Chapter 9

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They Hate Strangers

Translated by Wook
Edited by Wook


Translator’s shameless ad:

Have you read the other Korean series I translate namely Your Eternal Lies and Codename Vestia? They also got some badass protagonists there, so do visit and see if it suits your taste!


Now, onto the story…



The knights of the East made merry in the conference hall where the dukes had gathered because Lynn had ordered for drink and meat to be served here as a surprise.


Lynn, who gave such bizarre and discourteous command, watched the knights chatter among themselves and got up when the food and drink were served on the table. Then he sent back the aide who had followed him to the front door and went into the room alone.


Once he was completely alone, Lynn sighed unconsciously.


‘Finished… .’


Arguing with the dukes was the most important task he had to do today.


The royal dukes of the north and the west looked down on Lynn and despised him. Because of this, the eastern territory was ignored as well. Lynn, feeling helpless, chased after the other dukes and barked like a dog. It was better to be hated than to be ignored.


‘I feel tired.’


Lynn covered his eyes with both hands.


He acted aggressively in front of the dukes, but in fact, his personality was far from violent. He was originally a child of a nation that was on the eastern side of the Empire’s eastern territory, with a mild and respectful temperament.


‘Was calling them rats a bit too harsh… The Southern Duke is still an elder.”


Lynn, who had good manners, reflected on the ruckus he had caused today.


But only for a while. In the end, only a long sigh remained.


Furthermore, the palace was such a boring place. It had only just begun, but it was already so painful.


Lynn shrugged his shoulders in frustration and looked out the window. The afternoon sky was bright.


Which means he’d still have to wait a while longer until the sun is set. He wished it would be night soon because it would be quiet at night.


And when the night comes, will we meet again?


It was only then that Lynn smiled faintly, as he recalled the event last night.


“My lord, your subject, Deca Monil has come.”

“Come in.”


As he heard the report from the outer side of the door, Lynn forced his fatigued body up. He was tired. However, when Deca came in and said several things, his eyes twinkled.


“I have confirmed who invited Rena Ruber to enter the palace.”


Lynn unconsciously showed his interest, which made Deca deeply surprised. It was rare for the Eastern Duke to show his reaction openly.

“It is said that the Southern Duke Bill Alles personally invited her in his name.”


Deca paid attention to Lynn’s expression as he said further, however, Lynn didn’t show any more reaction. He only nodded his head indifferently as usual.


Deca wondered what that meant, but didn’t stay longer to ask and left without hesitation. Lynn, who was alone again, thought silently.


‘Rena was invited by the Southern Duke… .”


Lynn covered his forehead as he pondered about the conversation he had with Rena last night.


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‘So you’re an enemy.’


Lynn laughed softly.


He thought that she was only a daughter of the North, but an unexpected background popped out again.


She was a guest of the South. This is probably why she refused the offer to come to the East.


He remembered the eyes of the Southern Duke when they met before.


Those contemptuous eyes. Rena was a guest of those with such eyes.


The lonely young man looked out the window. It was just past noon and the sky was still bright.


But he wondered what use it would be now even if it was night.




It was about an hour before the gathering began.


“Why is my subject a woman? The weak are simply weak. Hmph.”


Uni, who came out of the Southern Duke’s waiting room, grumbled while mimicking the Southern Duke.


“His pride was hurt, so he called us and pretended to be great.”


Uni hurriedly crossed the hallway without hesitation. Although she did not speak or behave like a maid at all, Rena only followed and smiled instead of rebuking her.


The two eventually arrived at their place. There, Uni found a card stuck in the gap in the door.


“Oh? My lady, look at this!”


Uni held out the card with a surprised face. The card was none other than an invitation to the imperial ball.


Rena turned the card over with a puzzled face.


There was no sender. It only stated the time and place of the ball, and some nice inviting words, saying to brighten up the party tonight.


“Whoa. My lady, does this mean you’re invited to the ball?”

“I think so.”


When Uni asked the question with her eyes shining, Rena only laughed awkwardly. Uni blinked her eyes at that lukewarm reaction.


“Isn’t that good?”


Unfamiliar with the upper-class culture, Uni thought the invitation was a welcome.


