Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 298: 298 Who is the real puppet master

Jun shook his head. Anyway. How is Bro now?

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He is recovering, Yunru pursed his lips, Mom, Dad, everybody isjust putting up a strong front. But watching that he doesnt remember anyone is

I understand, Jun ruffled his head. Just stay by his side. As for who is behind this accident his eyes glinted with pure menace. I will find out who he is at any cost. He wont be spared. Not this time

This time? Yunru asked.

Nothing. Where is Driver Chi?

In one of the other wards, Zixins driver, Driver Chi, who was taking him to the airport yesterday was lying on the bed, weakly breathing. His wife was by his side, sniffling and trying to control her tears.

Jun quietly stepped inside and Driver Chis wife raised her head. Young master she hastily got on her feet, but Jun raised his hand and urged her to be seated.

Driver Chi slowly opened his eyes. Youngmaster

Jun saw the state of his legs and clenched his fist in his pocket. It was the same as last life. His legs were barely hurt and he wasnt able to walk for a long time. He lied helpless on a wheelchair with his wife diligently taking care of him day and night.

A tear dropped from the corner of his eye. IPlease forgive me, young master Jun, he said in a hoarse voice, I couldnt protect young master Zixin. I-

Enough. Did anybody from the Chen family blame you?

He tiredly shook his head.

Then why do you think I came here to point fingers at you?

He gasped and trembled. He-he is young master ZixinI heard what h-happened to him. He has forgotten everybody. How can I not blame myself? He softly cried. If o-only I could turn the carat the right timethis wouldnt have happenedPlease forgive me

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His wife begged Jun. Yes, young master, please forgive my husband. I know-

Jun stopped her. I already told you I am not blaming him.

She felt relieved hearing that. Thank you she wiped her eyes.

Young master, Jun, her face was a little pale, He is not able to feel his legs. The doctors are not c-clearly saying what is happening. My husbandwill be okay, right?

Jun stiffened. Watching the state of his legs ignited the fury within his heart even more. Two innocent people suffered in this accident.

He smiled with assurance. He will be fine. And dont even think about worrying about the bills. We will take care of it completely. You just only focus on recovering.

Driver Chis eyes reddened.

Jun slowly asked, Can you tell me what happened? I know its difficult to recall that horror. But we need to punish whoever that person was that brought you and Bro to this state.

Driver Chi spoke while taking pauses in between. I was just driving as usualwhen a truck suddenly arrived from the left. I panicked and to-took an abrupt right turn to avoid it. I screamed at him. Butit still crashed into us. It felt like the driver did it purposely his eyes teared up. The car crashed backwards. It was horrible


Did you catch any glimpse of that drivers face?

I he tried to recall. There was a tattoo on his forehead. I-I saw it when I was screaming at him. I dont remember anything after that

Its okay, he smiled. Everything will be fine.

When he stepped out, his expression returned to that of a frosty one that didnt have any ounce of mercy. He dialed Nians number and coldly said, It will be easier to find a man who has a tattoo on his forehead.

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After Zixins accident, everyones one and only mission was to find the culprit behind the accident. To find the one who put Zixin and Driver Chi through such an ordeal and the one who dared to mess with the Underworld families.

With the Underworld on the chase of that driver, it didnt take much time for Jinhai and Jianyu to find him, especially when Jun relayed the mark on his forehead.

In the darkest world of the Underworld base, Jianyu, Jinhai, Jian, Nian and Jun were all present to get their answers. Jin was at the far back, listening to every detail.

The drivers face was beyond recognizable with how Jian and Nian personally dealt with him. They used all sorts of tools to submit him to all sorts of torture. The mark on his forehead was burned due to acid.

Jianyu, whose heart was lit with revenge and rage after seeing how helpless his son has become, took chilly and heavy steps towards the man.

You do realize that my fingers are itching to kill you, right? And I can give you the worst possible death that you would have never imagined. You have no idea whose son you have touched. My son is lying in the hospital, unable to recognize anyone and its all because of you, His black pupils were glimmering with animosity.

He kicked hard on his abdomen, making him puke blood and gasp with pure terror.

Now tell me. Who told you to target Zixin? Who gave you the order to hurt my son? And I warn you, if I hear any nonsense, I will make your life a living hell. I just want to hear the name. Anything other than that and you will

The driver trembled.

Jian raised his brow. Did we perhaps go too far? We should have kept him in a good condition until he told us a name.

Nian shrugged. Hurting any of our family members is a big no-no. I am not really a fan of being patient, he dangled and swirled the knife close to his face that kept on cutting his cheek every time the blade touched his skin.

But he wasnt even given the liberty to scream. If he did, the next pain would come tenfolds.

He gulped and spoke with trembling lips. Mao Yong

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Jinhai and Jun narrowed their eyes.

Jianyu tilted his head. Mao Yong?

He furiously nodded. I-I dont know anything other than that. Just that he gave me money to hurt Chen Zixin.

Jian gave it a thought. I remember that family. Didnt the daughter of that family what was her name again? Mao Jingyi, yes. She was quite infatuated with Zixin if I remember. She had even confessed to him, but he rejected her. Mao Yong is her brother.

Nian frowned. I remember. Mao Yong had even fought with Zixin for rejecting his sister. He was furious with him.

Jianyu gnashed his jaw. Is that why he targeted Zixin?

Nian smiled. We will know once we bring him here. Lets not wait.

Within a matter of thirty minutes, Mao Yong was dragged from his home and brought to fall on his knees in front of Jianyu.

What the hell is going on!? He raised his head and immediately his body ran cold after seeing Jianyus figure looming over him. Mr. Chen Jianyu

I think you know very well why we forced you to make your presence here, right?

I dont know! Your guards just showed up and aahhh!

Jian crushed his hand by pressing his foot upon it. A crisp cracking sound was heard as his boot smashed the bones of his fingers. We are not in any mood to hear any nonsense right, Mao Yong. Just say yes or no. Did you tip this ugly driver to crash into Zixins car?

Mao Yong shuddered.

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He took your name and now you have to just a teensy tiny thing and that is to nod your head.

Nian smiled. I must warn you that lying will have deadlier consequences. So think very carefully before you speak. Two people are in the hospital who battled hard for their lives so no bullshitting, okay?

Mao Yong shut his eyes and each ones icy gaze only increased the chill running in his spine.


Jianyu punched his face, almost breaking his jaw. Why!? How dare you plot against my son?

Mao Yong threw him a deadly glare. Thats what he gets for rejecting my sister! He rejected my precious sisters confession. Does he have any idea how much she suffered? She went into depression and refused to eat! She liked Zixin so much but he heartlessly rejected her. Your sons pain is nothing compared to what my sister went through. I could never forgive him for that and he had to pay!

Jianyu angrily laughed. So you mean to say that he should have accepted her even though he didnt love her? Destroy his own life and hers too?

I only know that Jingyi has suffered. She begged him for just one chance, but could Chen Zixin not even give her that?

Jun observed him from the dark.

Its happening the same way

Feng Wuhan had the rivalry reason on the surface to attack Bro.

Mao Yong has his own reason to be wanting to hurt Bro.

Jun stepped out from the darkness where he stood and asked in an alarming voice, Mao Yong. The driver said that you bribed him. So thenwho bribed you to take this accidents blame? Tell me who is the real puppet master.

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