Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 387: 387 Shui's birthday banquet arc (

Hairs stood straight and the skin tingled of those socialites when Jun made their way towards them. His expression looked extremely serene, but it carried an air of lethality that showed how they had stepped on a landmine. The damage from Ais comeback was already making them spit blood but adding Jun to that mix was only a recipe for disaster.

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He had been quietly listening to everybodys nonsense while also making a mental note of his targets.

Juns tall figure looked like a menacing tower looming upon a woman who had voiced quite of her opinions against Ai. He tilted his head, his dark brown irises staring straight into her eyes as if he would suck out her very life force at any moment.

Sweat broke out on that womans forehead that threatened to ruin her makeup. Her gaze fell on his hand that had a notepad and a pen with him.

W-whats that for?

Jun shoved the notepad and pen in that womans hand and he did the same with the other socialites too. The women had no clue what the hell was going on.

Jun dragged a chair, perched upon it like a demon king and rested his chin on his palm. Start writing.

They blinked rapidly in confusion. W-write what?

A story. Write a story for me right now.

What the hell is he talking about?

I-I dont understandWhat story-

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Have you read stories? Jun cut the voice off.

Yes s-some of them

Have you been told stories?

She tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear in a state of nervousness. Yes

So you know what a story means. Good. You are not that illiterate. So write a story for me.

The women glanced at each other in more bewilderment. How do we write a story-

Didnt you just say how easy it would be to become a writer?

She stiffened.

Didnt you just say that you can also become a writer if you want?

She gulped.

So show me. Write a story for me worthy to be winning the Summit, his matter-of-fact and cold gaze was too piercing and difficult to bear.

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Their hands with the notepad trembled. They couldnt believe that they were asked to write a story in the middle of a banquet.

T-this is preposterous. How can we suddenly-


The socialites gasped in horror and stumbled backwards when Juns voice sharply rose and resounded in the hall that almost gave them a heart attack.

Juns gaze reflected further madness. Nobody is leaving until you all write me a story. Okay, let me be generous. Give me a decent paragraph of the first 500 words of your story. See? I am so generous. From a whole story, I reduced it to a mere 500 words. Write it for me.

The families of those socialites were too afraid to speak up but at the same time, they found this too bizarre. They looked at Zhiyuan and protested. Mr. Han, what is this-

Talk to me not anybody else here, Juns one threatening gaze shut them up. Rather than complaining and wasting time, tell your daughters to write a story for me. You know, your future depends on it because if they couldnt, your company would cease to exist from tomorrow.

They froze.

They write 500 words and show me. I will be a fair judge. If they pass, you are safe. If they dont, you are doomed. I want them to prove their worth as a writer to me.

He glanced back at the women again. Start writing. I dont have the entire night to waste upon you.

They shuddered and wanted to cry. They stared at the blank pages of the notepad and felt their own minds going blank too.

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What the hell should I write?

Do I have to write a story like those princes and princesses?

But its just 500 words, not a full story

But when they took their pens, they found themselves unable to think of even a single sentence, much less 500 words. When some of them actually started writing, they suddenly saw 500 words as too far of a goal when they couldnt even write 10 words straight.

Jun narrowed his eyes. Let me remind you. You dont have to just write 500 words and get done with it. You have to write 500 words worthy enough to be winning a competition.

Their blood ran cold. They were hardly able to manage to get a line out on the page and here he was ordering them to be worthy enough to be winning a competition?

On top of that, there was the mounting pressure of the fate of their familys business hanging upon a thread if they didnt perform well.

Instead of words of their story, the page was filled with more of their tears and sweat, feeling completely humiliated and embarrassed.

Amidst this pandemonium, it wasnt only Jun who wanted to see bloodshed. There was another of the Liu familys son who wanted to have revenge.

Nian yawned. You are all so slow. Let me have my own fun until then.

He pointed at a few women. You, you, you and you. Come here.

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They jolted sharply. One Liu brother was already acting as a tyrant. They were too afraid to face Nian now.

Nians jolly smile vanished. When I say come here, you should listen to me and come here without making a fuss. I hate disobedience.

Jian nodded. The twins didnt like being disobeyed. He knew his brother well and so did Nian.

Jin slightly touched the collar of his shirt.

Glad its not me this time

The sudden contrast in Nians expression frightened them. The women he picked robotically walked towards him while praying that he didnt have something crazy going on in his mind.

But he was Liu Nian and as a rule of thumb, all Liu men were naturally crazy and insane.

Nian brightened. Thats much better! I dont like people not listening to me. And you know what is the other thing I hate the most?

They gulped.

Any worthless creature on this planet pointing their fingers at my Xing Bi. Since you still did question her, that means you think you are more worthy, right? Then prove your worth to me. Give me three good reasons why I should choose you and not Xing Bi. For every invalid reason, you cut off a bunch of your hair and if all three are invalid to me, you will have to go bald, he chirped.

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