Year: 761, Month: October, Day:12

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*Boom* A space pod crashed in a rural area, far away from the cities. A hatch then opened and a man climbed out of the space pod.

The man had long spiky hair reaching down to his calves. He wore Frieza Force's battle armour and a scouter. The man had a monkey tail wrapped around his waist, the man was certainly Raditz!

"So the creatures on this planet are still alive, Kakarot had failed us!" He said.

"S-Stop! W-Who are you?!" A farmer pointed his rifle at Raditz.

*Beep Beep* His scouter sounded.

"A battle power of only 5? Hah, what utter trash!" Raditz ridiculed.

Raditz saw the man standing in front of him, he calmly walked towards the man, step by step.

"S-Stay back! I-I'm warning you!!" The flustered farmer yelled in warning. He had thought a meteorite had hit his farm and came to check the crater, never had he expected a man to walk out of the crater.

"Waaah!!" The farmer closed his eyes and pressed the trigger.

*Bang* A bullet flew toward Raditz' face.

*Dong* Raditz calmly grabbed the flying bullet, with a flick of his fingers, he sent the bullet back toward the farmer. The bullet hit him clearly in the head, blood spurted out as the man fell down dead.

"Hmph, what a planet of weaklings," Raditz said arrogantly.

*Beep* His scouter sounded.

"Someone strong is close by, distance 4880, is it Kakarot!?" Raditz turned his head to the direction the scouter pointed to and Raditz flew toward the wasteland in the distance.


"What is that!? I've never felt so much power!" Exclaimed Piccolo sensed a strong Ki moving quickly towards him. He turned his head toward that direction in alarm.

"It can't be Goku it's too horrible!" The closer Raditz came, the more alarmed Piccolo was. Raditz Ki was much stronger than he had expected, so much he lost all hopes in fighting against him.

Raditz landed in front of Piccolo and said in annoyance, "I'm sorry for dropping in I'm trying to find a man called Kakarot, I thought that you were him," Raditz had thought he found Goku, unfortunately, he had flown here for nothing.

"Well you thought wrong, Now turn around and get out of here before I get angry." Piccolo noticed Raditz' tail, the only ones he had ever seen with monkey tails were Tarro and Goku.

"Well someones having a bad day," Raditz said.

"Believe me you have no idea, now get lost!" Piccolo clearly did not like the tone Raditz spoke to him with, but there was nothing he could do with the huge Ki of his enemy.

"Hehehehehe... Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you," Raditz said and pressed the button on his scouter.

*Beep, bibibip*

"A battle power of 733, quite high for someone on this backwater place, no wonder you're so cocky." Said Raditz boastfully, looking down on Piccolo.

"What!?" Piccolo stared at Raditz' scouter in shock. Tarro had once scanned him with a similar device that he had created to tell him his power level and knew his battle power was over 700 with his weighted clothes on.

"But you'd be a fool to attack me with such an insignificant power level," Raditz said and showed a wicked smile.

Piccolo sweated bullets, Raditz' unrestrained Ki pressured him as he felt the hostility toward him.

"Hehehe." Raditz lifted his arm with his palm facing Piccolo.

*Beep Beep Beep* Suddenly, Raditz' scouter sounded.

"Well, I guess it's your lucky day green man. An even greater power is nearby!" Raditz turned his head to stare in the distance.

"There it is, distance,12909." Raditz flew up high and checked his scouter.

"The battle power has got to be the highest on this planet, it has to be Kakarot's!" Raditz believed Goku as a Saiyan would be the strongest on this weak planet.


"Huff, Huff, Huff. I don't believe it! I was frozen in fear, his energy was even stronger than teacher's?" Piccolo said as he dropped down on his knees, his forehead filled with sweat. Tarro had never shown a power level over 1,000 to Piccolo and this guy's had to be at least 2 or 3 times that. And because Piccolo had never asked about the tail, he had no idea what the tail represented. But what he did believe now was that each and every person with a monkey tail seemed to all be incredibly strong.


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"Wow, it's been so long since I've been here!" Bulma said happily as she walked into Kame House.

"Oh, Bulma," Krillin and Master Roshi exclaimed.

"Wow, it's really been a long time, since you only come when someone asks you to," Roshi said.

