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"Its true, Andria is no liar!" Andria pouted when she saw the Nanny's incredulous look. "She shot a red... Thingy out of her tail!"

Nanny Drew looked up to the kitten's tail with doubt before her eyes widened upon the sight of that crimson bangle.

"Is that what I think it is?!" Nanny Drew drew in a deep breath and trailed her fingers across the bangle, inspecting it. "It seems to be so..."

"See, Andria told the truth, and nothing but it, humph!" Andria harrumphed, looking rather cute more than anything.

"Okay, okay, little An, Nanny believes you now." Nanny Drew stroked the girl's blond hair lovingly as she looked at the kitten with a profound look. 'Still... Its pretty hard to believe that this unassuming kitten may be a Magical Beast... Maybe Master will now.'

In face of all this, the little kitten yawned. 'So much action so early in the morning, ah.'

"Alright, Young Master, shall we get you back to your daddy?" Nanny Drew smiled brightly as she rose with Andria in her hands, who all the while continued to hold the kitten to her bosom. 'We need to get people to investigate this matter of the Young Master's attacker... But I don't want the innocent Young Master here around bodies for too long, better to head off first.'

"Yay, Andria missed Daddy." Andria cheered happily as she smothered the kitten in a tight embrace.

'Gah, your killing me!' The little kitten hissed.

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Nearing the peak of the hill that made up Skyview city, in the cities central region, also known as the Magician's District. Between streets packed with shops and businesses, is an open area where people could sit and rest or simply pass through without the worry of being crammed in between narrow roads. In the center of this open area is a large fountain with a splendid statue standing tall, gaining the admiring glances of the passerby's who looked upon it.

This statue was of a marvelous figure, one of the Four Holy Magician's. The Holy Magician known as the Reversing Clouds Magician, who famously held the innately aligned Holy Element of Time. Using his Time element, the Reversing Clouds Magician famously found many hidden locations through Heavenly Claw World, with the Skyview Cities' Caves of the Mother being only one of them.

Beside this fountain, multiple people dressed in light armour were busying about, running to and fro with anxious expressions. At the center of them all, a black haired middle-aged man seemed to be the leader of this group of soldier's. It was Alexander Wilderwolf, father of Jonathan and Andria respectively.

Alexander's hands were clamped together as multiple emotions seemed to flash through his usually cold looking eyes. Among these varied emotions, a deep feeling of worry and guilt was most prominent. Holding back his chaotic emotions, Alexander held his brow and let out a long sigh.

It was at this moment that one of the soldier's, baring a wolf crest on his armour ran up to him, a smile on his face. Seeing the excited emotions of this soldier, Alexander immediately relaxed a little.

"What's the report?" Alexander asked.

"Alexandria's nanny, Nanny Drew has reported via a Calling Stone that she has found the Young Miss. She's heading in our direction now!" The soldier's happily reported, an honest relieved sigh escaping his lips afterwords.

"Good, good!" Alexander let out a relieved sigh as well.

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Elsewhere in Skyview City, in the Golden Cloud Inn.

Walking down the wooden steps and descending to the ground floor of the inn, Jonathan suppressed a yawn while doing so.

'Finally, my soul has been stabilized!' Jonathan couldn't help the smile forming on his lips. He had finally stabilized his soul after a full nights worth of meditation. This caused him to lose sleep, but being a Magician of the Spirit Rank, he could stay awake for a full week without issue. His yawning was just a natural instinct.

Reaching the ground floor, Jonathan was welcomed by three of the Wilderwolf soldier's sitting at one of the tables, enjoying a morning meal.

"Good morning, Young Master!" The three smiled as they greeted him.

"Good morning. Has Uncle left already?" Jonathan asked. "And the kitten for that matter too."

"Ah, Master Kil has left to do some business, but I don't know anything about our cute companion." One of the soldier's shook his head apologetically before looking at the other two.

"I've not seen her either." The second and third soldier shook their heads helplessly as well.

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"Oh well, I'm sure she's ju-" It was at this moment he suddenly felt a strange sensation invade his mind, sounding like a mumbled voice. It sounded frantic and the faint sound of bells could also be heard. 'Its the little lass' collar, the 'Calling Bell'!'

Seeing the change in their master's expression, the three soldier's turned vigilant as one of them asked. "What's happened Young Master?"

"Follow me!" Jonathan ordered before bolting through the inn doors and into the greater city beyond.

With hands on the grip of their swords, the three soldier's leaped after him, not daring to lose step.


In a matter of 15 minutes, Jonathan and the three soldier's had reached the location where the 'Calling Bell' was activated. They found themselves in an open area with a fountain at its center, a beautiful statue at in it of the familiar historical figure, the Reversing Clouds Magician.

Beside the fountain, a group of soldiers had congregated and Jonathan and the three soldier's were shocked, recognizing their armour as the Wilderwolf families personal soldier's outfit.

Jonathan ran in-between these soldier's, who reacted with shock at his appearance, but Jonathan ignored this as he reached the center of this gathering, where he shockingly found three familiar figures. His father, sister and the little kitten.

Alexander was currently shielding his eyes with the palm of his hands as he shook his head, looking rather helpless as he looked upon the scene of his daughter trying to contain the kitten in her hands as it attempted to flee with all her strength.

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"Meoow!" The little kitten cried out. 'I'm not leaving with you! Where is that damn Jonathan, hurry up already or this poor kitten will be catnapped!'

"Stop it, Little Fang! Don't you want to live with Andria?" Andria seemed on the verge of tears as she finally let go of the silver kitten in her hands. Tears running down her chubby cheeks. Andria hugged her knees and cried pitifully. Alexander was about to comfort her when he saw the kitten who looked to be about to run off suddenly stop.

Hearing the crying behind her, the little kitten felt guilt wash over her when faced with Andria's breakdown. Unable to hold herself back, the little kitten ran back up to her side and began to lick the young girl's hands to comfort the crying girl.

It was at this time, the soldier's around them suddenly got noisy as they all spoke out harmoniously with the same words. "Your loyal servant's greet the Young Master."

Alexander's helpless expression suddenly stilled and as he looked up, he was shocked to find his oldest son standing across from him, who also seemed to have a look of shock on his face as well.

Andria's ears perked up as well before she also looked up to find the familiar countenance in front of her. Instantly, her tear filled face lit up into extreme excitement as she leaped to her feet hastily and ran into her beloved brother's arms, tears flowing down her eyes, this time of happiness.

"BIG BROTHER!!" Andria cried in Jonathan's arms, who petted her blond hair lovingly as his shocked face warmed into a large smile. "Andria has missed brother so much!"

"It truly is a wondrous coincidence, fate seems to truly pull the two of you together." Jonathan's eyes looked between her crying sister in his hands to the little kitten's, who seemed to be locked to the ground as she looked on with her mouth gaped open. His lips formed a wry smile as a small chuckle escapes them.

'S-she's Jonathan's little sister?!' The little kitten exclaimed, her eyes bulging. 'No wonder she's so magically adept, this family's a bunch of freaks!'

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