Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 477: 477 Not what it looks like

Shui walked up to her and slapped her across the face. Her eyes loathed with hostility towards Guiying. YouI had enough of this! Stop it already!

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Guiying narrowed her eyes and faced her while she rubbed her cheek. I have not begun anything. I tried, but you were too stubborn to not nicely listen to me.

Jin heard their conversation, his heart trembling with an impending and unknown fear.

Where is this going

But by this point, the entire scene in front of him was breaking in bits and pieces and so did the voices.

Why the hellwhen you forced!?

You didnt accede. You areto this point

Jin tried to listen in with an keen ear, but the conversation was incoherent to decipher it properly.

I cannot hear them properly. What is going on? Tell m what should I do!?

He didnt get an answer, but he felt himself being slowly pulled away from that place. The last conversation he could hear between them was Shui asking Guiying in defeat.

Why are you doing this? Her voice sounded drained and tired.

When Jin glanced at Guiying, he didnt see any mockery or sneer on her expression. Instead, her eyes blazed with fury.

Because Her voice was getting softer and softer. Liu Jun betrayed me.

Jin gasped hard as he jolted up with a sudden jerk. His eyes were widened with a mixture of shock and questions, and his handsome face shone with a thin layer of sweat.

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Jin, what happened to you!? Shui caught his shoulders, who was close to collapsing on his knees.

He blankly stared at her unblinkingly. It took a few moments for him to realize that he was back at the balcony of the floor in Liu Corps where he had been talking to her. The dark weather and the abandoned house from his vision was nowhere.

I am back?


The cat jumped on his shoulder, rubbing her furry head against his cheek.

Shui anxiously asked again, Jin, can you hear me? What happened? You suddenly stopped responding to me.

It reminded her of the time when Jin had similarly shown these signs in the church.

Oh noIt-It cannot be that he will fall s-sick like that again, right?

Her hands trembled as she fumbled to unlock her phone, her expression paling and turning white.

I need to call Jun! He had h-helped last time too

But she stopped when Jin suddenly squeezed her hand as his forehead collapsed upon it.


She stiffened upon feeling his feverish temperature.

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NiceIt feels nice he mumbled tiredly. The touch of her cool skin against his hot temperature felt like he found his oasis.

Ever since he returned from the church, he felt more and more uncomfortable with the unnatural heat within his body even though the outside weather was cool and pleasant.

Jin, you are burning up! I will call Uncle Jinhai-

He shook his head as his senses seemed to return to him. I am fine, he scooted closer to her to feel more of the coldness she emitted.

Shui stiffened with the proximity but forced to bring her attention back to him.

How are you fine? Just look at you! Its the same like that day in the church she sniffled with tears threatening to slip down her cheeks.

I am really okayI just need to rest a little-

What is happening here?

A familiar but confused voice came from the balconys entrance. Two figures entered, witnessing the scene with not knowing what to make of it.

Zhou Yichen scratched his chin while Jinhai stared at Jin and Shui with an unreadable expression.

Whatever last strand of light-headedness Jin felt flew out of the window when he noticed their presence. He froze, realizing the position in which he was in with Shui, which definitely looked compromising.

Shui felt it at the same time, and she smiled awkwardly. Th-this this is not what it looks like

Zhou Yichen blinked. Why is Jini-boy resting on your lap? Wait, does helook a little sick? And when did you find this cat? He had back-to-back questions.

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The cat looked at Zhou Yichen and meowed.

Her face burned crimson. N-no. Like I said its not

Jin jerked up to sit straight but was going to fall back with dizziness because of his sudden movement. But Jinhai took a long step and reaching him, firmly held his back. Dont move like that when you are burning up.

Dad, I am fine-

We will talk about that after taking your temperature, he helped Jin stand and began to walk away.

Shui quickly said, Should we take him to the hospital?

Zhou Yichen nodded. Jini-boy really seems pale.

Jinhai, who had a rough idea of what might have happened to him, dismissed their suggestion. Jin just needs a little rest.

Shui was dumbfounded.

Why is he saying the same thing as Jun did last time? Seriously, what is this secret between them?

Back in his office, Jinhai helped him sit lie back on the couch and adjusted the pillow behind his neck. In front of Zhou Yichen and Shui, Jin felt a little embarrassed of being taken care of like a little child.

Dad, thatI-I am not-


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Jin knew better than to challenge him.

Jinhai looked back at Zhou Yichen and Shui. You can go ahead with your work. I will look after him.

Aish, Mr. Liu. How can I leave you alone? Jini-boy is like my son too. Let me help you-

The ring in your pocket

Zhou Yichen grabbed Shuis shoulders and pushed her towards the door. Shui my dear. Mr. Liu is right. We should go back to work.

Huh? But Jin-

Its cool, its cool. Mr. Liu is there to handle, he spoke with his forehead breaking into cold sweat.

My in-law is so mean!

Left alone, Jin shifted in the couch a little uncomfortably. He felt his fathers sharp scrutiny.

Jinhai glanced at the cat, who rested on Jins belly. Naturally, he had questions about Jin suddenly bringing a cat to the office, but he said the most important thing first. You shouldnt have gone alone to the church. You were lucky last time because Shui was there with you. But today, nobody wasnt. If this had happened over there, who knows when I would have got the news.

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