Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 251: 251 Shanghai Fest Arc (5) : Mr. L

Jun narrowed his eyes and bored his gaze at the mans back. Who is he who thinks he can act so close towards you?

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Ai patted his head. Dont be mad. He is Cai Lingyun, Guiyings brother.

That only turned his expression uglier and his gaze several shades darker. Her brother? What is he doing here?

At that moment, Cai Lingyun turned and faced him. As Jun met his gaze, he stared at him, his eyes slowly widening.

Cai Lingyun stiffened as he noticed Ai clinging onto his arm. Jealousy erupted in his heart, and his expression slightly twisted.

Ai said, He is Liu Jun. My boyfriend. He had some work to do, so he came with a later flight.

I see

He glanced up at him and tried to smile. Nice to meet you, Mr. Liu.

But Jun didnt respond. He just kept staring at him silently with an unreadable expression..

Cai Lingyun wasnt sure why he was so deathly quiet. He could feel that Jun was thinking hard about something as his gaze was fixed upon him.

Jun? Ai tilted her head, observing his solemn expression.

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He stirred out of his daze. You areCai Lingyun?

Yes. I am Guiyings older brother and have known Ai since she was in high school. We are quite close, he made it a point to point that out.

Jun narrowed his eyes and smiled. Sure but you cannot be as close to her as me. After all, I am her boyfriend which is way different than being a brother to her, right? Ai always told me how you always took care of her as an older brother. I appreciate that. But now I am here with her, and her boyfriend is very capable.

Cai Lingyun stiffened. His words struck right through his heart like a poisonous arrow.

Since Ai has me now, you are free to focus on your sister, Juns voice turned chilly and full of warning. Look after her. I just dont want the competition to ruin their friendship. Ai will be very hurt if Cai Guiying grows distant ordoes something inappropriate.

He widened his eyes. You are talking about my sister. She and Ai are best friends. Of course, nothing will come between them.

Ai remained silent at that while Jun smiled. Hope so. You never know when people change. Sometimes what we hold dearly to us turns out to be fickle for the other person.

Jun took another chair opposite him and studied him from head to toe. What do you do, Cai Lingyun?

He frowned at his inquisitiveness. I work in a company as the Senior Analyst.

Do you know anybody named Tang Gengxin?

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Cai Lingyun looked more and more bewildered. Never even heard of that name.

Ai was also wondering why Jun was asking these questions.

Jun squinted his eyes. Are you sure? That name doesnt ring a bell at all?

No. What are you getting at?

Jun observed his facial expression and said, Nothing. Anyway, I heard you two were talking about me, he folded his arms and stared at him. Seems that you are dissatisfied about something.

Cai Lingyun glanced between Jun and Ai and smiled. I was just concerned about Ai. Her relationship with you came as a shock to me.

What is there to be so shocked about? Jun tilted his head. Is it so strange that we love each other?

Not strange. But I cannot help but get worried. You are the CEO and a rich young master while of course, you know Ais background which doesnt really gel with your world. The future seems He left it unsaid, a doubtful expression cast on his face.

Jun raised his brow.


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Jun and Ai watched Guiying and Zhan Yahui arrive. Though Ai already knew that she was going to be a part of this fest, Jun was angrily surprised that Guiying made her way here as well.

You are here. We were searching for you on the third floor. Guiying also noticed the couple and smiled. Ai.

Ai kept a polite smile and nodded. Guiying.

AndMr. Liu Jun, She tilted her head. I think this is the first time we are properly meeting like this. I did see Ai and your picture on Weibo. Haha coming to know that Ai was dating you was so shocking. I didnt even know when she got a boyfriend.

She thought she will MrPerfect like he requested near the lake, but she didnt expect to meet him sooner.

Ai said nothing.

Jun silently clenched his fist remembering all the injustice Ai had to suffer because of her. You two siblings are really so similar. Both of you find our relationship questionable when its just perfectly fine.

Guiying narrowed her eyes. Perfectly fine you saybut at what cost I wonder?

Excuse me?


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Jun despised her sight and sneered. Its surprising to see you here. Guess the management team decided to let in the Summits finalists too apart from the obvious winner.

Ai slightly coughed.

That was a direct insult said indirectly. He clearly expressed how only Ai deserved to be here and not her, which also pointed out a possible backdoor connection for Guiying to come here.

Zhan Yahui expressionlessly countered. Dont you think that the finalists of such a prestigious Summit deserve to be invited too?

Dont you think that my girlfriend should have gotten a chance to do her book signing event which somehow Dream High never bothered to host? Jun dryly shot back.

Zhan Yahui said nothing.

Jun chuckled. You wont say anything because CherryBlossom was DreamHighs star then. She deserved it, right? So it was okay if Dream High never bothered with Ai. But now that the situation has reversed, you will conveniently say that Cai Guiying still deserves to be invited to the fest.

Nice. Whether she wins or loses, she should have everything and get all the chances to shine. But for Ai, the rule suddenly changes. And then people ask Ai why she left Dream High? Because clearly something and somewhere is going wrong. Orsomebody is purposely making things wrong for my girlfriend, his voice lowered with a deadly ring to it.

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