Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 302: 302 A friend of the past

The guards left after Ais reassurance with Liu Hairs reputation still intact somehow. Liu Hai harrumphed and beamed once again as he saw Ai. But he frowned noticing an annoying presence.

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He narrowed his eyes at Cai Lingyun. Why are you standing like that and leering at her? Are you possibly having some dirty intentions towards her? Then let me tell you right now to scram before I beat you up!

Cai Lingyun was dumbfounded. Liu Hai arrived like a storm and this strange man suddenly grabbed Ai as if he knew her since ages. Excuse me but who are you?

He scowled. Do you have hearing problems!? I said so many times that I am her fluffy handsome grandpa! What does that make her? My future granddaughter-in-law!

Granddaughter-in-law? Is he

My handsome grandson Jun is her boyfriend. But who are you? He coldly squinted his eyes. I can tell very well that you feel something for Ai. But I tell you I already chose her first! Even before Jun did!

Ais mouth twitched.

Cai Lingyun widened his eyes.

Liu Hai?

Until now, he had a complete different image of the Liu familys elders. But how was it that Grandpa Liu acted soout of his supposed character?

She is already a part of the Liu family. You dare target someone from my family!? Some nerves you have! But this handsome grandpa still knows how to drive away such pests like you.

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Angry veins popped on his forehead.

How dare heAnd when did he grow so fond of Ai?

Are you leaving or should I beat you up with my stick!? Be careful what you wish for. Your face is already such a mess.

Cai Lingyun saw Guiying from afar and didnt want her to witness his humiliation. He forced a smile. I will talk to you later, Ai.

Liu Hai was displeased. There is no chance for you to talk to her again! Hmph. Jun is not doing a good job in keeping my future granddaughter-in-law safeWill need to teach him everything from the beginning, he muttered to himself.

Cai Lingyun finally stomped his way out unable to bear anymore.

Liu Hai sneered. Good riddance.

He then focused his attention back on Ai. My future granddaughter-in-law! Its such a long time since I saw you.

Ai studied his chirpiness which was exactly like the night she met him for the first time during the banquet. Even after everything that happened through that time, Liu Hai didnt feel any different.

Grandpa, she softly said.

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Liu Hai patted her head. Good, good. You are such a good girl calling me grandpa. Who was that noisy man from before? He was so annoying! If he troubles you again, just dial your grandpas number! His nostrils flared. I have many methods to make such men disappear.

Her light brown irises beamed. Thank you. I didnt expect that you would accept me so easily.

Liu Hai tilted his head. I had already accepted you the evening we met. You forgot how I offered Nian and Jin to you? He sheepishly grinned. I-I was a little off mark there by offering you the wrong grandson hehe

Ai coughed.

You are still my future granddaughter-in-law. Its just that the target grandson has changed. No biggie.

No biggie

Once upon a time, I had chosen my sweet daughter-in-law Nana for my younger idiot son, Jing. But she got married to my first idiot son instead, He then gravely said, I think I have the knack of choosing the right girls but for the wrong men.

Her mouth twitched into a smile and then she finally laughed. You are cute and funny. I think I know why Jun is so cute too.

His eyes teared up, feeling emotional. You are such a good child. I always told everyone that all my grandchildren take upon me! But that Jun! He has no respect for his grandfather at all! He wiped away his imaginary tears.

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Ai smiled. Thank you, Grandpa. I thought it would be difficult for everyone to accept me after Jun and Shuis breakup.

Liu Hai pouted. It did come as a shock to us, but Jun and Shuis happiness is what matters the most, he pursed his lips, To be honest, it made me also realize how I failed as a grandparent. But I cannot express how happy I am to see you and Jun get together! As long as you become Liu familys granddaughter-in-law, you are welcomed to choose any grandson of mine~

He is quite easy going in many ways

But what are you doing here all alone!? How is Jun not here with you?

He said he will be back soon. I am waiting for Yunru so that he can take me to meet Chen Zixin.

Why do you need that brat when I am here with you? His eyes shone with immense happiness. You should definitely meet him and the rest of the family.

He sighed. I know its a difficult time for Liling and everybody else. I understand their pain. Zixin is like my grandson too. But so many tears will only make look everybody ugly. The last thing Zixin wants is an ugly family.

She choked.

Stepping into Zixins room, she saw him getting back to bed with Serenas help.

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Uncle, Serena faintly smiled and nodded at him.

Serena! Did you miss the handsome me? He grinned.

How could I not? She glanced at Ai and blinked. Zhou Ai.

Ai bowed. Hello. I am Zhou Ai. I wanted to meet Chen Zixin. I hope you dont mind.

She smiled. Of course not. You are welcome here.

Serena looked at Zixin and said, Zixin, she is Zhou Ai. Your cousin Juns girlfriend.

Ai greeted him with a smile. Hello.

Zixin slowly nodded.

Ai caught the sight of a small cherry blossom in his hand. A cherry blossom.

Zixin stared at the small blossom in his hand. Yes. I found it outside.

Thinking of the past days, Ai slowly said, Its pretty. I have-had a friend too who liked cherry blossoms a lot. So much that she chose her penname after that. CherryBlossom.

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