"Yeah, well I've been busy with work. Anyway here I brought some filled buns as a present like you've been asking for," Said Bulma taking out a wrapped box.

"Nyahaha thanks, I'm so happy that I could squeeze you," Roshi grinned, making a groping action.

*Blam* Bulma hit him over the head and thought, 'Why did I ever think he could change.'

She then said, "If Tarro were here I'd have him beat you up, you pervert!"

"Hmm, oh yeah, where is he anyway?" Krillin asked, taking the box.

"Oh, he said that he was just finishing up some training and that he would be here in an hour or two," Bulma replied.


"Hey is anyone home?" A voice from outside said.

"Goku!" All three of them said and went outside.

"Yo!" Goku said.

"What's up with the kid you babysitting or something?" Krillin asked.

"No, he's my son," Goku answered.

"What, your son!!!" Master Roshi and Krillin shouted.

"Wow, Gohan's really gotten big, hasn't he?" Bulma commented.

"Huh, you've met him before Bulma?" Krillin asked surprised.

"Yeah, when he was born me and Tarro went to visit them," She replied.

"Oh yeah, where is Tarro anyway, I don't see him?" Goku wondered. {A/N: Goku didn't say sense since Tarro suppresses his Ki so it can't be sensed or picked up by scouters.}

"Hmm, oh, he'll be here in a couple hours since he is busy training," Bulma answered.


After the next few scenes played out, with them talking about Gohan, Goku suddenly sensed a powerful energy.

"What is it Goku," Master Roshi said.

"T-There's something bad heading straight for us," Goku said looking around to see if he could spot it.

"What, are you sure Goku?" Bulma asked, doubting him since she can't sense energy.

"Yeah, I'm positive, I've never felt a power like this before!" Goku said looking even more worried.

"Hmm, yeah I feel it now too!" Krillin said and Roshi nodded as well.

"There's nothing there you guys," Bulma said, confused.

'What is it, I've never felt something like this before, such an awful power,' thought Goku. 'And it's even more powerful than anything I've sensed coming from Tarro.'


"Look there!" Goku said, suddenly seeing the person.

"Oh, yes, I see it Goku!" Roshi exclaimed.

"Who is that?" Goku said.

"It's not Piccolo is it?" Krillin asked still traumatised from being zapped.

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'This isn't going to be good, I smell death in the air,' Master Roshi thought.


As soon as the person landed everyone was on guard and scared.

"Hahahahaha, so we meet again at last," The armoured man said, "You've grown up... I recognised you though you, Kakarot, you look just like your father."

"Huh, Kakarot?" Goku said, confused.

"That's right, that's your name," Raditz replied.

"His name?" Bulma said also confused.

"Kakarot, what have you been doing all these years. Your mission was to exterminate all life on this planet, so why haven't you carried it out?"

Then Goku looked around to see if anyone knew what the man was talking about and Krillin stepped forward and said, "Listen, mister, I don't know who you are but you've obviously got the wrong guy, now shoo, go home."

Suddenly Goku shouted, "Krillin watch out!" and Krillin was sent flying.

"Krillin!" Goku shouted but then realised what had hit his friend, it was a tail!

"EHHHHH!?" Everyone was surprised, there was another person that had a tail other than Goku, Gohan and Tarro.


"Ehh, I don't believe it, he has a tail too!" Goku exclaimed.

"Good, look's like you finally recognise me," Raditz said.

"What are you talking about, I've never met you before," Goku said, confused.

"Kakarot! You mean to tell me you have no idea who I am?" Asked Raditz.

"I don't know who this Kakarot guy is but my name's Goku," Goku replied.

"What happened to you? Kakarot! Tell me, did you ever suffer a serious head injury when you were young?" Raditz asked, clearly confused.

"My name ain't Kaka-whatever!" Goku said again.

"Well did you?! Tell me!" Raditz shouted.

"...Okay! It's true but I was young and don't remember anything from before then," Goku answered.

"Damn it, you idiot you forgot, but at least that explains why you don't recognise me," Raditz said, annoyed.

"I forgot what?! Tell me!" Goku shouted.


After Master Roshi had explained how Grandpa Gohan had found Goku as a baby in the space pod they were all surprised.

"What, I'm from outer space?" Goku said surprised.

"Well that would explain a lot, so you think Goku has some connection with this guy?" Bulma asked.

