Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 161: 161 The Valentine's Day Arc (17)

Jun was losing his mind.

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The more he listened to Yating talk, the more his fingers itched with a bloodthirsty aura surrounding him. His gaze that looked Ai with love gave him the urge to tear off his eyes from his body. The hands with which he was holding Ais delicate shoulders made him want to cut off Yatings arms. The closer he stood to Ai, the more violence braced his heart.

Fury and fear gushed into him like adrenaline as he recalled Mrs. Quan Sus words.

Ai is a gem. And if you realize it too late or your feelings, you will lose her forever.

When you are all by yourself, you seem lost and alone. But when she is by your side, it feels that you have found a place to belong to.

Thats why you should listen to me. Dont let Ai go. You might not realize the importance now. But one day, if another man stepped into her life and took her away, your heart would be only filled with regrets.

It was happening just the way she had said. Yatings each and every word felt like a knife stabbing his heart. The feelings that slowly began to overwhelm him from fury and fear were jealousy and possessiveness.

Huh? You cannot look at her that way. Only I can.

You cannot hold her that way. You cannot touch her that way because only I can touch her..

MineAi is mine

The realization shook him hard. Ever since that night they spent in the crescent swing, Jun illusioned himself that these feelings erupted within him only because he saw her dancing with Jin.

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Jin was Juns sore point. Whenever Jin came into the picture, Jun felt afraid and insecure to lose anymore than he already had. So when he saw them together, he felt Ai slipping away from his hands.

He just didnt want Ai to lose to Jin. He thought his feelings were only due to Jin and the trauma he suffered by losing Shui at his hands. He would be fine if it was anybody else. As long as it wasnt Jin, it wouldnt matter if it was anybody else in Ais life.

Just not Jin.

But he felt those intense emotions once again that reminded him of the banquet watching Yating confess his feelings to Ai.

Its not Jin. Its not just JinI

I cannot see her with anybody else. I dont want Ai to be anybody elses butmine.

She is mine. She is only mine!

Not Jins! Not Yatings!

Ai is only mine. Liu Juns!

And so the moment Yating asked for Ais answer, his fingers had already clenched themselves into his palm, and the raging fist struck Yating with all its force, carrying his possessiveness in it.

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Yating was knocked off his balance to the side but somehow supported himself with his left foot that firmly held the ground. His face was tilted to the left side, a searing pain covering his cheek where Jun had punched.

Ignoring the pain, he sharply jerked his head to where Jun was, who was watching him with an icy but fiery gaze at the same time.

Ai failed to understand what just happened for two seconds. Then Juns cold aura permeated in the atmosphere, making his presence known. The air had turned so heavy as if one was climbing a mountain higher and higher where it would be difficult to breathe.

They both stared at him, one stunned and one furious.

Jun Ai whispered.

It was only a whisper, nevertheless Yating caught it. He rapidly blinked his eyes in bewilderment.

Saying Juns name meant that she knew him. The fear that he had locked deep in his heart surfaced once again.

Is that why she wanted to go to Sky?

When he learned that Ai was also Butterfly, he made the connection with what Jun was talking about. Which meant that they knew each other, but he wanted to shrug it off.

They knew each other. Ai submitted a draft to Sky, and then Jun fought for her sake.

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Jun grabbed Ais arm and pulled her behind him in a fast and fluid motion, rendering Yating helpless to stop him.

Thats the wrong person you are pouring your useless heart to, Juns voice laced with a lethal ring to it. Touch her again, and I will wring that sorry life out of you with my own hands.

Ai shivered. There were times she had seen him angry. Whether it was outside the coffee shop or when he confronted

Ai about her and Jin dancing together.

But tonight, the level of the murderous aura he poured out was unlike any other times.

Yating stared at them blankly. Then his expression became just like Juns. Deadlier and dangerous.

Liu Jun. Ai is not the wrong person I am confessing to. You are the wrong one who shouldnt be grabbing Ai to his side as if he owns her, he snarled. Get the fuck out of her way!

Jun leaned, his dark gaze straight at him. And if I dont? What will you do? What a pathetic man like you can even do?

Ignoring his jab, Yating tilted his head. I dont understand the meaning behind your presence here, Mr. Liu. There is nothing or nobody of interest to you here.

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Jun stared at him and chuckled. Nobody of interest? Thats a misconception you are having, isnt it? Didnt you hear Ais story?

He stiffened.

I assume you did. You claimed that you understood her and her stories.

Ai frowned. Then it struck her as she recalled Jun telling how Yating met him during the banquet night.

So tell me. Did you understand the story that Ai told tonight? Did you get it who she was talking about? If Mr. Gu doesnt understand, then I will spell it out for you. Ai was talking about herself. It was her story. The She was Ai and the He Jun smiled with an ominous ring to it, Was me.

Yating froze.

At the end of the story, She confessed to He, and is now waiting for his response. Thats why He is here to find her to answer her confession. I think it will be of great interest to you to hearno, watch that answer with your own eyes.

Saying that, Jun grabbed the back of Ais head and pulled it towards him, capturing her lips in a deep and fiery kiss.

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