Chapter 44: Guardian.

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Editor: EndlessSkyRain

I went down the mountain as soon as I finished breakfast.

However, I decided to take what I did in my home as I was going down the mountain to the Adventurer’s Guild (branch).

We went down the road but we didn’t see anyone.

When I went to cut wood in the mountains, it was usually after nine o’clock, and now we were getting ready to go out. The old men and women were probably cleaning up and preparing for their domestic chores since breakfast was over.

The same goes for the kids. Unless they were apprentice adventurers, they would be either settling in at home or helping out.

By the time I arrived at the village, the market was over and people were out working in the fields, so it was normal to not see anyone in the village. But today, it looked like it was bustling with activity.

A small troop of merchants (five cars) and a party of escort adventurers (four) were in front of the inn and in the square by the side.

“How unusual.”

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The route that ran through our village (street road) was steep but relatively safe, and it was a venerable street that led to the royal capital and then to the neighboring Zanbalea Empire.

That was why it was not uncommon for caravans to pass through, but it was usually a large caravan of coalitions and not the route leading to the village. They followed a route outside the village and camped in the square.


Well, there were some small caravans, but they still camped in the square and did not come to the village. If they do come, it was only to report to the guild (branch) or to get food for the adventurers.

We walked past the merchants and adventurers and parked our carts in the square next to the Adventurer’s Guild (branch).

The others were gone for the day.

Well, they must be tired after making a lot of money from the request to bring food to the Kaichou and the others (in the rear carriage I made for them). It was an adventurer’s job to take a break. It was important to keep a good balance between the two.

“Hello, old man!”

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“Of course, he’s out there, you little fucker!”

The group of about thirty were in good spirits today.

“It’s good to see you’re free again.”

The fact that the group who could cut their own teeth were in good health was proof of peace. It was a really good barometer.

“It’s not that way, is it?”

It seemed that the little sister’s tone was a little dark. What’s going on?

“The goblins, you know, they’re out in force. There were a lot of vans out on Mount Asarani today.”


Mount Asarani was on the side of the King’s capital – the mountain between it and the next village, which was thirteen kilometers away from here.

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“So, the merchant in front of the inn was related to that?”

“I’m not sure yet, but there have been widespread reports of goblin sightings, and the merchant who came yesterday was attacked by a pack of goblins.”

The flock, I guess.

What kind of goblin breeds best?

They could also mate and produce offspring with other species (females).

When it came to swarms, there was a high percentage of villages being attacked, but goblins had females, and as long as there were females, they wouldn’t attack other species (females). I had never heard of an attack on a nearby village (though it’s at least 30 kilometers away), according to the peddler, An-chan.

“Do you think there’s a lot of damage?”

“No, there’s not much damage compared to the sightings, and apparently, there’s enough of a herd to cause no damage if you’ve hired an escort.”

Well, if you were a reasonable adventurer, you could win even with your bare hands, because goblins were the only thing that you could beat with your bare hands. A group of less than ten of them would take less than five minutes to exterminate.

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”Well, the guild must be worried about it, but if it’s not like we’re being obeyed by the Goblin King or the Orc King, then it’s a relief for those of us entering the mountain.”

“It’s just you. Everyone else is scared to death.”


“Well, I have magic. If it’s not a herd, I can handle it.”

I had been called a child prodigy, but some people called me a sorcerer or a wisecracker.

And some (the people in front of me) called me their guardian.

“Just be careful.”

I just gave him a blank look at his words.

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