We arrived at the royal capital safely.

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The buildings were lined up in an orderly fashion, and the exterior was beautifully maintained.


I looked around the city from the carriage with a sense of excitement as if I were on a trip.


The streets lined with brick buildings were reminiscent of old European towns.


I gazed out the window, and before I knew it, I was near the school.


Many people came by carriage, so many carriages were waiting for their turn in front of the gate.


The carriage I was riding in was also lined up in the last row, waiting for its turn.


As I waited for a while, I heard a voice shouting from behind me, “Why are you making us wait so long? Hurry up! I’m a member of a Marquis family!”


A guy like me, Owen from the past, is screaming at us.


The boy is probably talking to all the carriages in front of him.


“Hey! Are you listening to me? Hurry up and let me through!”


It’s noisy like when you’re in a traffic jam and the car behind you is abusing the horn.


Nothing good can come from associating with people like that.


In my previous life, I heard a lot of news about people who got into trouble for aggressive driving.


If you try to warn them, you’re bound to get cussed out.


It’s best to keep quiet.


I thought to myself.


“Your title doesn’t matter here. I think it would be better to keep quiet,” some girl warned the screaming boy.

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“Ah!? Who the hell are you?”


I was curious to see who was brave enough to say something, I took a peek, and saw a girl standing there dressed in a pure white outfit.


Her silvery hair gave her an air of being out of this world.


“I am Farren Antonelli.”


“Antonelli? I don’t know that name. What noble family are you from?”


“I’m not a nobleman.”


“You’re not a nobleman and you want to fight me, the Marquis’ son?”


“As I said before, status is irrelevant in this school. Competence is everything.”


“You’re so annoying! Competence is everything? If that’s the case, I’ll show you what I can do!”


Saying so, the boy turned the palm of his right hand to Farren and entered the attack posture.


This guy is going to unleash his magic here?


I’m sure that’s a bad idea.


I was going to stay on the sidelines, but I moved the magic power to my right hand so that I could release it immediately.


“What are you trying to do?”


“What? It’s obvious. I’m saying I’m going to show you what I can do with magic! Flame Bomb!”


The magic from the boy’s hand flies straight to the girl.



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I fired off a spell to cancel out the flame bomb the boy had released.


The fireball and the flame bomb collided in front of Farren’s eyes and disappeared.


Then I got off the carriage and called out to Farren, “Are you okay?”


“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you.”


She had a very good-looking face.


Her skin was white as if the pigment had been removed, and her eyes were black and piercing.


A silver bracelet was visible on her arm.


“Who are you?”


I was so fascinated by Farren that I momentarily forgot about the boy’s existence.


Well, it’s only natural that I would be more interested in a beautiful girl than a bastard.


Reluctantly, I turned to him and answered his question, “I’m Owen Pepper.”


“Ah, the failing Pepper family. You’ve got some nerve sticking your neck out for me.”


I don’t know who you are, and I’m not shielding you.


I’m just trying to stop you from doing something dangerous.


“You shouldn’t play with fire.”


“You think my flame bombs are… playing with fire?”


“If it’s not playing with fire, then what is it? And are you really trying to hurt her? “


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“I don’t give a shit what happens to commoners!”


“I don’t care if they’re commoners or nobles. We’re going to study together at this school.”


“Studying together? That’s ridiculous. I feel nauseous just breathing the same air as the commoners!”


And that’s when.


“You guys! What are you doing there!”


A tall woman approached us as if she had noticed the noise.


“Who the hell are you?…a three-star? Why are you here?”


Three stars? Like the boy, I looked at the woman in astonishment.


On the woman’s chest was a badge with three stars engraved on it.


The three stars are the highest rank of wizards, and a sign of the nation’s highest level of wizardry, of which there are currently only a few in this country.


“Why, you ask? I’m going to be a teacher at Sanzar Academy. But that’s not the point, you guys. Don’t make too much noise. It’s annoying.”


“Hmph!” the boy snorted.


In response, Farren and I apologized obediently.


“Don’t make a scene before you enter the school.”


The teacher glared lightly at the boy.


“Yes, yes, I understand,” the boy gave an absent-minded reply and turned away.


■ ■ ■


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After that, I was able to enter the school without any particular problems.


The inside of the school was huge.


It’s a small town in itself.


There are not only school buildings and dormitories, but it’s also a commercial area, so simple shopping can be done only in the school.


Sanzar Academy is split into elementary school, middle school, and high school.


Students can stay at the school for a maximum of eight years: three years at the elementary school, three years at the middle school, and two years at the high school.


By the time I graduate from high school, I’ll be an adult.


I walked to the dormitory.


The room I will be living in from today on was a single room of about 10 tatami mats.


From a nobleman’s point of view, it seemed small, but I had lived in a room of this size in a previous life.


If you ask the school to change the size of the room, they will, but this size is no problem.


If you are worried about living alone, you can ask to share a room with a senior student or bring a servant from your parents’ house.


Of course, I’ll be fine on my own.


“So school life starts today. “


I thought I would never be a student again.


As an adult, I have often felt that those days were better.


I can be a student again.


I was excited about my future life.

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