Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 424: 424 A blind idiot before

Jun grabbed Chyous shoulder and breathlessly gasped, not because he was tired from rushing from Sky to her set. But it was because of the anger seething within him since the moment the news reached his ears.

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Cheng Yin is not the right person for you, Chyou! Break offbreak off with that bastard right now!

Her senses dulled for a moment with Jun suddenly appearing before her out of nowhere. Jun? What is this about?

This is about how wrong you are about Cheng Yin and your decision to date him. You are only gonna regret it. I wont let it happen, Chyou.

At that moment, he felt as if he could see the past lifes Chyou whose love and commitment was defeated by Cheng Yin. Her gaze still looked firm and unyielding, but her heart was already beyond repair.

Chyou frowned. She folded her arms and stared at him. Explain yourself, Jun. For some reason, I have noticed that you are always hostile towards Yin. At the hospital too, you blatantly expressed your dislike for him. But you two havent even properly met before. Why do you hate him so much?

Jun took a few deep breaths to calm down. Chyou, you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. Do you even know that Cheng Yin is into drugs?

Ding Yimu drew a sharp breath. Her eyes popped out with this news. Youyou are kidding me!

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I had hoped too that this was all a joke, but it isnt. He is an addict.

She wished to faint. T-thats a very serious allegation you are putting on Cheng Yin, Liu Jun. If, even by mistake, this fact goes out, his career is done for! An addict superstar? He will be banned from the entertainment industry. Does Kang Qigang have any idea about this?

Kang Qigang was Cheng Yins manager like Ding Yimu was Chyous.

Not just that, Cheng Yin has recently been a part of many healthcare related commercials. The world will grill him like crazy if they know an addict is campaigning for good healthcare, she sweated. That will be such an irony.

I dont give a damn about his career. That can sink for all I care. The only thing I do not want is Chyou having relationship with him! He is an addict and a liar!

Chyou said, I know.

That sharply took Jun and Ding Yimu aback. Cheng Yin confessed this to me himself.

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Jun stared at her, refusing to believe this.

No way will Cheng Yin admit it himself. Like hell! He never did so in the past.

Ding Yimu was now more incensed than ever. Zhu Chyou! Am I hearing it right? You already knew? WaitThat means, Cheng Yin taking drugs is actually the truth?

Was the truth, Chyou corrected her. Cheng Yin explained his circumstances in which he got involved with them. Whatever it was, he has sincerely assured me that he has left that life behind him.

Jun chuckled. Oh? And what are those helpless circumstances if I may ask?

That earned him a glare from Chyou. I am not liking your tone, Jun!

Yeah, you wont like the bitter reality I will speak about either, but tell me. How did Cheng Yin reveal this to you by himself?

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Chyou gave him a recap of the events after which Jun laughed only more. So Gu Yating coincidentally saw him one night and he told you. You expressed your concerns, and THEN he told you. That is not confessing, Chyou. He was cornered. So rather than lying and taking that gamble, he thought to come out with it. And do you know why? Because I knew it too, and he knew that I knew.

He sneered. I gave him a pretty good scare at the hospital that day. You should have seen his face. He was as pale as a ghost. He knew I could prove it, so he accepted his addiction. In no way does that mean that he sincerely wanted to confess to you!

Chyou sighed. I know and I also understand that. But I also want to understand Yin. Confessing your addiction is a big deal, especially to the person you like. You instinctively want to hide anything bad or negative about yourself. He might have been feeling pressured by you, but that doesnt mean he is also lying about his conviction. He really does want to come clean!

Jun widened his eyes. How can you trust him, Chyou!?

Because I love him, Jun. If I dont believe in the man I love then what is the point of my feelings for him? She asked.

Jun gritted his teeth. Trust is one thing but being blind is a completely different story! You cannot lose your common sense just because you are in love!


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And I am saying this because I had been a blind idiot before.

The past memories came flowing in and his heart burned with helplessness. I have been there before, Chyou. Acting as if I couldnt see anything else besides what I wanted to haveI suffered a lot because of it and I made everyone else suffer too, his voice trembled. Being in love feels amazing. But at times, you get chained by it too because we want our love story to be perfect. Thats why we want to believe we are doing the right thing. But Cheng Yin is not right. He is not sincere at all. He will never keep you happy!

Chyou felt his words strike and resonate in her heart. She was aware that it wouldnt be easy to accept Cheng Yin because of his past.

But he deserves a chance, Jun. I know you are worried about me. I am so glad to have you as my friend. But I really love Yin. I want to give him a chance to prove his sincerity-

Ding Yimu interrupted her. No! Dont be silly Chyou. You want to date an addict? Do you know how it could affect your reputation?

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