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Shen Yue cannot help to stare at Nie Li and Xiao Ning'er. Xiao Ning'er was Shen Fei fiance. And Shen Fei was his brother.

What medicine Nie Li give to make ice goddess to melt?

Of course, it was just third rate actor ramble. Not worth mentioning. Nie Li just smiled at her and picked a dish at random. His two days life here didn't provide him good time to try delicious dish. He still blind about this world taste.

And another boring school life continued.


Maybe because of that accident, Shen Xiu didn't find trouble with him anymore. He safely arrived at institute library and resume his job as librarian clerk. He looked for Ye Ziyun, but she didn't appear. Maybe she didn't believe him at all. From start, it was truly unbelievable. Even himself cannot help to wonder. His acting skill was truly superb. Nie Li just hoped that Ye Ziyun didn't tell her overprotective father.

Imagined Ye Zong brutally smacked him to the wall really made Nie Li felt goosebumps.

As long as his can leave deep impression inside her heart, that was enough. He still has long way to go, three years before beast horde calamity. And Ye Ziyun was important part of history.

Maybe, if he meet her again, he can tell her about his unique constitution body. With that, she can improve her cultivation and topple her brother domination. His brother was tumor and very serious variable at Glory City. If he really allied with Sacred Family, then Glory City 60% doomed.

But, somewhat his job as library clerk was boring. If Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun was here. It would be perfect. Alas, it's just wishful thinking. But what should he do? Sacred Family must be contacting Dark Guild to eliminate him. This institute protection truly cannot guarantee his safety 100%.

"Wait!! why I cannot think this simple mean?!!"

"Why I still thinking like native?!!! I'm modern person!!"

Right! He was a soldier before, so he very experienced on army. Why not created an army-like group to defend this city? And it would draw City Lord attention.

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He immediately created a concept about proper army.

What the proper army need was discipline, command chain, and collective power. But, the collective part will be serious affected because the power system in this world.

Oh right! Why not start to fighter combatant?

Then he wrote it.

[To City Lord.

My name was Nie Li from Heavenly Mark Family.

My purpose write this letter was to provide my suggestion for Glory City improvement.

I think Glory City need an army that not affiliated with other family. This army will be used to defend Glory City from beast horde and do scouting on the wilderness.

For what the army is, please read my attachment letter.]

Then Nie Li wrote detail about army. How army work, how army obey higher personnel command, and how to train them in brief.

Then he sent the letter to the city lord mansion. As for now, he can only wait city lord reply.

At nighttime, he went to the training ground to meet Xiao Ning'er. This was the day he promised her to cure her illness.

Arrived at destination, he met beautiful and sexy Xiao Ning'er. Right, she was very sexy right now. Her outfit completely reveal her body curve. Nie Li complete stunned.

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Ning'er smiled after look at stunned Nie Li. It seemed her charm really high enough. Nie Li cannot help depressed after looking at Xiao Ning'er bright smile.

"You sure brave enough to wear that outfit. If my mind not strong enough, I will really mad and violate you." Nie Li said that while gulping his saliva.

Hearing that, Xiao Ning'er immediately blushed. Her crimson face even made her charm more fatal. Nie Li can only murmured his previous religion doctrine. At least, he can prevent himself became pedophile.

Then after his heartbeat calmed down, Nie Li told her to open her upper garment.

She nodded and slowly open her upper garment. The flawless skin that slowly revealed really made Nie Li blood boiling once again. And what with speed? Was she intentionally seduce him?

When her pink bra revealed completely and she posed like soap model, Nie Li cannot help to nosebleed.

His mind was between sane and insane. How could ice cold goddess like became so open?!!

"What meaning of this?" Nie Li said that after barely regain his sane mind.

"Hm? I'm your maidservant, right? From now, I'm your property." She said that and then smiled slyly. She really satisfied with Nie Li expression.

"Ugh!! I don't care anymore! A kiss won't make you pregnant." After said that, he flashed to her and grabbed her shoulder. Then without waiting Xiao Ning'er reply, he kiss her deeply.

At first, she struggled. But after tasted weird flavor, she stopped struggling and let him did as his please. Soon, Nie Li invaded her mouth with his tongue and then their tongue intertwined, and their arms started to huge each other body.