"I just wish I knew," Replied Master Roshi.

"M'kay, you have my attention now so tell me who you are!" Goku said to Raditz as Krillin got up.

"Well I wasn't expecting to give a history lesson today but oh well. You were born on the planet Vegeta and you are part of the Saiyan race, the greatest warriors in the entire universe, just like me." Raditz explained.

"!!!" Everyone was shocked.

"No, it can't be..." Roshi said, shocked.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Raditz, your elder brother!" Raditz said.

"G-Goku has an older brother!?" Krillin said with a shocked face.

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"And he's an alien!?" Bulma said also shocked. But she then said, "Wait, why should we believe you?!"

"Yeah, what's Goku doing on another Planet if he's from outer space?!" Krillin said.


Then after Raditz explained that they send Saiyans to take over planets to sell on the Galactic Market Krillin said, "If that is true that means you Saiyans are just evil space pirates."

And after Raditz was shocked about Goku removing his tail and being friends with Earthlings Goku said, "Enough, this is my home, and besides I would never consider anyone like you to be my brother, so leave us alone!"

"Hahaha, seriously, do believe I am just going to leave. The Saiyan race has always been a race few in numbers but now, after our home planet was struck by a comet and destroyed, pretty much all of us were turned into space dust. Now including you and me, there are only 4 Saiyans that we have seen alive. The reason I actually came here was to get your help in taking over a stronger planet and when you come to our aid, even though your power level is lower than all of ours, it will tip the scales in our favour, lucky I remembered you." Raditz explained.

"Open your eyes Kakarot, this will be fun, don't you feel your Saiyan blood stirring at just me mentioning it?" Raditz asked.

"Hmm, what about Tarro?" Bulma asked.

"What? Who is Tarro? Hmm, actually now that you mention it I do remember some called that, is he here on Earth?" Raditz asked, happy at the chance of getting another Saiyan to help.

"Tarro isn't here right now but he will be soon, so I suggest you leave before he kicks your ass!" Bulma shouted.

"Hmm, too bad he isn't here now. Oh, and I've been wondering who that boy is behind you girl. He's your son isn't he, Kakarot, that tail and those looks are a dead giveaway," Raditz said while grinning.

"So what if he is?!" Goku shouted at Raditz.

"Well since you, his father, won't listen, I suppose I'll have to take him!" Said Raditz and started walking towards Goku.

Then Goku got into a stance and looked angrily at Raditz who said, "You should come with us brother I see the fire in your eyes, you love to fight," which stunned Goku for a second before he got back into his stance.

Raditz then kneed Goku and sent him flying back before anyone could do anything. Then Gohan ran over to him, worried, but Raditz grabbed him before he could get to Goku.

"Hey!" Gohan shouted and started crying. And then while Goku was still lying in pain on the ground Raditz said, "Like I said I'm taking your son, and if you wish to ever see him again I suggest you listen closely. By tomorrow you need to have killed at least 100 of these Earthlings and bring their bodies here so I can check, as to prove to us that you will join us. You heard me right, I'll be looking forward to tomorrow, oh and since this is my nephew I really don't want to have to kill him."


"It really doesn't matter either way since after our current job I've decided to take over this planet," Raditz said surprising everyone.

"What?!" Everyone was even more shocked and scared.

"Even without Kakarot, three Saiyans would be able to conquer this planet in our sleep," Raditz said pridefully.

Then Raditz said after Goku asked him to return Gohan, "Please brother have some pride," and kicked his hand away.


After Raditz then flew away with Gohan Krillin, Bulma and Master Roshi rushed forward to help Goku.

"D-Damn it!" Goku said slamming his fists down.

"We're sorry, there was nothing we could do," Master Roshi said sadly.

Goku then shouted, "Flying Nimbus!" but the others pulled him back down.

Krillin grabbed Goku by the shirt angrily and said, "Do you think you are in any condition to fight, you idiot!"

"Damn! What should I do?" Goku asked.

"Let's think of some ideas since, since he is much stronger than you we will have to outsmart him," Master Roshi said.

"What about Tarro shouldn't he be able to beat this guy up?" Krillin asked.

"No, he said to me not to interrupt his training no matter what, since it is dangerous and might kill him if we do," Bulma said.

"Damn, that rules out our best chance of beating him, so what else can we do?" Krillin asked.


