Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 366: 366 Mr. Liu's surprise

Jun grabbed Ais hand and turned to leave when they bumped into Guiying, who was just entering the house. She held a paper bag which contained some food and medicines. Juns mood worsened even further, but doubts also arose in his mind.

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What are you doing here? He sharply asked, the accusation in his tone not going unnoticed.

Guiying raised her brow, surprised. She was already aware that after their meeting a few days ago when Jun confronted her, he would surely look at her with suspicion.

I should ask you and Ai that question, she blinked, What are you two doing at Yatings house? Also, dont think that you can talk to me in that tone as you please, Liu Jun. I tolerated it the last time because I understood it was my brothers fault. I accepted it. But I wont bear you looking at me with suspicion every single time.

Jun smiled. You have done nothing but suspicious deeds and then you claim this?

Guiying folded her arms. I dont care how you view me. You came here out of nowhere and started pointing fingers at me when I was just here to help Yating.

She quickly walked past him and looked at Yating with concern. Are you okay, Yating? I am sorry I got a little late, she kept the bag on the couch.

Yating nodded somehow.

Guiying frowned at the assistant editor. You are here too?

He jolted and cried.

When did I have a choice!?

Why is everyone here?

Ai glanced at Jun and then at her. I got Yatings message for help. He wasnt picking up my calls, so I called the assistant. He said he was sick, so I rushed over here.

Guiying blinked and looked back at Yating. You did? I came to drop you home, so you should have called me.

He exhaled a weak breath. Yeah. I think I was trying to do just that but the message somehow went to Ai. I dont remember. I couldnt even clearly read anything on my phone

Guiying was secretly overjoyed. She was slightly worried that he may have seen her fiddling with his phone. But luck was on her side and it seemed that Yating himself gave her the perfect excuse she needed.

Oh. No wonder, she nodded with understanding.

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She squinted her eyes at Jun. Did you get your answer? Yating and I work in the same company. Is it so odd for me to help my friend and take him home when he is sick?

Jun did have a few questions to ask, but he said nothing. Instead, he cast Yating a warning glare. Next time, dont fiddle with your phone when your head is spinning all crazy.

He dragged Ai out and banged the door shut.

Yating collapsed on the couch and took a few deep breaths to calm down.

Guiying brought a glass of water for him. Drink some water.


Liu Jun is preposterous! Making a scene in someone elses house as if he owns it. He had no right to be so furious when calling Ai was just an accident. Even if Ai came to meet you, so what? You are still friends. There was nothing wrong in coming here out of concern.

He clenched the glass in his hand as the light in his eyes flickered with anger.

Forget about it. Liu Jun and I already are not on good terms.

He looked at his assistant and sighed. I am sorry you got dragged here. You can go back. I know there is a lot of work.

The assistant furiously shook his head. No, Sir. You are so sick. Let me help you. You always take care of the staff so much, he sobbed.

As they continued talking, Guiying ever so slightly smiled.

Great. The first step is success.

Outside, Jun had already investigated Guiyings movements. The result was highly disappointing because there was nothing against Guiying.

Yating was truly sick as people had seen him arrive at Dream High in the morning in a pale state. It meant that he wasnt purposely made sick at the office.

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Guiying was also at a medical store and then at a convenience store for buying some supplies for Yating. The rush at the stores was what made her so late.

The only thing left was the message dropped to Ai, but Yating confessed it himself to be an accident.

It could be Guiying dropping the message too, he angrily thought.

But there was no evidence. Once again, he couldnt really prove her intentions or if she was actually behind this or not. It wasnt weird for Guiying to be with Yating either since they worked at Dream High and were good friends too.

Naturally, he was in a bad mood when they arrived at the condo.

Ai poked his cheek. Why are you angry?

He glared at her. Why did you go to that idiots house?

How could I have ignored his message? Yating has never done this before, so I got worried. He wasnt picking up my calls.

Then you should have left him alone he bitterly mumbled. Or should have sent that assistant. Why did you personally go?

I didnt know what else to do. Yating seemed to be in a dire situation, and his assistant was unable to help.

I dont like it, his mood was still gloomy and grumpy.

Ai poked his cheek again. I know you dont like him that much, but I only went there to help him. I was already going to leave by the time you came.

Jun wasnt pleased. It was a long time between you leaving Sky and you leaving Gu Yatings home!

She nodded. He was very sick, so I made some porridge for him.

That was like pouring oil into the fire. You cooked for him!?

Yes, so that I can give him medicine and put him to sleep.

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His brow violently twitched. You were in his bedroom?

Ai clearly heard the gnashing of his jaw and felt the jealousy just pouring out of him. His gaze was as deadly as the Dead sea

She slightly cleared her throat. He was sick, so he was resting in his room.


So I had to take the bowl of porridge to his room. I couldnt have asked him to come out in that state, she pursed her lips.

His jaw dropped. I dont care if that man had to sleep on the living rooms couch or the floor, but I cannot bear you going to somebody elses bedroom! Especially that man who still has feelings for you, his icy black eyes were getting even frostier.

But nothing happened, Ai parted her lips in shock, He was simply resting and I only brought the porridge for him. Yating didnt do anything else. We hardly even talked that much.

She held his hand and said, Yating knows that I love you, Jun. When we met during Chen Zixins get together party, Yating was already clear that he genuinely wanted to be friends with me. I also went to help just as a friend too. Thats all. He has accepted our relationship.

Jun looked away, feeling not convinced at all. I dont believe him, he muttered.

Ai smiled. You dont have to believe him, but you believe me, right?

He glared at her. Dont make that cute face to me!

She tiptoed and pecked his chin. No matter what face I make, I am always cute.

He snorted. Fine. I have a big heart, so I forgive you. But just this once!

Ai furrowed her brows. But what mistake did I make?

Leaving to take care of him!

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But I just said I went there as his friend.

You are just going around in circles even though I explained everything to you, Ai complained.

Jun ignored that comment.

Ai let out a soft breath. But that is over now, and we are back home.

She beamed and clapped her once. You promised you would have a surprise for me.

Jun threw her a displeased stare once again which clearly said,

I am not sure if I want to show you the surprise anymore.

Ai pursed her lips. So you wont show me? Will you be that heartless?

Her disappointed expression and gaze finally melted his heart, and he wrapped her in his hug. I can never be heartless to you, he kissed the top of her head.

He smiled. Wait here. Come to the room when I call out.

Her eyes sparkled with delight. Yes!

Jun walked into their room and shut the door to make his final arrangements. A few minutes, he called out. Come now.

Ai eagerly opened the door to find it all wrapped in darkness. Jun?

She heard no response and tilted her head as she walked further inside. Jun?

Her heart sped in trepidation with no response. She hallucinated something creeping from under the bed in the darkness like a monster, and broke into a cold sweat.

What is happening?

Then slowly, a soft golden light shone from under the bed, taking her aback. It was followed by a stream of bubbles hopping from under the bed to the outside and warmly and gently floating in the air.

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