Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 389: 389 Lie on the opposite spectrum

A vein popped on Yatings forehead. How many times should I tell you that it was an accident! I didnt mean to message Ai or make her pity me in taking care of me.

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Juns dark gaze was unforgiving. Sure. The message was an accident. Mr. Lin announcing your plan of making a company for Ai was also an accident which you didnt expect. Everything is a fucking coincidence or a mistake for you, isnt it?

Yating trembled and clenched his fists. If anybody looked at it this way, then it would surely seem that he was plotting something against their relationship.

Its all just a big fat lie when you said to Ai that you would be just a friend to her, he glowered at him with vicious eyes, Hell with just a friend! You want to take Ai away from me. The truth is that you still havent given up on her! Do you think you can achieve anything by playing such tricks?

Liu JunI was sincere in my feelings when I said that I will only treat Ai as my friend.

How much of that is the truth, Gu Yating? He questioned. Does that mean you dont love Ai anymore?

Yating stiffened and couldnt immediately answer. The No was at the tip of his tongue, but he couldnt outrightly say it. He could lie and say yes, but his heart resisted with full force.

Jin narrowed his eyes while Shui felt a little restless about this confrontation.

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Jun gritted his teeth. You cannot even answer that question and you claim innocence!? You got some nerve, dont you?

When Yating couldnt defend himself, it was Chyou who came forward and faced Jun. Jun. I understand why you are angry and why you might feel Yating is guilty. But its the truth when he said that he had let Ai go.

Xiaosi and Caihong glanced at each other once. For everybody else too, it was quite unexpected for Chyou to come up.

Chyou said with her gaze facing straight at Jun. I was with Yating that evening at Zixins get-together party. I had seen and heard Yating talking to Ai. I had seen his struggle of letting Ai go and the heartbreak that it came with. I was there with him to console him. I know whatever has happened might look misleading to you, but Yatings intentions are equally the truth. I am sure I am not mistaken in my judgment. These are really some unfortunate coincidences.

Yating stared at her wide-eyed, unable to speak anything. It was a battle he needed to fight for himself. He felt touched by Chyous concern and also embarrassed that somebody else had to step up for him.

Jun met her gaze head on and with silence.

You all think that a man who still has feelings Ai can be innocent?

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I think he can be innocent despite having feelings for Ai.

He smirked. Think whatever you want. But Gu YatingIt will be a mistake to trust him on this, Chyou.

As he turned, his gaze met Ais but without saying a word to her, he passed right by her and left.

Ai slightly bowed and left too.

It was a momentary event that slipped everybodys notice, but that was what Guiying was looking for. That moment of avoidance and distance as Jun ignored Ai and stormed out and Ai, who was slightly rattled by this.

She remembered what Zhan Yahui had told her.

Glass doesnt break in a single hit.

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First crack, second crack, third crackuntil the glass wouldnt be able to hold itself together anymore.

She stared ahead, her eyes glistening with a mixture of anger and satisfaction. Her fingers inside her palms were trembling.

Ever since Jun betrayed Guiying as MrPerfect, she always looked for a chance to play her reverse card and bring that suffering back to him a hundred fold. Breaking Guiyings heart into pieces, there was bound to come a time when she would break Jun too.

Take it slowly, Zhan Yahui had said, Haste makes waste. You need to be careful of the situation around and the people inside it. Do whatever you want, but dont expect instant results. You must have learned that after the Shanghai Fest, she smiled.

Guiying narrowed her eyes.

Indeed, I learned a lot

It was before Shuis birthday banquet when she had been talking to Zhan Yahui and letting her frustrations out.

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Was there any point in making Zhou Ai come to Gu Yatings place? Fine, she took care of him and Liu Jun might have felt angry. But then what? They will simply talk it out. Its not like Zhou Ai was technically wrong. They will sort it out and I am back to square she gritted her teeth.

Zhan Yahui raised her brow. You are very impatient, my dear. Do you know why I was against the plan you made in Shanghai? Trapping Liu Jun and Han Shui in the elevator?

You said that it wont have any effect on Zhou Ai.

Yes, Zhan Yahui calmly said, There were very few chances for Zhou Ai to misunderstand Liu Jun. She is very resilient and poise and always in control of her emotions. But Liu Jun isnt.

She picked a pen and twirled it around her finger. Liu Jun and Zhou Ais innate personalities are very different. From that perspective, you can say that they actually lie on the opposite sides of a spectrum. You can put them in the same situation, but their reactions will be completely different. Zhou Ai tending to a sick Gu Yating alone wont achieve anything. You need to keep piling such small small incidents on top of each other until Liu Jun explodes. There is a limit to which he can bear things.

She chuckled. I came across an interesting incident during the time Liu Jun was dating Han Shui. It was at a Christmas party and some boy or her classmate had saved her from falling, but he misunderstood his intentions. There was a huge row after that. Not just with the boy but also between Liu Jun and Han Shui themselves. Its a simple incident but it says a lot about Liu Jun, right?

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