Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 339: 339 Whispers at late night

Sky Publishing.

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It was late at night when Xing Bi woke up with a start from her deep sleep.

Huh? Huh? Where am I? She looked left and right. Oh, its the office

She yawned and stretched her arms. So tired

Since Ai couldnt come today to Sky to meet Chyou and Yating at the hospital, she stayed back to work on Ais story and editing. She thought and said to herself, I should meet Yating tomorrow. Even if I dont work in Dream High anymore, he was still my colleague.

Nodding her head, she decided to take a short trip to the hospital tomorrow before coming to Sky. She yawned again. I really need to head back home.

She picked her bag and walked towards the exit, yawning for the third time. As she went on, she heard some murmuring from her left side.

She tilted her head.

Who is there so late at night in Sky? I thought I was the only one.

She peeked her head and walked along the corridor. The hushed and murmuring voice was getting louder. She recognized it coming from the Chief Editors Sun Bai office. The door to her office was slightly ajar, and she saw her back facing her.

Xing Bi blinked.

Miss. Sun was also working until so late at night?

She shrugged and sighed.

A Chief Editors job is tough.

She wanted to close the door when she heard her whispering. Dont worry. He wont know. Just do it quietly.

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Xing Bi widened her eyes.

Who is he? And not know what?

Yes. Dont let any evidence slip out, or I will be in trouble. Let me know once you are done.

There was a pause and she said, Hm.

Xing Bi felt utterly baffled by this conversation.

What is she talking about?

Xing Bi was a second too late to turn, lost in her thoughts when Sun Bai saw her. She widened her eyes and stiffened for a moment. Xi-Xing Bi?

She immediately straightened up. Miss. Sun!

She swallowed a gulp while being caught peeking.

What are you doing here? Sun Bai smiled, though with a faintest trace of anxiousness in it while her eyes scrutinized her expression.

Oh, I was just working late for Ais novel, she sheepishly grinned.

Oh yes indeed. Zhou Ai and Sir werent here today. By the way, how is her novel coming up?

Great! Ai has some good ideas. She has already started writing. I am helping her with the usual.

I see, Sun Bai nodded. If you need my help, dont hesitate to ask me.

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Of course.

Xing Bi then cleared her throat. I didnt know you were working so late too hehe

Her gaze slightly flickered. I had something extra to do.

Oh, I see.

What is this extra thing that would need her to tell somebody about doing something quietly? She wondered.

Sorry for suddenly coming here. I didnt mean to intrude. I just thought I was all alone in the office so I was a little scared when I heard voices coming from here haha

Sun Bai shook her head. No problem. She stared at her. If you are afraid, you shouldnt try to try to look deeper into it. What if it might prove to be something dangerous for you?

Her smile faltered. You are rightI will take my leave.

Yes. Good night.

Good night.

Xing Bi bowed and quickly left wondering to herself.

I dont understand if that was a friendly suggestion or a deadly warning?

It was the next morning when Ai came to visit Yating as she had decided with Jun. Jun stood on the other, already showing her his watch and pointing at the time. Her brow slightly twitched.

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When Yating looked up, he couldnt believe Ai coming before him. Hey.

Ai smiled. Hi. How are you feeling now?

I am fine. I was already fine yesterday, but the doctor insisted to stay for observation for twenty-four hours, he sighed.

They are right. You blacked out and fell unconscious. How could they let you go just like that, especially after such a dreadful incident?

Hey, now you dont take their side

What is right is right, she sternly nodded.

He accepted his defeat. Its impossible to win against you. By the way, I just saw you on a video circulating on Weibo. See.

Ai leaned and saw that it was a clip of yesterday when Cheng Yin was scolding Ai for accidentally pouring the hot coffee on his hand. Since it was a post about the most popular and A-listed actor, naturally, it went viral everywhere.

Did Jun do this?

From reading the comments, it was quite clear that he was under attack and great scrutiny for lashing out at Ai even after she had sincerely apologized. The scene of her hanging her head low with embarrassment was zoomed in and highlighted.

Yatings expression was ugly. Did he scold you that harshly?

The part about him being a possible drug addict already made him wary of Cheng Yin, and now Ai was harshly rebuked.

Maybe, I should fan these flames even more, he narrowed his eyes. How dare he shout at her?

Watching Cheng Yins reputation taking a hit made Ai extremely satisfied. It wasnt enough for what he did to Chyou in the past, but it was a good start.

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She took a seat on a chair beside him. Its good to see you arent hurt much. Can I ask you something?


Why did you black out?

He stiffened.

Ai stared at him. Is there something else you have been hiding from me?

NoNo, no. It was simply because of all the smoke. You know, it got difficult to breathe.

Chyou said you didnt look well when she was hanging from the deck. You couldnt immediately come to rescue her.

Yating shifted uncomfortably.

It reminded me of the time during the book-signing event. You looked the same as she described to me.

Its nothing-

Please tell me, Yating, she clenched her dress. I dont want to keep any misunderstandings in my heart anymore.

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