Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 266: 266 Shanghai Fest Arc (20) : Mr.

Jun kept banging on the door but to no avail.

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We are definitely stuck in between two floors. Thats why they cannot hear us.

He pressed the emergency call button a number of times but everytime, it automatically got disconnected. He tried calling Nian with his own mobile, but there were no network bars to get the call through.

Wait, let me check too. Shui did the same and felt disappointed at being unable to connect to anyone.

Damn! Jun cursed under his breath.

Shui worriedly asked, How will we get out of this jam now?

Its fine. The staff will notice it soon enough that the elevator is not working. They will do something about it. Lets just wait for sometime. There are so many people at the fest. We wont remain stranded for long.


Silence fell. The air felt so quiet that Shui could hear her breaths. After the Christmas nights confrontation, it was the first time that they were alone like this.

Jun walked back towards the back of the elevator and sat down. He glanced at her and shrugged. Sit down. You will just tire yourself out standing like that wearing heels.

Shui pressed her lips together and sat beside him, keeping a distance between them. She fidgeted with her purse and idly looked around.

A minute ticked by and Jun asked, How are you in Shanghai?


She gave it a thought.

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Should I tell him about Cai Guiying? But she doesnt want anyone to know that she is Warlord. Then

Actually, Warlord and some other members from Reading Point invited me here.

Jun blinked. Warlord? That goofy guy? He is here?

Her mouth twitched.

He is not a guy actually

Yeah. He insisted that I come with you. In one previous chat, I told him that you and I were friends, so he was excited to meet you too.

Jun remembered how he was eager to meet him during the book signing event.

I see. Dont let him meet me. He gives me vibes like Bro Jian and Bro Nian and those two are enough for me already. I dont want another hyperactive person around me.

Well from the chats, Cai Guiying did give that impression

Her lips burst into an uncontrollable smile, and she finally laughed. Youseriously, the twins trauma will never leave you for life I think.

Jun gritted his teeth. Its impossible. I thought I will have some peace with Ai at this fest. But damn Bro Nian came here stalking us!

Huh? Bro Nian is also here? She asked, puzzled.

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He smiled in disdain. Following his lady love.

B-Bro Nian is in love? She asked with her jaw dropped in disbelief. Wait, I remember Sis Nuo telling me this one day. How Bro Nian keeps acting like a tragic Romeo in the house.

Yeah because he messed up big time, he sneered. And now he is following behind her like an annoying dog.

Shui was speechless on what to say.

When did love change him so much?

Who is that woman?

Xing Bi. She is Ais editor.

Shui tilted her head. An editor and aptissier. Where could they possibly have met?

At Mom and Dads anniversary banquet. Its a long story, for which Jun quickly gave her a shorter version.


Bro NianWhy? Seriously, why?

She facepalmed and pressed her brows in helplessness. I can understand why Xing Bi must not be sothrilled at the prospect of having Bro Nian as her boyfriend, she wanted to wholeheartedly support Nian, but she couldnt bring herself to do that.

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Shui let out a sigh. Then she softly chuckled, imagining how distraught Nian must be right now.

I feel like teasing him. Well, he brought that upon himself.

Xing Bi shouldnt forgive him so easily.

He sneered. She couldnt forgive him at all. Let him be single all his life.

She coughed.

I thought you would say that.

She gave a sideways glance at Jun and softly spoke after a pause, Its been a long time since we have talked like thisI mean so c-comfortably.

Yeah, he quietly acknowledged.

Juns gaze flickered with warmth.

I thought I wouldnt be able to face you, Shui. But with Ai beside meeverything feels so easy.

Their relationship had affected their friendship too but in this elevator as they say beside each other, talking to each other, they felt as if nothing ever went wrong between them.



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They spoke at the same time.

Jun said, Go ahead.

No, no, Shui quickly shook her head. You go first. Its okay.

He let out a silent breath and asked, First, I want to ask how Uncle, Aunt and Siying are after that day? He wryly smiled. Do theyhate me?

Shui slightly widened her eyes. What? No! Nobody hates you, Jun. Dont even think like that.

How can I not? Especially Uncle Zhiyuan. I hurt his princess after all.

No. Its not like that. Seriously, nobody hates you, and nobody blames you. Not Zhou Ai either. Please dont worry about that. They always considered you their son like Bro Siying, and you are still their son.

Jun faintly smiled. Is that so?

Yes. The Han family will never hate you, she seriously said.

He looked into her eyes and felt relieved. Thats good to hear then. He genuinely felt a burden lift off his chest.

He then stared ahead at the empty space and clasped his hands together. Thinking of what Ai remarked about his and Shuis relationship, he slowly said, I am sorry, Shui.

She stiffened and disbelief filled her to hear his apology. What are you apologizing for?

For everything. Right from the beginning when I arrogantly claimed that you will be my wife. For putting you into a position where I left you unable to decide for yourself. I got so immersed with the idea of marrying you that it just didnt occur to me whether you wanted that in the first place. I was blinded and obsessed, and I hurt you a lot in that process. I troubled you with my possessiveness and made your life difficult. I always thought I faced the most injustice because of you avoiding me. But I was wrong. It was you who faced the most unfairness since childhood where we all just forced our marriage decision upon you.

He clenched his fists. I was too blind to realize that. I am really sorry, Shui. It all started because of my ignorance, and I made you unnecessarily suffer because of my whims. If possible, then I would like you to ask you to please forgive me.

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