Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 463: 463 The intruder

Xing Bis legs trembled at her place moreso because she couldnt hear a single sound coming from the silhouette who had trespassed into her house. She wanted to scream but couldnt.

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What if he is carrying a gun and will shoot me the moment I scream?

She quickly hid in her room, holding her mouth shut. The intruder in her house still wasnt making any sound. But somehow, she felt his presence growing closer and closer to her room.

I should have locked my bedroom first! She cried.

Eventually, she did notice a tall figure slowly stepping into her room. It was all dark and murky, but she could at least say with surety that the man was well-built. Which made her gulp harder.

T-there is no way I can fight this man! Stupid, Bi! How did you forget to lock your room!?

Her phone was also on the bed. There was no way to grab it and call for help. Even if she did, the light from the phone would give her place away.

Xing Bi inwardly sobbed.

The intruder noticed her phone on the bed lit up with some message. He picked it up and stared at it. She tried to take a peek at his face, but the light from her mobile was too dim to clearly see him.

The man clenched her phone and she heard what she thought was a crack from her screen.

I-Is he murdering my phone first so that I cannot call for help?

I am sorry, Ai. I think tonight is my last day. This is my endBut I wont die without putting up a fight!

She soundlessly took a vase from under the table where she was hiding and hugged it closer to her chest. She froze as she felt the man stop in his tracks. He was just near her location. It was hard holding onto her breath. It would be over if she even exhaled.

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Xing Bi jolted when she saw a sharp, pointed and metallic object shining in the air.

Thats definitely a knife

She wanted to cry.

Ah he wants to stab me and dump my body somewhere. Wait or does he want to cut me into pieces and throw my body parts into the sea!?

W-will I be really facing such cruel death?

Before he could stab me, I would first hit him on his head!

Xing Bi got into position, raising the vase in the air.

I wont be a coward! This is all or nothing!

Xing Bi sprung on her feet and swung her right arm to direct the vases attack on the mans head. Begone you intruder!

But the man took a step aside and caught her wrist, making her freeze like an ice statue.

He caught me. I am dead now

Please dont kill me! Please dont kill me! Please dont kill me! She shut her eyes, preparing herself for the worst. Then she randomly cursed him. You would rot in hell, you criminal! My ghost will haunt you forever!

Suddenly, a beam of light flashed before her shut eyes and feeling the bright radiance out of nowhere, she sniffled. Noooo. Am I already in the afterlife? Am I dead?

Does anybody have the guts to kill the woman I love? I would like to have a nice chat with that person, A deep voice snickered.

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Recognizing the voice all too well, Xing Bi quickly opened her eyes. Nians devilishly handsome face shone in the white flashlight. Liu Nian

Nian narrowed his eyes, staring at her quietly.

Y-you are also dead?

Xing Bi finally snapped out of her daze and believed that she was really alive. Liu Nian, its you after all!

She finally believed it.

S-so it was you who entered my apartment like a hooligan!? Her jaw dropped. And here I was thinking all crazy theories like a serial killer! You scared the hell out of me!

Nian cocked his brow.

She glared at him, aggrieved. And whats with the knife? Who were you out to kill in my apartment?

The supposed intruder.

Huh? Clearly, there were a lot of question marks floating on top of her head.

Nian pointed at the door. I was here to meet you, but I realized the lights were out. When I arrived at your apartment, I rang the doorbell, but then I noticed your main entrance door was already open.


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Xing Bi scratched her head.

How was my apartments entrance left open

Then she was struck with realization, and she heavily smacked herself on her forehead. UghThat was my mistake.

Your mistake?

Well her face reddened with embarrassment. I returned from the office as usual but midway had to urgently go for a bathroom break

Ugh, I got my periods at the wrong time!

I rushed into my apartment, but I totally forgot to close the door in a hurryThen I went for a bath and the rest was history.

Xing Bi blinked at him and asked, But what are you doing here? And why the hell were you so silent!? She touched her chest, trying to calm her erratic heartbeats. Do you know how terrified I was?

Were you the one terrified or me?

It was then Xing Bi clearly saw Nians expression which was far from his usual goofy demeanor. His black eyes felt immeasurably cold for some reason, but that iciness was slowly fading away now.

The whole area was dark and when I reached here, what was it that I saw? The door was open. It felt highly unlikely that you would have kept it open like that, so I thought somebody sneaked in somehow. It was dark too. I thought you must be in danger.

Xing Bi couldnt blame him for his train of thought to go that way. But why were you so silent?

To catch the supposed intruder of course. If he had held you hostage, I didnt want to alert him, he shrugged. He then smiled. I know I talk a lot. But I can be extremely silent when I want to.

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She cleared her throat. T-then the knife

To kill him if he tried to get violent, he nonchalantly said.


Depending on his intentions, I would have either slashed him with a simple cut or stabbed him to his death, his eyes twinkled. All depending on his intentions.

But why did you break my phone screen? Xing Bi lamented as she saw the cracks. You didnt look like a savior from any angle!

Nian shot a cold look at the phone. I saw a message from that goody two shoes Hou Lin. I felt jealous. Since when did you two have each others numbers and got so chummy? I couldnt control my strength and the phone Dont worry. I will get you a new phone and a new number too.

She exhaled a deep breath.

Hah what a big misunderstanding-

She froze on her spot as Nians face suddenly came into her close view. Now that you have gotten all your answers, answer my question now.

Nian grabbed her waist and crashed her freshly bathed body against his sturdy stature, breathing in her lemon scent and whispering near her lips, How should I punish you for being irresponsible?

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