Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 308: 308 Swallow the pride

Ai looked at Jin and then glanced around the room. I thought its Juns room-

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Well, its not, Jin sneered. Get out.

Her gaze fell at a picture on his bedside table, and she curiously walked towards it. She picked the photo frame and saw a picture of a teenager Jun standing with a teenager Jin. Jin had a bright smile on his face while Jun wasnt smiling much, but she could see the warmth in his gaze.

Jin snatched the picture from her hands, his voice getting several shades lethal. Seems your parents forgot to teach you some manners that you shouldnt enter into someones room and on top of that, touch their stuff without permission.

Ai smoothly replied. I surmised you wouldnt let me see the picture if I had just asked you normally.


So, I made myself at home, she replied, unfazed.

The sound of his angry knuckles cracking echoed, but Ai wasnt much affected.

I can see how much you love Jun. Your room is really similar to how the condo looks. I guess Juns room will be just like this, she smiled.

Why are you talking to me as if I am even a least bit interested in chatting with you?

You arent?

What gave you that impression? He dryly asked.

She said with full sincerity, You didnt talk to me during breakfast. I thought you might be feeling shy and perhaps wanted to talk to me alone.

Jin stared at her. Like really stared at her as if she was an idiot. You have some high level of misconceptions, dont you think?

Ai tilted her head. Not really. You see, you like Jun.

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I dont like Bro-

She ignored him. So as I was saying, you like Jun. I like Jun too.

Getting cut off mid-sentence made him clench his jaw.

So if we both like Jun, I dont see any reason why we should be so hostile to each other.

He sneered. I am not supposed to like the person who has slapped me twice.

She shot back. Thats because you are supposed to say sensible things. Like I said before, slapping is not my hobby.

Jin shut his eyes and breathed out. Leave.

Ai pursed her lips. Do you not like me?

A vein popped on his forehead. Are you realizing that NOW?

No, I know. But I am a naturally lovable and warm person. I dont understand why people might not like me, she truly seemed confused.

He gritted his teeth.

Oh my God! Just what the hell Bro saw in this woman!?

Get out! You are weird!

Oh. You say the same things as Jun too.

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Anybody will say that!

Ai smiled. She gazed at him earnestly and said, I am sorry.

Jin narrowed his eyes suspiciously, wondering what switch got activated in her mind now.

I am sorry for eating that spaghetti. I didnt know that dish held a special meaning for you. Its also Juns fault for forgetting his promise and hurting you. He will apologize to you, but I want to personally do it too. Rest assured. Jun will never make that dish for me again, nor would I ask him. If its something special between you two, then it shouldnt be shared with a third person. I agree why you got angry that day, and you had the right to be angry.

Silence. His eyelashes ever so faintly moved.

Jin chuckled. You cannot be seriously thinking of buttering me over with this apology, right?

Ai blinked. I dont need to do any buttering as I am a naturally lovable and warm person.

Also, I am only apologizing for how I hurt you. That doesnt mean I agree with how you behaved with Shui and spoke harsh words to her, she narrowed her eyes. You still owe her an apology.

He sneered and ignored her. She doesnt deserve an apology. After how he brought everything to ruin in last life, she fucking doesnt deserve any mercy.

She thought about the time she spent with Shui compared to what Jin revealed about her.

Still feels so strange imagining Shui forcing a marriage like that

His impatient voice brought her out of her stupor. Are you done or do you need me to escort you out? I dont want to see your face anymore.

Even though I am a naturally loving and-

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She pursed her lips. I will be your sister-in-law one day. You should get used to seeing my face

Jin got busy working on his laptop and as she turned, she saw something about Zixins name displaying in it. What is that? She curiously leaned in to read clearly.

Nothing to do with you, he coldly said.

Why not? Jun is at Chens villa today to check if he could find something in his room against the real culprit. Were you doing the same?

Jin narrowed his eyes.

I was just trying to track down all the possible things Bro Zixin knew which got him into an accident.

Oh. Then what is this list?

Jin said that he had compiled a list of all the projects that Zixin undertook while he worked in the company. Did you find anything suspicious here?

Jin glared at her. Why should I tell you anything?

Because as someone who Jun is close to and respects a lot, I care about Chen Zixin too. I also want to help.

He snorted. Dont need it. I will find out everything that I have to. I know I can do something. I know the past life, he then whispered to himself, There must be something in those memories that will help me he clenched his fist, I just need to look harder.



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You are not very accommodating, she pointed out with dissatisfaction.

Jin sneered. I hate you. I dont have to be accommodating towards you.

Chen Zixin is family. We should keep our differences aside.

Yeah, right. Bro Zixin is family. You are not, nor will I treat you as one. I dont need your help to know anything about him. Get out.

Ai then thought about any leverage that she could put in her favor. So you must know about MrPerfect too, I think.

Why are you bringing Bro Jun in between?

Oh, so you dont know that Chen Zixin-? Forget it. Its not important, she nodded and turned to leave.

Wait! He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. What about Bro Zixin?


He squinted his eyes. Tell me.

She pressed her lips together. But you dont need my help. You are throwing me out of this room.

He gritted his teeth.

This womanis doing it on purpose

But Zixin was more important. So, swallowing his pride and anger, Jin smiled through his clenched teeth. Please stay.

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