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Currently, Nie Li sat down between Xiao Ning'er and Yang Xin. Ye Ziyun sat in front of the three. Her cold gaze was directed to Yang Xin. She didn't know how to react with this current situation. She thought she will share Nie Li with Xiao Ning'er only. But the current situation really eye opener to her.

The cold beauty, Xiao Ning'er became his maidservant. And the dignified Director Yang Xin also Nie Li woman. How could he so swift when dealing with beautiful woman?

Inside private room restaurant, Ye Ziyun silently sifted her gaze toward Nie Li.

Nie Li can only scratched his hair and smiled sheepishly. Beside that, what can he do? He was the main criminal after all.

"Director Yang Xin, are you get flickered by Nie Li too?" Ye Ziyun asked Yang Xin. Ye Ziyun began to suspect Nie Li claim as her previous life husband.

"Ara? He didn't trick me before. Little guy even help me greatly." Yang Xin answered nonchalantly. And that was the fact. She dug her own pit by herself. To show her affection, she held Nie Li right hand and pressed on her voluptuous white rabbit.

"Huh?! Are you sure?! Nie Li mouth is very sweat and venomous! He even dare to… dare to..." She blushed after remember her conclusion about Nie Li bizarre information. After found out about Xiao Ning'er and Yang Xin were his woman, Ye Ziyun thought that he peeped inside City Lord mansion.

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Nie Li tilted his head. He really didn't understand what Ye Ziyun said. What he dare?

"Master, what did you do Ye Ziyun?" Xiao Ning'er who silently watched drama suddenly asked. With Nie Li knowledge, she sure that Nie Li was capable enough to court Ye Ziyun in the future. And Nie Li was very proper man. He didn't take advantage from her in the first place.

Cold sweat dropped from Nie Li face. How can he explain that situation? He use his brain with full deployment. But he still didn't find any solution for this case.

Finally he let out sigh. He admitted defeat in this matter. He smiled weakly at Ye Ziyun and the other girls. (Yang Xin also still virgin, guys.)

"Actually, I'm reincarnated from the past life. To protect humanity from extinction, I reached cultivation rank that even Ye Mo just little insect in my eyes. When I get reincarnated from hell, the void water cannot erase my memories completely."

"And the only memory I get is about my wife, Ye Ziyun. If not because beast horde three years from now, I didn't even dare to imagine Ye Ziyun as my wife."

Nie Li explained just one part of original plot of TDG before mighty Nie Li reincarnated. He cannot think another story that fit this situation.

"So, when I reincarnated, I just remember about Ye Ziyun. Even I didn't remember about my parents."

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"From my past memory that very vague, Xiao Ning'er decided to flee from Glory City and entered black forest. As for Yang Xin, she used her body to shield one civilian from beast attack."

"From the start, I want use my abilities to make Ye Ziyun and Ning'er as my companion. I can nurture two of you and help me defend Glory City. Alas, without knowing, Yang Xin intruded to my current life and declared that she was my woman too."


After he explained his so-called past life experience, Ye Ziyun and the others let him out.

Yang Xin immediately dragged him to the Alchemist Association. Based on Nie Li explanation, Nie Li also had another elixir receipts that very valuable. Of course, this was Yang Xin original intention. Inside her room, Yang Xin nonchalantly open her robe and reveal her voluptuous body.

"Darling, let's continue our halted business before." She brazenly slightly open inner garment and reveal her voluptuous white rabbit. Then she sat on her chair.

(White rabbit was another name… err beautified name for white and voluptuous boobs, guys. Similar to white tiger, that has meaning of pussy without hair.)

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Nie Li obviously cannot let her tempted him and played as her heart content. He immediately walked to her front and grabbed her voluptuous white rabbit. He smirked and kissed her lips.

His dishonest hands immediately slipped to her bare white rabbit and use his technique to make her lost her self control.

Although Yang Xin already made preparation to handle this little guy, she unfortunately forgot about his heavenly message. Just a few minutes, her pussy already drenched with her lubricant.

Parted with her seductive lips, Nie Li immediately caressed her pussy region and made her mind became blank. Not same as before, Yang Xin currently was only thought about lust and satisfied her needs.

With her superior strength, Yang Xin pushed Nie Li on the floor. Yang Xin opened her remaining garments and then opened Nie Li trouser. Because of her superior strength, Nie Li can only do as she like.

Maybe, this world didn't have any hand job and blow job. So, Yang Xin immediately positioning above Nie Li. With her spread legs, Yang Xin hold Nie Li erected dick and using her weight, she let Nie Li dick entered her hole.

"It's hurt! Nie Li, from now on, I'm officially your woman. Please take care of me." Yang Xin said while she wiped her tears from her eyes corner. As strong demon spiritualist, Yang Xin can immediately adapted with the pain and started to pump the dick inside her pussy. Her lubricant helper a lot.

Nie Li can only nodded and enjoy her hole. As a men, how could he admit defeat to woman. He immediately moved his hip and matched with her hip rhythm.

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Soon, the heavenly voice was reverberated inside… her room.


Currently, Yang Xin sleep soundly on the Nie Li top. Nie Li cannot help to let out faint sigh. Before he transferred, he didn't taste any prostitute almost in a years.

Just with Yang Xin voluptuous body, he cannot hold his lust. Thankfully, he usually train his body. So, came out three or four times was normal for him. As for why Yang Xin slept soundly, it was because overwhelming pleasure that Nie Li gave her made her crazy. She pumped madly and finally fell after over exhausted.

But Nie Li didn't regret it. At least, he love frank and upright woman. Pure maiden and prostitute were same for Nie Li. They were woman, and they needed man's love. He even met a very cute and young prostitute. Maybe she just at puberty age. And you know what reason she became prostitute? To gather money for her mother illness. When Nie Li asked about became someone mistress, she answered, "I don't want to be husband robber. Although my money still stained, I still have my dignity as woman."

After that Nie Li became her regular customer.

Back to main story line. Because the plan already deviated like this, Nie Li decided to train Yang Xin too. At least, her age didn't surpass 25 years old.

After got the main plan for Yang Xin, then he enjoy Yang Xin body again and pinched her butt. Even after taste her body, Nie Li still cannot help to addicted to her elastic skin, especially her boobs and her butt.

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