Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 333: 333 Burning with trust

The huge commotion that roared after Ma Dongs fall shook the entire school. He was immediately taken to the hospital and was declared in a critical condition. His right shoulder and left leg had fractured, and he bled from his head too.

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Seeing his friend in the ICU with whom he had spent three years in school, Yatings state wasnt any better. He went into a state of shock and stared at his hand unblinkingly that had failed to protect Ma Dong.


Gu Rong shook him hard. He was trying to get through to him ever since the incident occurred, but it was as if Yating couldnt hear or sense anything around him.

Yating! For Gods sake listen to me! I wont let anything happen to you. Stay calm. Dont blame yourself for this accident, okay? Nothing is your fault. You did your best to save him.

None of the assurance mattered to Yating. He could only replay the scene in his mind endlessly of Ma Dongs fall and seeing him crash on the ground. The blood which slowly percolated in the ground and spread wider refused to leave his memory.

Its Ma Dongs mistake that he brought alcohol to school and fooled around with it! His nostrils flared. So dont you dare look like that!

He didnt respond.

Gu Rong gritted his teeth in helplessness. I will sort this out with his parents, he looked at Butler Mo and said, Take him back home right now.

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Yes, Master, he bowed.

Yating refused to leave. He quietly said, I will stay here.

Young master, but Master

I will stay here.

Butler Mo couldnt do anything much with the finality in his voice.

The confrontation with Ma Dongs parents in the hospital later was uglier than Gu Rong had imagined.

Mr. Ma and Mrs. Ma blamed Yating for the accident. How could Gu Yating do this? He was there Mrs. Ma cried. He was ready right there when my son begged for help! How did my son fall then!? How could Gu Yating not protect him?

Yating, who was secretly listening to their conversation, froze.

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Gu Rong angrily laughed. You have some nerve accusing my son. I think you didnt see those empty beer cans in the classroom, or you are acting blind to it. Ma Dong illegally brought alcohol to school and even intoxicated himself despite being underage and you want to gloss over this fact just like that?

Mr. Dong exclaimed. Of course its my sons fault too! But this doesnt make your son any less innocent. Like my wife said, people saw him holding Dong and everybody thought he would pull him up to safety! But why didnt that happen? How could Dong fall despite Gu Yating being with him?

You green veins appeared on Gu Rongs hand as he clenched it. You cannot be seriously implying that he did it on purpose, right? Because if you are, then you have no idea who you are messing with.

Between this heated argument, Yating stepped in with a solemn expression and a blank gaze. Its my fault. I should have saved him. I am really sorry. Dong is in this state because of me.

Yating! Gu Rong widened his eyes in disbelief and roared. What nonsense are you spouting!? If you dont know what you are talking about, then get the hell out of here!

Mrs. Dong said, See, now even Gu Yating admits his mistake! But you want to selfishly protect him. Where is the justice!? What about my sons life and future?

Yating trembled.

Dong was supposed to head to California this year she broke down, What will happen now? What about his dreams? You are rich. Gu Yating will still have a bright future. But we are not wealthy like you, Mr. Gu. We struggle to earn money and make our ends meet. Even these hospital bills will cripple us financially her eyes reddened. When Dong will recover, how are we supposed to send him abroad and pay his college fees? His arm and leg have broken! What ifwhat if he has to live a crippled life forever?

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Mr. Ma angrily said, We will not back down from this, Mr. Gu. Gu Yating is responsible for this. He clearly feels guilty and ashamed! The damage that he has caused, you will have to bear the compensation for it or we will go to the police!

Gu Rong took a deep breath and threw a deadly glare at Yating. I will deal with this. Leave from here right now.



Yating jolted. He balled his fist and slowly left.

Standing in front of Ma Dongs ward, he saw him lying unconscious on the bed, through the small window on the door. His body looked small and was bruised heavily.

The tears from his eyelashes slipped down to his cheeks, and he finally broke down in fear, guilt and shame.

I am sorryI am sorry Dong

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He couldnt stop his hand from trembling. Its all because of meI-Its all because of me

*Flashback ends*

The incident traumatized Yating forever. For a teenager, it was hard to cope with the stress and despite doing many counseling sessions, the trauma never truly left him.

It was a long period of torment and pain he went through at that time but in this fire blazing across the set, he lived in that nightmare all over again in these seemingly miniscule seconds.

He saw Chyou hanging for her life, and he desperately wanted to help her but remembering the past horror that happened because of him, his hand shook unstoppingly.


The loud call of his name snapped him out of his daze. He saw her eyes burning with the same intensity as the fire around her, but this fire in her eyes only meant to show her trust in him.

I dont know what you are suffering right now. I can feel you are in a lot of pain and hesitation. But I wont die because of you, Yating! You risked your life in this fire to protect me. You will never be the reason behind my harm. So pull me up, damn it! I know you can do it!

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