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The little kitten stirred awake to the sound of loud cheering around her and she looked down towards the arena below in a flurry, worried she might have slept through the match. Luckily, the arena, which was a ground level square ring was empty, only the host stood at the arena's side, speaking loudly into a square magical device that seemed to magnify his voice.

Noticing the movement in her hands, Andria looked down to see Lexa stirring awake, her greenish-red eyes opening hazily. "Oh, Andria forgot to wake you up!"

"5 second memory, noted." Lexa sighed it off and sat up on Andria's lap, her eyes watching over the arena with intrigue.

"Little Fang, you wouldn't believe, guess who is fighting in the first match!" Andria suddenly said, her lips forming a cute pout.

"?" Lexa tilted her head towards her questioningly.

But before Andria could continue, the audience's cheering suddenly grew in intensity and the two of them looked below to find that the two contestants had begun to walk out towards the arena simultaneously.

When Lexa saw him, much like Andria, her brows furrowed in displeasure and she instantly knew that this was the person who Andria was talking about.

"So its that brat, huh." Lexa sneered.

"Yeah, he's the one I was talking about!" Andria stuck out her tongue in distaste. "I hope that big sister beats him up good!"

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"Hehe, I'm liking your style more and more." Lexa chuckled.


The two opponents stood at either side of the square arena, flexing their lithe and muscular bodies.

On one side, Chris Fawhawk wore nothing but brown and gold shorts, showing off his youthful body which showed off the beginnings of growing muscular. One of his bare feet tapped on the softened floor, seemingly impatient as his sharp eyes stared daggers at his opponent. He gave off the appearance off a strong and threatening appearance, especially those eyes that looked at one with a look of deep contempt.

Across from him stood a young girl wearing a brown and gold close fitting crop top and shorts, revealing her fair skin, which held a hint of muscle in them. Her black hair was tidied up into a neat bun and her eyes looked on with a determined gleam.

"Beat him up!" Andria shouted cheerily, though it was drowned in the chaos of the audience.

"Achoo!" Chris suddenly sneezed. 'Did someone just talk about me?'

"Sandra Button, are you ready?!" The host's voice woke him up from his moment and he looked to see his opponent answer the host, and referee, with a determined nod as she assumed a martial stance.

Chris couldn't hold back the sneer forming his lips as a sinister chuckle leaked out unheard. When the host turned to him to ask the same, he simply nodded his head, his eyes holding a vicious gleam.

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'Oh Sandra, you stuck up wench. I can finally beat you up with no consequences!' Chris sneered internally. This b*itch had always tattled on him whenever she caught him doing anything remotely wrong. 'How dare a peasant loner like her tattle on me, its time to show her where she stands in this life!'

"Alright then, the match will begin when I say "go"." The Host held his right hand diagonally upwards, and his countenance turned serious as he began the count.





In parallel, the two opponents began to chant their respective spells, of which Chris' shot off first. Andria and Lexa recognized the spell as soon as it activated as it was the same one he had used this morning.

"Doesn't he have any other tricks." Andria snorted.

"Must be his fastest acting attack." Lexa informed.

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It wasn't only them who recognized that attack, as having seemingly predicted this action, the spell the female opponent was casting was a barrier spell that formed a wall of chaotic wind. When Chris' spell, the torrent of wind, touched this barrier, it seemed to be caught into its erratic and chaotic motion before being shot back out, in Chris' direction!

"What a great counterattack, how will Chris handle this!" The host sounded impressed as he and the audience looked eagerly at Chris to see how he would respond next.

"Don't get full of yourself!" Chris sneered as his feet moved swiftly, leaping clear of the torrent of wind, which dug into the ground before whisking into nothingness. Chris didn't rest there as he continued to charge at his opponent, his mouth chanting a spell in the meanwhile.

Holding the barrier still, Sandra still attempted to chant another spell.

"Casting two spells at once? That's quite the advanced play by Sandra Button!" The host exclaimed and the audience looked on in anticipation as the two opponent's drew closer together.

To everyone's surprise, Chris ran straight up to the wind barrier, his running speed not decreasing the slightest. His spell was cast just as he leaped forward into the barrier, the spell creating an azure barrier of his own around his whole body.

The chaotic winds battered his barrier, cracking and shattering it. But it wasn't fast enough to break through completely as Chris reached the other side, happily coming face to face with his shocked opponent.

Suddenly his two fists lit up in an azure glow before whisks of white smoke like aura shrouded them violently as they assumed a talon like form as they extended from his hands.

"Take the Farhawk families specialty, the Hawk Mimicry Arts!" Chris laughed as his form bared down on the unprepared girl. She had yet to finish her chant, so there was nothing to block his attack!

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One vicious punch followed by another struck the girl who could only hold her hands over her face in a desperate attempt to defend herself, an aura congregating around them to strengthen them. The first punch struck those arms, blowing that shallow defence apart instantly. The right hand which took the brunt of that punch was bruised blue. But it wasn't only bruised as it was also cut apart brutally by the windy talons, causing several shallow but numerous cuts that began to drip blood.

With her defence gone, the second punch threatened to strike her directly in her fair and young face. In this desperate moment, the girl pushed her body into overdrive and her body moved swiftly, leaning just in time to avoid the punch, though her cheek was scratched nastily as the talon shaped spell enveloping his fist grazed by.

Without delay, Sandra Button menauvered around Chris and leaped away from her dangerous predicament. Chris hadn't reacted as he looked on dumbly as his attack missed.

"B*tch!" Chris muttered cruelly under his breath. He turned around to find his opponent had sprinted to the opposite side of the arena, another barrier of wind raised as she recovers her breath. Seeing that they were not in close combat anymore, Chris chose to dissipate the talons spell as it would only be a waste of aura.


"He actually has some fighting sense, while reckless, his method of jumping through that barrier both got him in close combat with his opponent and caught her unprepared." Lexa was actually slightly impressed, emphasis on the slightly.

"Tch, he's just a strong-headed boy!" Andria spat, not willing to think that the brat had any positive qualities.

"He's also that." Lexa giggled.

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