However, Rena, who had learned social skills, shook her head.


“No, this is a test for me.”

“A test?”

“I don’t know anyone in the Imperial Palace right now.”


Strictly speaking, she was connected to the South. However, this kind of event was a light event that is more suited for the youths, not the solemn Southerners. Therefore, there was no one to lead Rena to the ballroom.


“You can just make friends right now.”

“That’s impossible.”


“Because nobles don’t introduce themselves.”



At Rena’s explanation, Uni’s expression turned weird.


“In high society, it is very rude to talk to someone you don’t know.”

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“Then you only talk to people you know?”

“Yes, so you need to exchange introductions through acquaintances.”



Uni’s expression still looked like she did not understand. So Rena looked at the card that was sent anonymously to her again.


“The sender is unknown, but if they really want to invite me, they should have come to me before sending the card, so that I can get introduced and hang out with the others.”

“Then this card…”

“Is a test about how much I know about socializing.”

“Meaning it’s a trap?”


Uni finally understood and turned furious. Rena smiled and agreed.


“If I ignore the invitation, I’ll be an arrogant woman. If I find a partner and show up, I’ll be called clever. If I go alone, I’ll be treated like an idiot.”


Basically, people hate strangers.


Just as the royal dukes rejected the foreign-blooded Lignan Aetherner, the imperial social circle did not welcome the mysterious lady Rena Ruber. So they dug this crude trap.


How funny would it be if a girl without a root appeared heavily adorned, not even knowing it was a trap?


The stupid woman should be excited at first, but will gradually become embarrassed if no one talks to her.


If she has the courage to talk to them first, everyone will retreat awkwardly. The gentlemen won’t ask a lady they don’t know to dance, so when everyone dances, she will become a wallflower and just look around.

[wallflower: a term used for people who just stand in front of the wall because they don’t get dance partner applications.]


Everyone will pretend not to be interested and turn away, but on the inside, they find it funny when the other party is lost. Then they’ll make fun of that person all the time at their gatherings.


Rena swallowed a bitter laugh while drawing a rough picture of the expected situation in her head.


“So you will lose no matter what you do.”

“That’s right.”

“Then you’d better come wielding a sword!”

“That idea is not bad either, but…”


Rena burst into laughter at Uni’s radical suggestion, but Uni didn’t laugh along. She was joking around out of habit, but she knew the situation was serious.


“What are you going to do?”


Uni asked out of worry. Rena thought for a moment, then said brightly.


“Uni, could you take that dress out?”

“By that dress, you mean…”

“The fourth reason we are poor.”

“Are you going to wear them now?”


Uni asked with her eyes widened in surprise.


In truth, the Executioner was a very expensive mercenary. The Southern Duke did not know, but Rena had received five times the amount of payment in advance when she volunteered for the Southern War. Afterward, the Southern Duke also gave her rewards, so Rena had made quite a bit of money in the South alone.


Nevertheless, the reason why they were so poor to the point that they couldn’t afford to travel was that they had to spend money lavishly in order to become a dignified lady.


One of those expenses was a full dress for an imperial ball.


“I’d like fresh flowers for the decoration. If you tell the court officials, they will bring you any number of flowers.”


A lady should not avoid a fight. Rena smiled softly and her eyes lit up.


Uni sighed in resignation at Rena’s reckless decision. Then she cheered for her with both fists.


“You must return with victory!”

“If I’m about to be pushed around, I’ll fight with my sword.”

“That’s our lady.”

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Hosting banquets or balls was originally a work for the hostess of the place. However, there was no empress in the Empire.


But it was impossible to entrust the imperial ball to just anyone, so Cardinal Clavis, who had lost his territory and had been staying in the Imperial Palace, was in charge of this task.


“After all, I can only admire you today.”

“Your Grace’s aesthetic is a blessing from God.”


The playful adorned ladies flaunted and praised Clavis. Clavis smiled softly at those tickling compliments.


“I can only say this now, but I was worried for Your Grace when you said that the evening ball will be held for 100 days.”

“No matter how good a party is, having it in one place is bound to be boring.”

“Who wouldn’t be bored? However, you decorate the stage with a new theme every day, so I’m embarrassed to say that my worries back then are in vain.”


