But at this moment, Yating challenged Jun to protect the woman he loved.

His trembling fingers dug in his palms.

You are nobody to her. You have no right to fight for her

Jun took a slow, deep breath and gave it a long thought..

He wanted to destroy Dream High for sure. It was the reason why Sky was led to its downfall.

But he thought that now wasnt the right time.

The Authors Summit is coming closer, he narrowed his eyes.

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There were already tensions about Ais name and reputation. He didnt want others to drag Ai unnecessarily between Sky and Dream Highs war. He wasnt afraid of the keyboard warriors because he could shut them up with a snap of his finger.

But this was a crucial time for Ai to prove herself at the Summit. Any tension in Dream High or Sky would inevitably affect her concentration too, and Jun wanted her to give her very best.

Jun typed.

Dont do anything. For now.

Chyous reply came a minute later. Sure?

Hundred percent.

Jun sneered.

Once Ai comes to Sky, I will have all the time in the world to deal with Dream High. Slowly but surely.

Liu villa.


Jian, who was grinning to himself while texting his girlfriend Leina, made an annoyed face.

His twin jumped upon him with a wide smile on his face. Jian narrowed his eyes. What do you want?

Aww, you know me so well~

Is this about the mysterious woman you met that evening?

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Nian coughed. Yes.

Hey, you created that mess. You solve it on your own! He snorted.

You are my twin! We are supposed to help each other! Dont make me remind you just how many times I disguised myself as you to sufferUncle Xus wrath! You made some pretty good use of our same faces.

Jian cleared his throat in embarrassment.

He harrumphed. Anyway. Do you remember Zhou Ai? His gaze darkened.

How can I forget the woman who jabbed popsicles in our mouths? He chuckled.

He burst into tears. Sheshe murdered my sweets today!


Nian sobbingly told him the entire story, and Jian only laughed like crazy. Ohoh my GodThats hilarious! Ah, how I wish I was there, he lamented.

Shut up! Nian glared at him. He reigned his anger and continued. The point is that she told me to confess my mistake and apologize to Xing Bi.

Xing Bi?

Nian grinned. Its her name. Even the name is so cute. Just like her.

So cheesy, Jian sneered.

He rolled his eyes. As if you are any less cheesy with Leina. So where was I? Yes! I feel that Ai is right. So, I have decided to do as she says.

Cool. Good luck.

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What good luck!? I need your help! I have planned to apologize to her on Valentines Day. She works in Dream High as an editor, and there is going to be an Author Summit on 14th Feb. She is going to be there.

Jian was taken aback in surprise. Isnt Dream High Skys rival? Interesting.

He shrugged. Yup. Well, thats where she works.

So what do you need me for?

Nian scratched his chin. You see. I will do my best. But she was quitequite furious. I am not sure if she would really forgive me or strangle my neck. So, I need you to back me up in case I fail to appease her, hehe. Butter her up for me please~

Jian widened his eyes. Dude, are you crazy? Its Valentines Day. I have plans with Leina.

Nian grabbed his arm and begged him. Jian, please! You have to do this for me! Just once! I really need your help! He cried. You atleast have a girlfriend! I can kiss my beautiful love life goodbye if I fail!

Jian shrugged off his arm. Nope. My plans with Leina are fixed. She will kill me and dig my grave if I cancel our plans.

I will talk to her-

Dont even think about it, he warned. You have no idea just how I passed her Trial of Judgment by hairs breadth, he sweated. She was pretty mad. If I screw Valentines Day, I will kiss MY love life goodbye.

Nian felt extremely aggrieved. Youyou! You have no place for your brother anymore! Fine then! I will ask Jun-

He will throw you out before you get to complete your sentence. He must definitely have plans with Shui too.

Then my lovely sister Nuo! She will definitely help her big brother!

Jian chuckled. Forget about it. Obviously, she has plans with Siying too. Plus, its their first Valentines as a couple. No way she will come with you.

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But I need a backup! I know! His eyes gleamed.

Just at that moment, Jin stepped in. Bro Jian, here is your-

Jiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn! Nian hopped into his brothers hug. My sweetest brother of all! My cutest brother of all!

Jin stared at him and then turned to leave. I am not-

No, no! Nian grabbed his elbow and dragged him back. You are the only single sibling available right now. You have to come! Thats my order as the eldest brother! You will come to the Author Summit with me! Thats final!

On the day before 14th, Ai could feel her heart hammering in her chest, thinking of the important day to come.


She clenched her fists and took a deep breath. Her phone buzzed with several messages. Dream High wanted to meet all their authors before the Summit would begin tomorrow, especially Guiying and Ai.

But Ai declined all their requests. She refused to step into Dream High, especially since the Authors Summit was just tomorrow. She thought back to her past life.

I got sick after returning from Dream High and couldnt participate in the Summit anymore. I wont do anything to jeopardize it this time, her eyes narrowed with determination.

I have to win tomorrows Summit. I will win the Summit.

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