Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 181: 181 The Valentine's Day Arc (37)

The moment Jun uttered the word die, Ai felt a lump at the back of her throat. The flashes of that painful night barged in front of her eyes when she had witnessed him lying all bloodied in the car without any will to live.

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Dont say that you will die. I will only accept your love and protection if you live, Her lips trembled and pinched together in an attempt to not let her tears fall.

As she recalled the accident that would happen ten years from now, panic filled her chest. Jun was going to die in that accident and thinking that only ten more years remained of his life, she felt the fear of losing him creep in her chest.

She didnt know how that accident had happened, but she vowed to herself that she wont let anything happen to Jun. Since she knew the future, she will use that knowledge to protect his life.

She scooted closer to him. I will protect you too. I wont let you die.

Jun observed a strange sense of determination in her, which he couldnt understand. But until a few moments ago, his thoughts were on a similar trajectory.

He pressed her against his chest, his gaze turning murderous at the thought of Ais death in his past life.

Falling from a building.

He couldnt imagine how Ai must have felt that night.

She is already afraid of heights and thats how she was supposed to die?

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He angrily laughed, thinking of how fate played so cruelly with her life by ending it with something she feared the most.

When he recognized that the woman was Ai who fell on top of his car, he had his suspicions that maybe her death was not so simple. Certainly, it wasnt suicide.

That only left him with two options. Either it was an accident or a murder. Both of which only raged his heart with more outrage and violence. He remembered the tears in those beautiful eyes and her hand that had reached out to her in her last moments. He shuddered, recalling that moment when he faintly saw her eyes shut forever.

Whether an accident or a murder, somebody was responsible for pushing her off that night and he promised that whoever he or she was, Jun wont let the tragedy happen once again.

A chilled smile lifted his lips.

I will end your life before you could even touch my Ai.

I wont let anybody hurt you he whispered, his lips hovering near her forehead.

Ai lifted her head and noticed the iciness and danger that his aura and gaze emitted. She slightly raised her chest and pressed her lips on his.

The bloodthirst dispelled from his eyes, bringing him back to reality.

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You look so evil.

Jun narrowed his eyes and kissed her back. I dont just LOOK evil. I AM evil. If there is anybody who will try to even touch a strand of your hair, I will be so evil that they will regret ever thinking of hurting you, he sneered. My evilness will have no bounds if someone hurts the one most precious to me.

His words brought goosebumps and at the same time overwhelmed her too. To be loved by Juns intense feelings was a notion where she found solace and security. She loved his promises and his possessiveness.

Ai cupped his cheek and stared at him. The image of Juns blood-stained face from her past life overlapped with the present. She caressed his face with the tips of her fingers as if trying to wipe the blood off his face.


Jun pressed his cheek against her warm palm and kissed it. He smiled such a beautiful smile that shook her hard. His desolate expression from that night and his smile greeting his lips tonight was at two extreme poles. It made her heart burn with a wish that she never wanted to see that look on his face again devoid of hope and light.

She kissed him again, not breaking that contact for a long time. Her trembling hands traced his neck and chest, making him draw a sharp breath. He could feel his member twitch and rise with this intimacy that she initiated.

With great strength and resolve, Jun broke the kiss and breathlessly warned her, Dont tempt me

She pursed her lips in annoyance and bit his jaw.

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Jun gritted his teeth. Ai!

She hugged him. Jun, I love you.

Jun paused, feeling his anger deflate. I love you too.

Ai slightly clenched her fingers on his chest and whispered, So pleasedont stop here. I promise I wont collapse.

His mouth twitched. You are talking as if the pain is in your control.

I will try my best.


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It wasnt like Jun didnt want to have more rounds with her. He just didnt wish to see her miserable in pain the next morning. But he didnt have the heart to reject Ais sincere request either, more so because he sensed Ai feeling emotional and vulnerable for some reason. He hated seeing her like that.

Jun grabbed her waist by his muscular arm and pulled her towards him. In the same position as he laid beside her, he parted her thighs and slowly entered her.

Ai gasped with the unexpected surprise. She thought he would climb on top of her again.

This time, Jun was gentle with his thrusts as he pushed and pulled his member out of her. He stared hard at Ai, her face making exquisite and delightful expressions. He loved the muffled moans that escaped from her lips and the crimson hue on her cheeks. He cupped her breast and squeezed and pinched her bud while kissing her lips as he pounded inside her albeit tenderly and patiently

Ahhhahh Ai bit her lip, enjoying every bit of Juns attack on her senses. They breathlessly made love over and over again with Jun climaxing outside every single time.

After a long, long time, Ai mumbled, satisfied. Sleepy

Jun sneered. So you finally know that sleep exists.

Her brows slightly crinkled, but she shrugged and ignored his comment though she had an urge to make a comeback.

TomorrowI will answerback

Jun raised his brow. He pulled the blanket over them and chuckled, If you dont collapse first.

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