Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 152: 152 The Valentine's Day Arc (8) :

The final segment for which everybody was anticipating was finally here. Ai got back to her seat and quietly sat down.

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Xing Bi, who noticed some difference in her expression, narrowed her eyes. Why is your face looking so red?

She jumped in her seat but calmly said, I am fine. Nothing.

Really? Her tone sounded like she wasnt convinced as she observed her carefully.

Ai cleared her throat and nodded.

Xing Bi sighed and then asked, Oh, where is Shi Huan? You two went together, right?

Ai was taken aback. She still isnt back? She said she was having slight stomach pain, so she will take some rest and come back.

Ah? She isnt back though.

Ai seemed worried. I will go check on her..

Just at that time, the emcee arrived and announced. Welcome back ladies and gentlemen for the final segment that everybody was waiting for! But before we begin, I have some unfortunate news to share. The author, MysticMidnight, who won the second batch, wouldnt be able to participate in this segment as she fell ill and is now under treatment. There is no need to panic as her condition fortunately is not serious. However, since she wouldnt be able to recite her story, she is disqualified from this segment.

Everybody gasped in disbelief, and some of them expressed their sympathies.

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Guiying widened her eyes and softly sighed. Thats sad. Its not easy to reach the final round with such tough competition. Right, Zhan Yahui?

Zhan Yahui cocked her brow and shrugged. Thats her bad luck. Feel happy that you have one less competition.

Her gaze darkened. Zhan Yahui, sometimes youyou are too heartless! She lost such a good opportunity. Even if we are competitors, I feel so horrible!

She snorted. Its a dog eat dog world. Grow up. Also, dont waste your sympathies on her. She is the Shi Shurens daughter and practically Shi Publishings heiress. What does it matter if she lost here? She has her father to back her up, she smiled. Do YOU have that privilege?

Her expression twisted. I dont care about that privilege. No matter how much money she has, a competition is a competition. This is important for any writer, but she lost the chance to tell her story. Her father cannot buy the experience or prize for her, can he now?

Zhan Yahui stared at her and chuckled. You are so gullible, Guiying. You wont even realize how you would be fooled one day. You would be only left with tears and heartbreak.

Guiying pressed her brows and gave up. Its impossible talking to you.

On the other hand, Ai was even more heartbroken than Guiying to see Shi Huan withdraw. They knew for only an hour or so, but Ai liked her. Shi Huan was a decent woman with a good heart.

Xing Bi pursed her lips. Thats really unfortunate. She seemed so sincere.

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Ai thought about it and raised her hand. The emcee coughed, seeing MissImperfectlyFine wanting to say something.

I just hope it doesnt cause another scene, he internally sweated.

He smiled. Yes author MissImperfectlyFine?

Ai promptly got up and asked, Can we not disqualify MysticMidnight? Its an honor to reach till here. I feel that physical sickness shouldnt stop her from competing. That will be too unfortunate.

Everybody stared at her in disbelief.

Is she really saying that?

Isnt it good for her if that writer is out?

They gauged Ai, who was requesting this chance with utmost sincerity. At first,

Xing Bi smiled.

Aish, thats my Ai for you.

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At that point, Guiying also got up and joined her. I agree with her. I also feel that its too harsh.

Zhan Yahui glared at her.


The emcee smiled. I appreciate your stand on this. Trust me. Not many competitors can do this. But these are the rules of the competition. The writers need to be physically present at the Summit for their entries to be considered. We have witnessed plagiarizing cases where some dared to pose as some other writer during batch submissions or even alter their pen names and do fraud. Thats why the rule of physical presence was mandated.

A few people from the crowd gravely agreed. They had heard of such cases.

Ai pursed her lips. But there are no doubts about her identity at this point.

Indeed. But rules are rules. We cannot change them for one writer. Otherwise, there are others who couldnt make it to tonights Summit for some reason or the other. How will we answer them? Wont they demand to be given a chance too? That will be such a mess, wont it?

Ai and Guiying slumped. Guiying shook her head. Thats just unlucky.

Luck is also a part of any competition as much as hard work, The emcee smiled.

Ai nodded in defeat. I see. I understand. Thank you for hearing out.

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Guiying smiled. Same here.

Even though the outcome wasnt in their favor, Ai and Guiyings image in front of her surely had improved. Especially for Ai, who stood up for Shi Huan first.

The emcee continued. That means there will be only two finalists in this segment. CherryBlossom and MissImperfectlyFine. I would request CherryBlossom to please come up on the stage.

Zhan Yahui was furious at Guiying and still breathing hard that she was stupid enough to stand up for Shi Huan. But seeing her chance arrive, she calmed herself. Please dont think about anything else and only focus on your story.

I know. I will do my best.

You have to because you have to win.

Guiyings heart thudded faster as she made her way to the stage amidst the loud cheers and claps. Millions of her fans were watching her, but the one who she thought about was MrPerfect.

He must be looking at me now, right? I hope I look good

She faced everybody with her short story in her hand. Nervousness gripped her heart. MrPerfect was here watching her tonight. She wanted to give her best performance.

Taking a deep breath, she said, I will begin.

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