After some moments, their mouth parted. Xiao Ning'er immediately lower her head because of embarrassed. As for Nie Li, he still savoring the kiss aftertaste. In his whole life, Xiao Ning'er was the most beautiful girl he ever kiss. In the previous life, he can only has prostitute to relief his natural need. And the current situation really made him didn't know how to react.

"Nie Li… Nie Li… Nie Li!" Xiao Ning'er shouted after she didn't get any respond from him. Although she knew her charm really made him dazed, they still had some important business to do.

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Nie Li just scratched his hair and awkwardly started the treatment. He also gave her Lightning Phoenix cultivation manual to increase her cultivation speed. Although the manual was not the most suitable, it was still overpowered the most cultivation manual available in the Glory City.

"Can you tell me why?" Nie Li suddenly asked. He looked at her with questionable expression. From the start, he just gave her medicine recipe. But Xiao Ning'er suddenly fallen for him. As seasoned soldier, Nie Li still confused with this rapid development.

Xiao Ning'er smiled beautifully and then said, "When you first time send me the letter, I'm very frustrated yet curious about how you know my secret. When you examined my body, my anger was soared to the sky. But when behaved like proper doctor, I cannot help to happy. At least you are proper man."

"When I'm lying on the bed, I cannot help to remember your dirty word you spoke. Then I realized that you are genuinely want to help me out. Of course, it didn't make me instantly fall in love. 3 night, I have very similar dream every night. And you like a hero come to me and lift me up from the land of despair. Then I cannot help to fall in love with you." Ning'er explained more.

Nie Li just nodded with blank expression. Indeed, the mighty entity who transferred him here seemed want to help him.

Of course, before went home back, they start another round of kissing.


As author didn't like to add filler, let's jump to another day.

Three days later, he successfully entered Bronze-rank fighter. As army, he still put importance about physical fitness. Everyday he would do standard military morning exercise and every three day, he will train his endurance. Even this city seemed safe, everything can change just with butterfly flap.

And why he still do this military exercise? He believe that strong soul needed strong body to contain it. And every rank up, he needed to keep his body fitness to match his cultivation.

When he in the class hearing Shen Xiu ramble, vice headmaster institute, Ye Sheng came and notify Nie Li to meet city lord after class ended.

Once again, the classmate has another gossip material. Although it was irritated him, nothing he can do, right?

Okay, until the class ended, nothing extraordinary happen. Just Shen Xiu with her sullen face entered Nie Li eyes.

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In front of City Lord Mansion, some guard stopped him.

"Halt! State your name and your purpose!"

"My name is Nie Li and city lord ask me to meet him." Nie Li answered.

"Good, please follow me." the guard led him to the city lord mansion hall. They didn't bother to examine his identity, it seemed the city lord has already told the guard about Nie Li visit.

Entering the hall, Ye Zong sternly stared at Nie Li. After the guard excused himself, Ye Zong opened his mouth,

"This letter written by you, right?"

Nie Li briefly read the content and confirmed it, "Right, that letter was sent by me."

"I very appreciate your idea, but building army is really troublesome. From budged to the man power, you need further planning. Okay, let's say that this plan was feasible. Then, explain to me your plan in detail." Yue Zong cannot help to soften his temper with child appearance of Nie Li.

Nie Li nodded and explained, "Army is collective manpower to do something big. In Glory City case, the army was mixed between city guard and noble family private troops. If City Lord ponder a little, if one of this family decide to revolt, can Glory City sustain the damage? So, what Glory City need right now is independent army. Of course, the commander was under City Lord command to take the army under control."

"Well, but what about collective power? How could the army achieve that?" Yue Zong asked back.

"It was very simple. Just train them with good training formula. What we need was fighter. Just make it pure of commoner. With little benefit, you can gain their loyalty. Of course, if city lord want to create demon spiritualist army, I suggest to make them with similar element. The power of two fireball was not as simple as one plus one equivalent two. City Lord understand, right?" Nie Li explained the military army concept to Yue Zong.

"Heh… Kid, your idea is very good, actually. But you still forget about army budget." Ye Zong still not convinced yet.

"Owh… It is very easy. I can supply the half of military training expense. But I want honorary vice commander position and I want personally train the cadet. How?" Nie Li asked back.

"You… You want to suply half military expense? What nonsense you talk about?" Ye Zong asked and then he laughed coldly.

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