Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 175: 175 The Valentine's Day Arc (31)

Ai pursed her lips and mumbled. You two are indeed similar. I am doing it just fine

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Jun smiled and stood behind her. He gripped her arm, and his palm slowly traveled his way until her hands that held the bowl.

Dont feel so down, he whispered as his eyes twinkled with mischief and desire, I wont be a spartan like my Bro. I will be a good teacher.

Somewhere faintly in her mind, alarm bells were ringing which made her heart pound in her chest.

The word teacher made her recall the banquet night when they danced in this very condo. Jun was supposed to teach her how to dance and he did, but the situation took quite a passionate turn.

Will the teaching here lead to a similar result? She couldnt help but anticipate.

Juns eyes narrowed and stuck his body closer to her until there was no space between her back and his chest. He firmly pressed her hand and loosened her grip over the whisk. He started whisking the chocolate and cream, guiding her hand to go along with his pace. The sweet smell of chocolate wafted up to the tips of their nose. But Jun felt intoxicated by Ais scent rather than the chocolates fragrance.

His lips hovered her ear that rained gentle pecks of his kisses, making her hold her breath..

Weare supposed to be making chocolates Ai reminded him though she wasnt against this intimacy at all. On the contrary, she wanted more of the fluttering sensation that his kisses left her with.

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And tonight is Valentines night. So we are supposed to be doing much more than just making chocolates, he answered in a hushed voice as he placed a kiss on her neck.

Juns special chocolate making class continued for some time as the air reverberated with sounds of Ais raspy breaths.

When it was time to pour the chocolate mixture into a mold and put it in the freezer to make them ready, Ai fumbled with the bowl, spilling some chocolate mixture onto her fingers. The tickling feelings his kisses left her with blew away all her concentration.

That is not fair she softly complained. I wanted to show you that I am good at making sweets too. Butyou did all the work.

Turning her body to face him and biting her earlobe, Jun replied, How about you show me how good you are at kissing? Then we will be even.

She was rendered speechless, and her cheeks and neck felt hotter.

The chocolate is not ready yet

Jun paused from his kissing spree and raised his brow. His lips lifted in a charming and devilish smile as he raised her hand and licked her finger which was coated with liquid chocolate mixture. Putting her index finger into his mouth, his tongue licked the sweet chocolate clean off her finger.

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Ai inhaled a sharp breath. She looked into his deep eyes that penetrated hers as if he would suck her soul away.


She trembled.

I think the chocolate is ready, Jun tilted his head, Doesnt this mean we are celebrating your victory just like you wanted?

Ai blushed. This wasnt how she had imagined celebrating, but she wasnt complaining either.

Jun pushed her against the kitchen counter and withdrew her finger from his mouth. He leaned his face closer to hers as held the back of her head as he said, Now its your turn to taste the chocolate.

Indeed Ai whispered. She reached out towards the bowl, but Jun grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

He narrowed his eyes. Didnt I say you should show me how good you are at kissing too?

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Ai felt her skin tingle.

He smirked. Then taste the chocolate AND display your kissing skills at the same time.

I d-dont understand The temperature in the kitchen was growing dangerously hotter.

I tasted the chocolate from your finger which means my tongue still has some chocolate lingering on it. Understand now? His voice carried a hint of amusement.

Realizing his meaning, Ai couldnt look at his eyes anymore.

Jun chuckled. You are a romance writer. You should be pretty much ready to at least imagine this stuff. I am giving you the chance to experience it in reality. So, dont waste it He tugged her chin closer to his jaw.

Ai slowly put her hands on his shoulders and tiptoed, her heart pounding with every millimeter lessening between their lips. At first, it was a light, feathery peck. Then she pressed her lips against his, firmer and harder. She shut her eyes, shyness making her tremble.

Taste chocolatetaste chocolate

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She was chanting the two words in her mind as darted her tongue out.

Juns gaze darkened, watching his rabbit kissing him with all her might. Her gentle kiss burst his heart into a fuzziness he never felt before. He wasnt kissing her back because he wanted to let the sensation of her soft lips sink in every cell of his body.

But it was getting increasingly difficult for him to just stand still and do nothing as her tongue slowly kissed his. In response, his fingers dug into her waist, trying to control his desire from claiming her.

Ai gasped with the tightness of his fingertips that gripped her waist. Her tongue accidentally hit deeper in his mouth, and hell broke loose.

She felt the taste of the chocolate settle on her tongue when Jun took charge and kissed her back with an intensity that made her breath stop. He pinched her jaw, biting and deepening the kiss. He withdrew to let her take a mouthful of breath before crashing his lips once again.

At first, her shyness restricted her movements. But as Jun expertly wrapped her around his passionate kiss, that embarrassment soon faded away, leaving her heart with the desire to lose herself in his kiss. Clutching onto his collar, she slightly tilted her head and kissed him back.

After a few long and wet kisses, it was evident where things would lead tonight. Jun wanted more. He was clear about that.

But did Ai reciprocate that feeling to go further?

Tell me he placed a firm kiss on her forehead and asked, Do you want me to make love to you?

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