The final match was similar to in the original story but since Goku and Piccolo were almost twice as strong as when they faced Raditz it was a much more interesting fight. They clashed, sending a quick flurry of exchanges between them. Since Goku was much faster without weighted clothes Piccolo got annoyed and removed his white mantle with shoulder pads, his power level rose and he was now as fast as Goku.

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Then after seeing how pointless they were, Goku gave up on head-on clashes, he flickered around Piccolo at high speed, his body undetected by the naked eye.

Piccolo seemed to have found Goku's position and elbowed his face, sending him crashing into the wall.

Goku got up and sent a Kamehameha at Piccolo, at the last moment, he steered it around and hit Piccolo from the side. Caught unprepared, the Kamehameha successfully hit Piccolo's face.

"Damn you!" Piccolo shot several eye beams at Goku. But they were easily dodged.

Piccolo shot several Ki blast, Goku deflected them out of the Martial Arts Temple and blew up a few mountains.

Piccolo sent a punch which was dodged by Goku, but he then suddenly extended his arms, one held onto Goku while the other punched him hard. He then shot eye beams and injured Goku's left shoulder.

"Ah!" Goku yelled in pain, he hurriedly jumped up and kicked Piccolo in the face with both his legs, sending him flying up a few meters. Piccolo's grasp on him loosened and Goku hurriedly escaped.

"Just what kind of level are they at? I can't follow their movements at all." Yamcha said.

"I also can't see anything," Krillin said.

"I can barely follow their movements," With sweat dripping down his face, Tien Shinhan was focusing his all to sense their movements.

"Get ready for my Super Kamehameha!" Goku's left shoulder was badly injured, he knew he couldn't use it in the fight anymore and decided to decide everything on his Super Kamehameha.

"Ka...Me...Ha...Me...HAAA!!" Goku fired a 4-meter thick blue beam at Piccolo.

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"Take this!" Piccolo concentrated Ki in his arms and shot out a large Ki beam of similar thickness.

The two energy beams met and were in equilibrium, even though they were evenly matched in power, Piccolo wasn't as skilled in energy attacks as Goku was.

Then since Goku was afraid Piccolo would hurt the audience he squeezed out all his strength and pushed his Kamehameha forward. Piccolo did not want to be inferior, also put out even more energy. The energy beams started getting violent as if they were going to explode soon.

Goku, as if he had been rejuvenated, managed to squeeze out even more power, the Kamehameha pushed Piccolo's beam higher and higher and almost touched Piccolo's face.

Piccolo squeezed out all his strength and managed to stop Goku's Kamehameha from continuing pushing his beam back at him, but it also caused him to propel higher up in the sky. He could tell the explosion was imminent.

"Shit!" Piccolo hurriedly backed up, even more, flying higher while keeping Goku's Kamehameha from advancing even further.

*BOOOOM* The two energy beams exploded, luckily Piccolo managed to back up and only his clothes got destroyed. A large explosion 50 meters above the stage blasted out a strong shockwave, the audience were sent rolling on the ground and a few trees were ripped off and flung away.

"Shit! That explosion could destroy a city!" Krillin yelled in fear.

Piccolo landed on the stage, with a few bruises and his clothes ripped apart.

"Ugh," Goku was completely exhausted and lying on the ground. He had squeezed out every drop of energy for his Kamehameha to push up Piccolo's Ki beam.

"1!2!3!" The announcer counted excitedly.

"Don't count! I'll kill him!" Piccolo yelled.

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"Eh?! That's against the rules, huh? Haven't I seen you before?" The announcer seemed to recognize Piccolo, now that his turban was blown away by the explosion, his antenna was exposed.

"He looks just like Piccolo!"

"That's true! He looks just like him!"

The audience started recognizing Piccolo.

"Of course we look alike! I'm the reincarnation of Demon King Piccolo!" Piccolo announced.

The crowd were shocked by Piccolo's words.

"Once I've killed Goku, you will all tremble in terror!" Piccolo shouted.

"Waaah!" The crowd cried in fear.

*Bang* Suddenly a brick hit the back of Piccolo's head.

"GAAAAAAAH!!" Piccolo clutched the back of his head, his eyes popping out, mouth opened wide, he yelled in pain.

"Piccolo, you idiot! Don't ruin my reputation!" Tarro yelled angrily, apparently, he had thrown the brick at Piccolo.

Piccolo continued clutching his head for a long while before he recovered. The audience who were trembling in fear felt Piccolo's current appearance was very comical.

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"Teacher! Why did you hit me!?" Piccolo said but didn't attack. It seems the 3 years of the beating had made Piccolo a lot more patient, he wouldn't just jump at the attacker without a second thought anymore.

"Idiot! You're representing me! You can't break the rules in WMA!" Tarro yelled back.

"I represent you?" Piccolo asked confused.

"Yeah, since you are my first student, look I even put my sign on your back," Tarro said.

Piccolo picked up his mantle and saw "Tarro's Disciple" written on the back.

"When did you write that?" Piccolo asked speechlessly.

"When you made it," Tarro said shamelessly. Piccolo had simply materialized his clothes on himself, how could he possibly see what was written on his back?

"What, teacher? Ah! It turns out Demon King Piccolo has been tamed by Tarro, the two times WMA champion!" The announcer spoke into the mic.

"Bastard! Who's been tamed? Am I a beast!?" Piccolo snapped at the announcer.

"Alright, hurry and win the tournament." Tarro waved his hand indicating for him to hurry up.

"T-Tarro, h-he called you his teacher?" Tarro's friends stared dumbly at him, with their eyes widened ridiculously big. They could have never of imagined the Great Demon King Piccolo would yield and call Tarro teacher.

"Yeah, I picked him up three years ago and trained him," Tarro said, but in fact, the 'training' was only him beating up Piccolo, with a bit of help with martial arts.

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"You really have nerves of steel, to even train the Demon King Piccolo," Master Roshi looked dumbly at Tarro.

"What are you doing?! Hurry up and count!" Piccolo gnashed his teeth and turned to the announcer and yelled.

"Ah? Yes! Yes! 1! 2! 3!" The announcer started counting.

"He really yielded," The audience stared dumbfoundedly at Piccolo.

"I-I, F-Forfeit," Goku didn't have any energy left, so he quickly gave up.

"This is amazing! 2 WMA Tournaments were won consecutively by Tarro, now his new student has won this WMA Tournament's championship!" The announcer yelled excitedly.

The audience also cheered, it seems they had simply dismissed Piccolo's threats.

"Wha-" Piccolo felt wronged, he had trained for so many years just to avenge his father. But he wasn't allowed to break the rules in the tournament and now the crowd was cheering for him, the Demon King Piccolo, instead of trembling in fear.

"Son Goku! You're lucky we fought in the tournament. Next time, I'll take your life!" Piccolo angrily flew away.


"Wha-" In the Lookout Kami had seen everything Piccolo had done over the three years. He had never done anything bad since he was busy getting beaten up by Tarro and never met another person. But when he walked down the street and saw two people about to get smashed by the debris from the building, he had saved them. Much to his shock, Piccolo had also not broken the tournament rules and killed Goku. Piccolo did not go against Tarro and considering him saving the two humans from earlier, he wasn't as evil as King Piccolo, leaving a dumbfounded Kami staring blankly down the sky.

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