Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 268: 268 Shanghai Fest Arc (22) : You

What? Jun couldnt believe what Shui just confessed. Jin said he hates you? Thats impossible.

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Shui let out a wry and helpless chuckle. Its true.

He shook his head in dismissal.

I know how the past life went, Shui. I cannot tell you, but you and Jin were going to get married. You two were so happy.

It cannot be like that.

She bit her lip hard, and tiredness and hopelessness set inside her once again. Jin and I met before coming to Shanghai. I asked Jin if he could meet me and

She cried and told the most painful day of her life. I am not lying, Jun. He hates me the most. I saw his eyes. They were so cruel and cold as if e-even my sight disgusted him. He told me never to contact him again. Yesterday too, I met Jin. Did you meet him yet? He is also here at the fest. I wanted to talk to him, but he shook me off, she broke down, her heart twisting in pain, He pushed me away. He asked if I stalked him all the way from Beijing to ShanghaiWhat more proof do you need Jun?

Jun only listened to her, feeling incredulous.

What the hell

He knew Shui wouldnt lie about this, and he could see how much this was hurting her. But what he couldnt understand was the reason behind Jins behavior.

But he also loved Shui in the past. They were going to get married! Then how is it that he hates her now?

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Shuis tears refused to stop as he hugged her knees. I dont knoww-why he is acting like that. We didnt fight either. We had no clashes recently. So why her eyes reddened, and her voice turned into a hoarse, Jun. Its fine if he doesnt like me backI-I wont force him to return my feelings. But why does he hate me so much? I kept asking what I did wrong, but he alwaysgives me a cold look and walks away.

Jun felt restless.

What the hell is happening? Jin isnt supposed to act like this. I thought they would get together once I left their world.

Then why is the opposite happening?

He glanced at Shui and then understood why she looked so low when he saw her outside the elevator. It pricked him to see her defeated like this.

Jun pursed his lips and slowly raised his hand. He hesitated for a second but then went ahead and placed his palm on her head. He lightly patted her and said, Shui. I also dont get why he is acting this way. I will talk to Jin about this.

Feeling Juns pats on her, Shui remembered the days when they were little. Whenever she cried, Jun would always console her with his pats, and she always felt better.

No, Jun. Dont talk to him. He is against you too. I dont want you two to fight she laughed sadly, He will think that I sent you to sort things out, and he will hate me even more.

His gaze hardened. Bullshit. I want to talk to him, and thats my choice. I wont let him misunderstand anything about you-

Suddenly, the elevator shook hard with a sharp jolt, and it started to slide down.

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J-Jun, is it going to crash!?

Ai and the others rushed towards the elevator and heard some violent sounds coming from above. The crowd around them took three steps back, terrified.

Is there going to be an accident?

I heard the elevator was stuck for quite some time.

While waiting for Jun, Nian came to know that Jun had headed towards the elevator and a man from the crowd had seen him step inside it too. But the elevator never reached the top floors. When they learned that the elevator was stuck between two floors, he and Yunru immediately called for the staff.

Ai was extremely anxious the whole time as they waited for the elevator to get fixed. Xing Bi and Huan were constantly assuring her about Juns safety.

Jun she felt nauseous, thinking about Jun in danger.

Nian patted her head. He will be fine. As if a puny elevator can get him.

The elevator came to a sudden halt at the floor, and the doors opened.

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Jun! Relief washed over her.

But they stopped abruptly in their steps as they witnessed the scene in front of them.

Jun was lying on top of Shui as she was pinned beneath him. The people slowly came forward and peaked what was going on. They gasped.

What are they doing?

Dont tell me that they were trying to*ahem*

In the elevator? Thats shameless.

But isnt he Liu Jun who is dating MissImperfectlyFine? I saw their picture once!

Oh yeah! That caused even more whispers and gasps.

If he has a girlfriend, then why is he acting so intimately with another woman?

Its not just some other woman, its Han Shui!

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What? From the Han family?

Amidst all the incessant talking, Jun slowly stood up and helped Shui on her feet too. Are you alright?

It happened too fast and suddenly, but she nodded in a daze. Yeah. What about you?

I am fine.

They stepped out and instantly felt everybodys sharp and suspicious gazes at them.

Shui looked left and right and didnt understand why everyone was looking at them with disdain.

Jun didnt even notice them and headed straight towards Ai. Ai. I am really sorry. Were you worried about me?

One woman from the crowd poked him with her words. You should feel ashamed. You are worried about your girlfriend when you were busy getting cozy with your ex-girlfriend in the lift?

That brought forth even more shocked gasps.>


Yes. Hmph. My daughter goes to the same college as Han Shui, and she told me how her and Liu Juns relationship was always the talk of the college. She heard that they broke up, but what does it mean now that they were in such a position in the lift?

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