Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 335: 335 Stay here or else...

Chyou pouted. Aww, of course not! How can I ever leave my daddy dearest?

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What about your mother? Caihong asked.

Hey hey and your brother too, Xiang added.

Of course you two too, she grinned. But Dad comes first.

This is partiality.

Xiaosi secretly felt happy.

The mother-son duo sighed.

She is a fathers daughter through and through.

Jun and Ai quietly left for the family to have some alone time. He looked at his puzzled girlfriend and knew what questions and confusion had taken root in her mind. He made her turn towards him and patted her cheek. Its okay, Ai. I know what you are thinking.

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Ai felt low. Jun, I dont know what to think anymore. Now I feel as if I dont know anything about my past life at all. What Chyou said, Yating was exactly like that.

Jun pondered over it too. It was indeed strange. When he acted like that towards Ai, he assumed that Yating didnt care about her, especially in the last life when he was dating Guiying.

But now that he behaved the same with Chyou who had no history or past with him at all, he concluded that there was something that he and Ai were unaware of.

What if just like those five years and Ai Publishing that he wanted to make, there is something else that I didnt know? There is a reason why Yating was like that. Jun, was Imisunderstanding Yating throughout my last life?

Jun glared at her. Dont even think about this nonsense! You are unnecessarily blaming yourself. Ai, I need to talk to you about this.

He held her shoulders and softly said, Look, Ai. You are not a psychic. You are not a mind reader. You wont know things unless Gu Yating or anybody else will tell you, certainly not major things like these. He kept you in the dark about his family situation and the surprise he had planned for you. Just because you were in the relationship doesnt mean that you should know everything even if your partner doesnt speak a word of it. There is nothing emotional about it. Its logical.

Ai pursed her lips.

You have to think rationally. Fine. I admit it, though just a little bit. Maybe Gu Yating really had the best interests for you in his heart. But whats the point if you dont know? Not talking only leads to misunderstandings. He refused to meet your parents maybe because he wanted to complete his accomplishment first. But if he keeps rejecting this, then of course, you will be sad. You were not wrong to feel that way.

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He never introduced you to Gu Rong because of his complicated deal with him. But as a girlfriend, you had the right to feel disappointed and question if he really loved you at all. He suddenly broke up with you and chose Guiying without giving an explanation. There could be another reason altogether for that. But you were supposed to feel heartbroken and cheated if you didnt know the story behind it.

Jun pinched her cheeks and scolded her. You reacted like any other normal woman would in her relationship. The pain that you had to suffer and bear and the tears that you shed were according to the situation that he put in front of you. You saw him not doing anything to save you that night. Do you think anybody who is falling to his or her death can be so understanding to think that maybe he is not doing this purposely? Of course you will feel betrayed and crushed. Get real, Ai.

He sighed and pulled her into his hug. I know everything came upon you so suddenly. But I will punish you if you blame yourself.

Ai felt comforted in his warmth. Hm

Jun wondered if he should say the next thing and after much thinking and with a heavy heart, he mumbled. If you want to talk to Gu Yating, then do it. I know you want this.

She looked up at him. You wont feel jealous?

Of course, I will and I am, he snorted. But I will let it pass just this once. But I am telling you not more than thirty minutes! He warned.

Ai was genuinely dumbfounded. Thats a long time considering its you. I expected you would say three minutes, not thirty.

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His brow twitched. I did think for three. minutes actually. But I have a big heart. Take it before I reduce it to fifteen, he sneered.

I will take it, Ai coughed.

I cannot express how relieved I am to see you okay! Cheng Yin anxiously hugged her hard. When he didnt see Chyou anywhere outside the set and learned that she was at the hospital, he immediately rushed to see her. It was from the co-star that he came to know that Chyou was actually stuck inside.

She chuckled. Just look at your handsome face with all those wrinkles. I am fine.

Cheng Yin hesitated. I am so sorry, Chyou. I failed in protecting you. I really thought you had escaped

She flicked his forehead. Its not your fault, Yin. It was chaotic everywhere. Its important that we are all safe.

But still

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The nurse came out of Yatings ward and said, Miss. Zhu. Mr. Gu is awake. You can meet him now.

She beamed. Thanks!

Cheng Yin asked, He is here?

Yes. I brought him. He collapsed after we got out. Yin, please wait for me here, okay? I want to meet him.

Wait, I will come too.

She blinked once in surprise. You?

He awkwardly smiled. YeahWell, he did save you-

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. The pressure was so heavy that he felt as if his shoulder was dislocated. His eyes widened as he turned in shock. The moment he did, his gaze met a pair of hostile dark brown eyes and an aura that exuded murderous intent.

Jun had an extremely frosty expression as he alarmingly spoke, Mr. Cheng Yin. You are not going anywhere with Chyou. Stay here or else

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