Other nobles also added amicably. Although mixed with flatteries, their words were sincere.


Clavis had prepared a 100-day evening ball to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the country.


However, in the beginning, the young nobles who liked to play did not welcome the news. A ball or social gathering should be fresh and special. It would be arduous if the same organizer held the same ball continuously.


But contrary to their concerns, Clavis captivated the young nobles with a surprising and novel idea.


He created a new world every day using all of the vast space of the Imperial Palace. Thanks to this, the nobles spent a full 100 days in a play. One day it was a play of heavenly gods, the other day it was a play of foreign savages.


“It’s even more amazing today. You’re making a lake using champagne.”


A gentleman marveled at the golden lake.


The lake was filled with clear champagne, and a small boat loaded with candles and flowers in full bloom floated leisurely over it.


“I am already betting. Will everyone get drunk first, or will the lake run out first?”

“Ahh, you were talking about that bet? I thought you were talking about a different one…”


Everyone was praising the ball, but suddenly a lady mumbled while rustling a fan. Then the other nobles smiled meaningfully as well.


“There will be a lot of entertainment today since it’s the last day.”

When a gentleman mumbled quietly, the other nobles burst into laughter.


Both the bets and the entertainment were all referring to Rena Ruber.


Rumors about the mysterious lady had already spread. And today, there was news that a powerful person had invited her to the ball.


For this reason, the young nobles gathered at the social hall were very much looking forward to seeing if the lady would appear and what she would look like.


“Right, that’s a really unexpected play…”


Clavis knew about it too. But he wasn’t offended by the situation. He merely gently rolled his eyes towards the young man sitting on the sofa.


“Rubid is too mean.”


Rubid, the young man who was sitting cross-legged in the face of Clavis’ criticism, gently lifted the champagne glass he was holding.


“Looks like she’s here!”


Someone exclaimed. The nobles secretly glanced at the entrance of the venue while distancing themselves as if they had made an agreement before.


A lady was entering without an escort.


It was Rena Ruber.



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She was wearing a pure white dress.


It was an incredibly gorgeous dress, with delicate rose-shaped pleats extending from the chest to the skirt.


The shoulders exposed on the elegant dress that was like a bouquet were as smooth as baked clay, and the straight collar bones were deep enough to collect rainwater with. Also, on the nape of the neck, a jewel that was difficult to estimate shone brilliantly.


Her hair, which was decorated with fresh flowers, was luscious, and the gloves that reached her elbows were of the highest quality everywhere she looked, and so were the lace fans that sparkled like waves on midday.


She even had a beautiful face. It looked absolutely flawless.


And so, the nobles were laughing to death.


‘How pathetic. I’m sorry.’


‘She can’t be that naive.’


‘Just like a pet cat.’


Ordinary fools are pitiful, but pretty fools are ridiculous.


The lady was ridiculed even more because she was so beautiful. She was not aware of her appearance, nor did she know about manners.


The nobles constantly ridiculed Rena. They turned their heads and looked at each other, covered their mouths with a fan, and laughed. Then glanced over and laughed again.


As Rena looked around the ballroom, a gentleman couldn’t contain his laughter and ran out to the terrace.


There was a clear line between Rena and the nobles as if oil had fallen into the water.


Hundreds of nobles kept spying on Rena, wanting to laugh at her every action.


Rena walked lightly and entered the venue. At that lovely gesture, the nobles covered their mouths and held back their laughter.


She seemed to be very excited about coming to the ball, just like a peasant.


The nobles carefully observed the rare spectacle.


However, Rena walked slowly, not paying attention to anyone. She looked nervous as well, making the nobles laugh again.


Rena eventually climbed up to a platform that was higher than the floor, and stood with her back straight.


It was from that moment forward that the nobles felt a strange sense of alienation.




A lady with a good eye realized it first.


‘That woman’s expression…’




There was no expression on Rena’s face, who was standing upright.


No excitement or tension. No expectations or dreams.


Contrary to their expectations, the lady was not at all excited. Instead of excited, her expression was cold. No. It was sharp.


Rena was carefully examining the ballroom, like a scout spying on the enemy camp.



The author’s words:

I will raze your stronghold and build you stone graves.

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