After discussing ways to beat Raditz without the help of Tarro, that the same as in the original story, they saw Raditz stop moving on the Dragon Ball radar.

"Nice, we may just have a chance of winning this thing with the stuff we've come up with!" Said Krillin and the others agreed with him.

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"You stand no chance against him," Suddenly Piccolo appeared behind the group.

"Piccolo!!!" They all shouted and Goku asked, "What are you doing here?"

"He thought I was you when he tracked my power level with that thing on his face," Said Piccolo.

"Hmm, oh yeah, do you mean like the thing Tarro made that scans your power and turns it into a number?" Bulma asked.

"Yeah anyway, the three of you don't stand any hope against him. Place your hopes in me and Goku! He is an opponent that neither you or I can stand up to, however, if we work together then there is a slight possibility that we can beat him," Piccolo said.

"Hmm, I guess your right, but what's in it for you?" Goku asked.

"Don't get me wrong it's just that he stands in my way of killing you, oh and while Tarro is training if any of his friends or family die he might blame me, and trust me, you do not want to get on his bad side. Anyway, it's not like I'm trying to become best friends with you and after all of this I'll defeat you and Tarro then take over the world," Piccolo explained.

"I won't let you do that but I agree with you that we might stand a chance if we team up. And like you said, after all of this we can still fight," Goku said.

"Glad we're on the same page, and if you can put up with me I suppose that I can put up with you, no matter how much it makes me want to puke," Piccolo said back.

Then Goku took the Dragon Radar and sped off towards Raditz on his Flying Nimbus with Piccolo right behind him and slowly following them Krillin, Bulma and Master Roshi.


"Well well well look who decided to drop in and I see you've found a common cause," Raditz said as Goku and Piccolo landed in front of him. "And how did you find me?"

"That doesn't matter," Goku said.

"Fine then, another question. Why have you come here this early, I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow?" Raditz asked.

"That's obvious ain't it?! I've come to take back my son, now where is he!" Goku said angrily.

"You are testing my patience Kakarot, I've been more than generous with you, now for the last time I strongly recommend that you join us!" Raditz said, starting to get angry as well.

"I don't care what you say the answer is still no, I'll never join a band of evil pirates like you!" Goku shouted.

"Come on Kakarot, just listen to your big brother," Raditz said.

"As far as I'm concerned the only person I consider my elder brother is Tarro," Goku said back.

"Hmm, how disappointing, I didn't come here to kill you, Kakarot, but you leave me no choice. And here I thought you would have found the life of a Saiyan quite enjoyable," Raditz said and took a bite of the fruit he had been holding.

"Alright, I've heard enough talk, you know why we're here, so let's get on with it," Piccolo said and took off his weighted clothes.

"Wow Piccolo, I didn't know you wore weighted clothes too," Goku said, surprised.

"What, you thought you were the only one?" Piccolo said. He then said, "Hehe, I feel much lighter now," while stretching his neck.

*Beep Beep* 'Hmmm, his power level has gone up to 807,' Raditz thought.

Then Goku took off his weighted clothes as well and his power level also increased, to 813.

"Wahahaha, fools, do you really think that taking off some weights will change the outcome of this battle! I am still multiple times stronger than you!" Raditz said, laughing.

"That may be true, but strength isn't everything, not when you can outsmart your opponent!" Goku said.

"Hehehe, you know what, now I think that I don't want our group anyway. YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO ALL SAIYANS NOW PREPARE TO DIE!!!" Raditz shouted as Goku and Piccolo got into stances.

He then charged forward, but before they could react he got behind them and hit them in their backs with his elbows and sent them flying.

Goku and Piccolo then flipped and landed back on their feet.

'He... He's fast, I've never seen anyone move like that!' Goku thought.

Piccolo thought, 'It's like he disappeared, I couldn't follow his movements at all! One second he was in front of us and the next he was...'

"Hehehe, good looks like two can take a punch, this might be a bit enjoyable after all," Raditz said. "Now, let's see how much beating you can take!"

'Ugh, I knew he was strong, but for his power to be this much higher...' Piccolo thought.

'Damn, we have to find a way to grab his tail, or we stand no chance,' Goku thought.

"Hehe, if you think I'm strong now wait until I really get into it, I've barely gotten started," Raditz said.

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